
The Cowboy and the Harelquin.

Love and Lust and everything in-between. Striker is out to complete his task and full-fill his contract with Stella. Blitzo is trying to sort out some inner turmoil From a breakfast interloper: : Where Blitzo awakens to the smell of bacon pancakes and a half naked cowboy who is looking to cut a deal with the business imp. to The Wrath of a vengeful Cowboy: a date night gone wrong when agent 1 and Agent 2 arrive on the scene. and many more. come join me.

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23 Chs

The Thought of Losing You

Between the stifling stillness of the rom he just entered and the heart wrenching imagery that surrounded him. Photographs doctored the walls of the three bed-room apartment. Moxie and Millie's face staring back at him while Blitzo's face was scratched out of every-single one of them.

Loona and Blitz: adoption day. Striker stopped, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes locked a picture he had taken back on the Rough-N-Tumble ranch. Blitzo was happily swinging on the gates while Bombproof stood right beside him, snout burried in hog innards.

Blitzo had looked so happy and carefree back on the farm, farm-life truly suited the city imp in the Cowboy's opinion. And, with the money he was going to get for the assassination of he could buy the horse ranch of his dreams.

He wanted to surprise the Boss imp with the news. But to come home to this, to see his face scratched out with such viciousness hatred ignites a deep fury within the snake-like imp. Swallowing thickly he turns facing the small hearth, flicking it on he made a nest of pillows and blankets.

Blitzo was notorious for being a deep sleeper: a fire-twister could touch down, and the boss imp would just slumber right on through.

Ice settles in the pits of his stomach as he came around lifting Blitzo up off the couch, he began shaking him.

The Outlaw had been with Stella and Octavia securing the perfect vantagepoint and setting up for the final showdown. He never thought Blitzo would go this far, never thought Verosika and Fizzorolli would be so relentless in the flaying t of he scarlet imp.

The wrangler just wanted him out of the way, his plan got waylaid once he got the disturbing phone call. He could hear the sound of his mate's broken voice setting off many alarms. Stella sends him a scolding glare as Striker focuses on his voice.

"You were right, cowboy I can't do this on my own but that's all I'll ever be is... Blitzo voice shudders... "Alone, I just want to let you know I love you, you were only trying to open my eyes I was just too blind to see"

" I wish I could've been a better mate to you, cowboy"

Stella's eyes widened in shock, as Striker mounts Bombproof. "Don't you worry ma'am that husband of yours is as good as dead, mark my word Missy, your husband is living on borrowed time."

"Madam something has come up, I'll return shortly to finish my end of the bargain" The Cowboy promised. "Just remember yours" hisses the the snake.

The Cowboy Mercenary kicks in the door to their three-bedroom apartment. his serpentine eye scanning each room. His heart pounds, his stomach churns with dread he couldn't shake the feeling of dread. He couldn't shake this overwhelming feeling of sorrow from his mind.

"Blitzy, I'm home darlin, wake up"

"Sugar-cube, can you hear me!"

"Bossman, open your eyes!"

"Blitz, answer me! Lucifer damn you!" he growls.

Striker's voice cracks as he whispers the last part, his body trembles as fear courses through his veins.

Was he too late?. Blitzo remained unresponsive.

"no, no, not this" thought Striker swallowing thickly his heart hammering in his chest.

"Please Lucifer, let him be asleep" whispers the snake imp. Running his fingers through his short hair. the gunslinger licks his lips before kneeling in front of Blitzo.

He never thought the boss imp would go this far, never considered that Fizzorolli and Verosika would've been so relentless in the flaying of the scarlet imp.

He just wanted him out of the way, but not like this. He'd deal with the other two later he promises himself.

"Don't you dare do this to me!" Striker growls cupping Blitzo's head. his eyes dart over his listless form searching for any signs of life.

"Don't you leave me darlin, not this way!"

"I'll fucking kill him- I'll kill them all" he thought darkly his gaze hyper-focused on the still form of his lover.

Blitzo's phone had fallen to the ground, there was a bottle of pills clutched tightly in his hand another spilled across the floor. Striker snatches them up staring at the bottle. Before zeroing on the one clutched in his hand.

The Cowboy flings it across the room, the moment it dawned on him.

"No, No, No! Blitzy! he shouts "Your not getting off that easy sugar"

"What were you fucking thinking!, Blitz..." he cries while dragging him through the narrow corridors that split off into the rooms.

He kicks in the bathroom door, and drags Blitzo inside. His hands shake as he turns on the dim lights his eyes begin to water as he turns on the faucet.

The country imp pulls Blitzo into the tub with him as the gushing waters pelt them from above. Lightly slapping his face, trying to stir the scarlet devil in his arms.

