
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Chapter 19: The golden mask of the recurrence (Part 1)

[In the holy ascension ceremony of Dharias, the king Leon Leynch, the actually vessel of Dharias's soul, has choose the new vessel for the antique olden warrior soul: Laurence Mercier.]

An explosion of gold light made the crowd's eyes closed. Everyone in the crowd being afflicted by a vision in their mind. A vision of a flying man in the heaven, with his arms opened at the scenery that he seeing. The vision of a man who is wearing a golden armor, while he handle a golden sword. His long brown hair covered his gaze, and the view that is possible to see is only his mouth. A smirk. A psychotic smirk showed his cruelty. Two colossal golden wings make the view of him majestic, supreme, victorious. A golden phoenix came from the golden heaven and descended under the man.

- "The ascension of the golden god has finished. The golden phoenix cries at the supreme star for his return. The golden weapons shines like never before, the supreme power fill them. The heaven has being colored like the eternal victory. The abyssal goddess aspected my return for a several decades, but now, the saint armor of Dharias has arrived" The man laughed insanely, his laugh played all over the kingdom.

He raised his golden sword to the heaven.

- "Everyone wants to rule a world that they can't rule. Everyone wants to handle a sword that they can't handle. Everyone wants to hear the truths that they can't hear. Which one is the bad one? The people or their desires?" He asked at the golden heaven above him.

His face rose to the sky, and his eyes began to shine in the golden light.

- "Aqualirisium, betrayal goddess, I'm returned" The blue color of his eyes shines through the light and became more clear.

His eyes looks like an abyss.

- "In order of the golden sword of Dharias, raise you and shine like the gold!" After indicated with the sword, the kingdom raised off the ground.

- "From this moment, everyone are under the command of the golden blessing. Everyone will live in the golden paradise" The Dharias's kingdom ascended in the golden heaven.

- "From the proudest soul of Dharias, I want to hear the holy trumpets for my return, I want to hear the people crying from the joy, I want to see the people bowed for my majesty and supremacy! For the unfaithful people who doesn't had faith in the ancient writings, they will be punish with the eternal punish of the death. For the unfaithful who doesn't had faith in my return, they will be exiled from Dharias for the rest of their miserable life and falling off the golden paradise!" His words resound in the kingdom.

Everyone opened their eyes, and found themselves in the kingdom's center.

Ken Quinzen slowly opened his eyes, and after that, his view focused on the holy cathedral.

The entire cathedral was tinted in the gold, and a colossal statue of Dharit was in front of it.

- "Laurence.." Ken muttered.

The kingdom has being raised to the heaven, the entire ground was with it.

- "We can't escape from here".

Ken got up from the floor and go to the golden gate of the castle.

The castle was different, more colossal and golden.

In the area of the gate there are no one, the people screams covered the entire kingdom.

- "I don't want to die!" – "I want to live with my family!" – "Forgive our sins!" Most of these sentences has being screamed by the people.

Ken knelt of the ground.

- "I'm asking at myself, what would have been your last wish, Laurence. Why you called me at the ceremony? Why?" Ken's head goes down.

- "End this world, Ken. Create a new one with your vision" The Laurence's voice sounded in Ken's head.

Ken's eyes shined.

- "Dharias is already in the chaos, Laurence do you understand!".

- "It's only my fault, the fault of be born in this world. Every king of Dharias, needs to be the vessel of Dharit's soul for not end his life. After being chosen as Dharit's vessel, the every life of the kings being diminished very much. They can lives for only thirty years, from the start of the transmigration".

- "And why?".

- "The golden god needs power to survive. The king Leon Leynch ended his time today".

- "Where are you, Laurence..?" Ken asked at the voice.

- "When Leon has trasmigrate the Dharias's soul to me, Dharit has come with his original form. The primordial form of the golden lord.

I can talk with you, because the moment before of the transmigration, I've launched at you a special sorcery".

- "A sorcery?".

- "Yes, actually I was a sorcerer in the Dharias kingdom. This powers are the misfortune of Dharias. I'm a descendant of Dharit bloodline. Every king are from the Dharit's bloodline".

- "That means.. That you should be the new king of Dharias?" Ken asked at the voice.

- "Yes, I should be the new king, but I don't want to become a monster".

- "I understand".

The people's screaming became more intensely.

Ken got up from the floor and looks at the golden castle.

- "I will create a new paradise, only for you, Laurence".

Ken Quinzen started to walk in the main pathway, corpses; flesh, blood, bones, the ways are full of these.

Ken walked among them, fearless.

- "Laurence, If you can hear me, tell me one more thing: Who is the goddess talked by Dharit?".

- "Aqualirisium, the abyssal goddess. The one who defeated Dharit".

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