
The Crippled Boss Loves Me

The once rich girl Shen Hanxing lost her mother when she was born. She was then dumped overseas by her own father when she was little to her own devices. Nineteen years later, her father personally took her home from overseas, and the reason was to replace her younger sister to marry her fiancé Ji Yan, who had lost his legs’ senses after a car accident. Father: “Know your place. You’re already marrying above your station when you marry Ji Yan with your status.” Younger Sister: “Thank you for willing to sacrifice yourself for my love~” Shen Hanxing smiled faintly: “Agree to my two conditions, and I’ll gladly marry him.” Afterward, she stepped into the Ji family’s home with empty luggage. The man in the wheelchair angrily roared at her in the dark room. “Scram!” Shen Hanxing quickly switched on the light, pulled open the curtain, and extended his hand towards the man with the light behind her. “Hello. Let me introduce myself. I’m your wife, Shen Hanxing.” When he saw her the first time, he treated her coldly. And then, he treasured her. Ji Yan looked at this woman that suddenly barged into her life. She used her strength to tame his wild and brash younger brother. She patiently and compassionately healed his fearful and introverted younger sister. She used everything she had to slowly support this cold family… And then, Shen Hanxing fell into a trap. Before she drifted into darkness, she saw the man that was supposed to be in the wheelchair running towards her in anxiety. When she woke up again, the man pointed at the washing board, the keyboard, and the durian and asked, “Hanxing, which one do you want me to kneel on?”

Wuxia · Thành thị
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970 Chs

Going Abroad

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"This is what I should do as a teacher," The form teacher still said the same thing. She patted Ji Mo's back. "Even if you're not my student in the future, you have to study hard and not slack off, okay?"

"If you transfer, we won't be able to hang out," Liu Che was a little reluctant. "I think our high school is pretty good, although the form teacher is a little fierce..."

"Hey, think about who the reason is why Ji Mo wants to transfer!" Liu Che's mother reminded her son. She lifted her hand and slapped him on the head. "It's all your fault!"

"I..." Ji Mo opened his mouth. Actually, Ji Mo was not short. He was more than half a head taller than the form teacher. When he lowered his head, he could see the scattered white hair on the form teacher's head.

Ji Mo remained silent before he suddenly looked up at Shen Hanxing and said softly, "Sister-in-law, I don't want to transfer schools."

Everyone had surprised expressions on their faces.