
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Chapter 18: The worshipper of himself (part 3)

The writer fainted, and fell on the ground. The alcohol's effects has reached the brain. His brain collapsed after many glass of whisky, Ken Quinzen's mind is numb, like every night.

The sun became high in the sky, he's golden rays shines through the cathedral's color windows.

After a long sleep, Ken opened his eyes.

- "Where am I?" Ken asked itself after seeing around.

The writer is in a antique room. The walls are in stone and the bed very particular. There's a golden arrow attached to the wall, above it there are a incision, where is written: "The holy arrow of Dharias".

In the Dharias's kingdom, there are many holy things around, in a every special places, there's a holy things of the antique God of Dharias.

His name was: "Dharit of the golden armor". Dharit is a famous deity of Dharias, his presence in the Dharias's wars change everything, with him, Dharias doesn't know the meaning of lose. He was a noble man, the prince that has become king of Dharias. Dharit has leaved a piece of his things in every special location. He leaved Dharias with a memory of his actions.

- "Good morning, Mr. Quinzen" The priest Robertson's gaze stared at Ken.

- "Priest Robertson, why I'm on your bed?".

- "A drunk man that it was with you, took you here. He said that you've telling him that your house was next to the church, and then he took you here".

- "Sorry priest Robertson, I didn't wanted to annoying you" The writer apologized.

- "Don't worry Ken. Stop drinking or your health will get worse".

The writer got up and staring the priest.

- "I-I can't. When I drink, my mind become free like a bird in the blue heaven. I can't live without my only solution for the freedom" Ken's eyes shines.

- "I'm sorry for you, but you need to stop this situation".

- "My my, I prefer to die for trying to be free, that dying with not even tries" The writer walked to the door.

- "You are the cage of yourself" The priest says worried.

- "I'm the only one who can take off the blindfold on the eyes. Everyone have his fate, and everyone chooses how it ends. If your conscious chooses for you, you're weak. Become the part that you've always feared. See what the others can't seeing" A cynical smirk appeared from Ken's face.

The priest remained in silence, and the writer leaved the church.

The writer went to his house for changing his clothes, and a letter fell of the suit's pocket.

- "Mh?" A closed letter is arranged on the floor.

Ken opened the letter and started to reading it. The letter is decorated with some golden details on the top and on the bottom.

"To the one who is reading this letter, he is asked to come to the royal ceremony in Dharias Castle. From – The Dharias Castle".

- "The invite is for tonight. I had forgotten it" Ken muttered itself.

After seeing the clock, Ken Quinzen started to searching a suit for the ceremony.

After a good half hour, Ken found what he was looking for. A black suit, with some dark red details on the top piece, a crimson tie and a black overcoat, with his black leather shoes.

The celestial moon became high in the dark sky, and the castle's lights enlightened the entire kingdom.

The Dharias's castle is the most colossal structure in the kingdom. The entrance of the castle is protected by various royal guards armed with swords and rifles, the golden gate that protects it is a couple of meters high.

Ken Quinzen arrived at the golden gate, and a guard blocked him.

- "We need your invite for enter".

Ken took out of his pocket the invite and passed it to the guard.

- "Laurence Mercier invited me here" The writer says.

The guard's skin became pale and his tone of authority leaved him.

- "Open the gate immediately!" The guard yelled.

The golden gate became opened for Ken Quinzen, and a long stone pathway waited for him to go up to the gates of the castle.

- "Walk forward until you see the castle's doors" The guards bowed to Ken.

- "Thank you, thank you" Ken posed his hand on the guard shoulder while he smirked.

The writer lightened a cigarette while he walked on the stone pathway.

After some minutes, Ken arrived at the castle.

The colossal castle's lights filled the darkness that there's was before.

A crowd speak to each other outside castle doors. The people wear elegant and luxurious clothes.

- "The ceremony is already started?" Ken asked at an elegant man.

- "No sir, the ceremony should start soon".

Ken Quinzen waited outside with the crowd, until a man call everyone inside.

After the golden doors being opened for the crowd, two man welcome them.

Ken Quinzen remained alone after the crowd divided in many groups.

The golden eyes of the writer admired the colossal hall.

A dark blue carpet cover the entire floor, and in the center of the hall, there's a white altar with some golden details.

A man totally covered in a blue and black cape with hood entered the room escorted with many guards. Its appearance is hidden by the cape hood, the darkness hides the mysterious man.

He got up to the altar, and became the highest in the entire hall.

- "Welcome to the castle of Dharias, welcome to the holy ascension ceremony" The man took off his hood and his face being visible. A long black hair man, with a scar on his left eye. His face is pale and his blue eyes sharped.

- "I am the majesty of Dharias, Leon Leynch, the golden soul of Dharit" He opened his arms to the crowd.

The crowd made a lot of noise, they filled their king with compliments and acclamations.

- "Silence" The king muted his crowd, and another man came to the altar.

The man was masked by a golden mask, his clothes was very royal, white like the snow.

The venous hands of the king, slowly take off the golden mask, and reveal the hidden face.

- "I'm Laurence Mercier, I will be the new vessel of the golden soul of Dharit" Laurence's apathetic gaze looked at the crowd.

- "L-Laurence.." Ken whispered at itself.

The two men came down to the altar and positioned themselves in the center.

- "In the name of the saint Dharit, I ask to the golden phoenix to color the heaven and make it golden like the color of his soul. Tonight, I've transmigrated the soul of the saint Dharit, in the body of Laurence Mercier, and everyone needs to served him like the ultimate deity of Dharias.

Laurence, what is your last desires of your human soul?".

- "I need to see, Ken Quinzen".

Ken came out of the crowd and went into the middle of the hall.

Their gaze stared each other, minutes of silences make the room loud, their eyes shines and their hands tries to reached each other.

- "Ken".

- "Laurence-".

An explosion on light enlightened the entire kingdom, and the golden blind the crowd.