
The crimson princess

Follow the story of the crimson princess Dia Gremory, who aims to become strong enough to live comfortably with those she loves. There is no NTR, R*pe or anything dark enough. There will be crossovers with other stories. For now tensura confirm. Of course, I only have my OC, and can be 2, 3 others otherwise the rest belongs to their respective history. If you don’t like the story, please don’t start insulting me or anything. I’m just writing it for fun.

The_Absolu · Tranh châm biếm
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54 Chs

Small survey

Hello here The_Absolu I wanted to ask you a question.

For the wearer of the [Boost Gear] you prefer Issei as the wearer or her female version Isami? (I would not give the [Boost Gear] to anyone else)

I give you enough time (beginning of the canon) to answer it.