
The Crimson Elf

Silax a young elf struck by a mysterious illness that takes away his ability to get stronger, yearns for a cure and a way to get stronger. Legend whispers of the World Tree, a mythical entity rumored to hold the key to ultimate power and unmatched healing. Reaching it promises not only a cure but also a chance to reclaim what was taken from him. Driven by ambition and a thirst for strength, Silax leaves home. He spends years searching until one day his efforts bear fruit. What he finds is not the blessing he anticipated, but a curse. It requires a sacrifice, a darkness that must be embraced to wield its might. A power fueled by darkness and life force absorbed from others. This dark power grants him immense strength but test his morals. Torn between ambition and morality, he must make a choice. Embrace his monstrous nature and achieve his goals at the cost of everything or give up on this power to protect the world from its danger. This is a story of the corrupting nature of power, the sacrifice and the cost of achieving ones goals, and the blurred lines between ambition and self-preservation. It's a tale that explores the lengths one might go to in the face of mortality.

kynikoiTDM · Kỳ huyễn
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106 Chs

Embracing One's Nature

Silax perched on the edge of his plush armchair, the leather sighing softly beneath him. The room, bathed in the cool glow of twilight filtering through the heavy drapes, seemed to press in on him, mirroring his thoughts.

The word nice wasn't something he'd ever associate with himself. Charity and empathy were concepts that held little meaning in his world, they held as much weight as a feather in a hurricane.

He did not consider himself a benevolent person, and the woes of others rarely pricked his conscience.

He made sure his gaze was unwavering as he navigated the world, taking what he needed. Still, he wasn't a monster, not in the traditional sense. He didn't revel in inflicting pain or sowing chaos.

Every act of violence, every soul he'd stained with his deeds, was meticulously calculated, a means to an end.

Turning Alzar was different. It ignited a spark within him, a curiosity about the depths of his own nature.