

A few days later into this Prison, Lenard and his roommate Rodriguez, also known as Ramirez, are heading to the Bathrooms where the guards are ordering them to bathe together with other inmates, and those inmates are truly the most degenerate people there. This is a thing which is not good to other inmates, but they have to do it, or else they will be smelling horrible. The baths are only used in common way, so if they like it or not, they have to bathe together in order to not sell disgusting and be beaten and bullied for smelling terrible.

Rodriguez and Lenard are on the dressing room, and there they are all taking out of their clothes and put into some empty lockers. Rodriguez put his clothes at the locker number seven, while Lenard put his clothes at locker number twelve. Before they were about to head there, they grab a one bar of soap, and a towel to use it to wash them. Now, before they were about to head to the showers where the other twenty inmates are showering together, they are looking around to see if there isn't anyone there who would ruin their day, and by anyone, they meant Jon.

Jon was sent here because of rapping women from the street and kidnapping them into his building which then he would most likely kill them and threw their bodies, cut in pieces into the trash. He got arrested because of a dog who managed to get a hold of an arm which belonged to a victim of his torture and that victim has a lot of "white substance" of Jon. And since he got here, he is mostly known for beating man's in the bathroom, especially the ones who were discussing with a woman, and these two are in troubles. Mostly Rodriguez to be honest. How does he know Rodriguez was talking with a woman? He was sitting next to him, talking to his Father who is trying his best to free him, but Jon doesn't even want to do it for some reasons.

Anyway, back to the present, Rodriguez and Lenard are going butt naked to the showers. Both of them are carrying a bar of soap cause the shower gel or anything to wash quicker it is considered a treason to the poor people of this island, which is lie because most of them are having 10k dollars per. month. and with inflation, this wouldn't even be enough to buy the cheapest car. Lenard goes to the shower head which is closest to Rodriguez and both of them are washing themselves. They never force each other to watch their backs because they can reach it, unlike muscular people.

While they were washing, someone is coming at them, it is Jon, and he is holding a toothbrush which is having a sharp end. He is walking to Rodriguez, thinking to stab him into the shower and blame everything on Lenard.

But, as soon as Jon was close to Rodriguez, Lenard turns around and warned Rodriguez to dodge the attack. And he truly dodged the stab Jon was about to do at Rodriguez back. Jon was immediately looking at Lenard, and he was about to jump on the poor man, but Rodriguez managed to catch the man, and take his hand, disarming him from that improvised knife.

"Put the weapon down!" says Rodriguez while he is holding both of the arms of Jon on his back. "And do not do anything funny, degenerate man."

"Fuck you!" says Jon to Rodriguez, and he threw him into the ground then he grabs the toothbrush Jon was using, and he stabbed the man upper chest, dodging the vital parts of the body which would kill him.

Jon was screaming, and that screaming alerted the guards who entered the shower room, and capture Rodriguez with Lenard. They are beating them with their police baston and send Jon to the Hospital Room where he will be treated by the doctors there. After they escorted Jon, Rodriguez and Lenard are thrown from the Bathrooms by the guards, but thankfully, they are wearing their inmates clothes. At least they let them wear the clothes instead of being thrown away into the public totally naked. And escorted to their cells where they will be staying the rest of their day there, without food or any drink.

"Hey! Thank you." says Rodriguez to Lenard when they got into their cells. "For saving my life."

"No problem." responds Lenard going into his bed. "You would probably do the same to me, right?"

"Yes." responds Rodriguez so honestly, and both of them are getting into their beds, looking at magazines and the walls of this prison.