
The Second Day (Part Two)

The Crown 

We pass the portal and take in our surroundings. This place is vastly different from the withering forest. I am highly doubtful that this is the human realm because the sun is shining so brightly over us that it is almost blinding. The forest is filled with lush greenery and the sweet smell of lively plants. I don't know how long it has been since I last set foot in the human realm. But now that I have, I realize just how much I have missed it. 

"What's with the sun?" Erick complains as he holds out his hand before him in a futile attempt to block out the bright sunlight, "Why is this so hot and so bright?" 

Right, I forgot that demons can't tolerate warmth and brightness. They are the wanderer of the dark. Even their blood is cold and the magic that course through their veins is dark as well. 

So this is the obstacle they planned for today, huh?