"Come back to me, and fuck them all, and just come back to me"

"Blitz! do you hear me!" Come back, just open your eyes, darlin" The Gunslinger cries.

The Cowboy pries open Blitzo's mouth sticking his trembling fingers inside his mouth and down his throat.

"Come on, Come on, fuck em," he grits resting his forehead against the back of his mate's head. Tears stream down his face as he continues, desperate to get Blitz to vomit.

Biting back the rancid taste in his mouth, as Blitzo's voice resonates in his head.

"Maybe the world would be better off without me in it?, I ruin anything I touch"

"I'll ruin you too, cowboy"

Cold and clammy, Striker barely registered it caught up in segments of Blitzo's last voice-mail, and his time of brief reprieve at the Harvest Moon festival.

Blitzo's skin was like ice.

Striker scrambles pressing Blitzo against his chest, trying to warm his body while calling out his name his voice cracks with emotion.

"Blitz!, I need you, your wrong sugar-cube, just breathe, come on Blitzy!, for me"

"Not like this! Anything, but this! Striker cries clutching Blitzo to his chest.

The Outlaw held Blitz through the long and lonely night. Biting back tear of frustration the searing pain that claws at his chest cutting right through him leaving him numb. As water continues to pelt them from above. The Mercenary growls upon hearing the insistent ringing of both cellphones.

Those vermin checking in perhaps, or the pompous asshole he was out with. His claws dig into Blitzo's bare shoulders with shaking fingers he tries again. shoving two of them down Blitzo's throat.

"Come on Bossman, don't let me down now darlin, I know your in there Blitzy!"

With a sudden jolt amber eyes shoot open as Blitzo began choking. He could feel the bile rise from within his stomach as tears prick his eyes. He was gagging on Striker's fingers, the gunslinger could feel the rapid beat of his heart staggering back to life. Blitzo lurches forward heaving painfully.

Striker was holding him steady rubbing his back as he puked up his guts.

"Atta boy" Striker whispers into his ear as he heaving, licking his lips grimacing at the sour taste as Striker buries his face into the crook of Blitzo's neck.

Inhaling his scent.

Blitzo continued to convulse till his body gave out and he slumps into Striker's embrace. Staring blurry eyed up at the Cowboy. The Cowboy could feel Blitzo tense upon hearing the irate fizzing mixed in with his mate's sweet scent. was the roiling stench of the Goeita prince.

The scarlet imp closes his eyes against the pain, blinking past the splitting headache that pounded mercilessly at the back of his head.

He groans as Striker's tail wraps around his waist. Whimpering painfully his stomach violently churns against him.

Blitzo's eyes were dim, sore and achy with a vacant tiredness to them. Resounding fatigue settles into his bones as his diaphragm spasms with anxiety. Fiery eyes glowing through the shrouding darkness.

Feeling his mate quaking with fury and relief. Blitzo bit his lip as striker wraps an arm around his waist.

Striker pulls Blitzo to him, burrying his face into his neck. sharp teeth pierces Blitzo's skin as he pushes Blitz up against the wall. Snarling his name.

"What were you thinking, I could've lost you!"

Guilt wells up within the fire imp as he licks his dry and cracked lips, trying to form the words to fill the empty void.

Nothing made sense, he was alive, but how?. He could've sworn he had taken enough painkiller to do the job. His breath hitches as Striker traps him wedging a knee between his legs.

In blind desperation he had managed one single phone call, too bad he didn't pick up. Blitzo's mind was in a thick dense fog. His tongue felt itchy with a lingering bitterness. Blitzo's voice was raw and hoarse as he attempted to speak, only to be silenced by a pair of bruising lip crushing onto his in a hasty, sloppy kiss that demanded attention.

Fear slowly dissipates as Striker wipes the tears from Blitzo's eyes. The Assassin sweeps him up into his arm, his eye bright with unshed tears.

The scarlet imp is at a loss for words as he looks down ashamed of his actions. Blitzo waits for the scathing remarks. the back handed comments or the laughing ridicule.

"He should've tried harder, perhaps he would've been more successful" he thought numbly.

None came to Blitzo complete surprise. He buries his head into Striker's chest, his claws curling around the Cowboy's bandanna. his head resting above the gunslinger's chest.

"I didn't mean to scare you, don't look at me like that: like I'm some sort of freak!"

"I can't do this anymore!, Blitzo's mind screamed at him.

Soaking wet, Striker led them back to the living room. Blitz had a death-grip on him. The Cowboy could feel his trembling body as he places him on the nest of pillows and blankets. Blitzo's eyes dart back and forth listening to the crackling pop of the fire.

They were alone, it was just the two of them, and an empty apartment. His eyes land on a shrine of pictures. Blitzo could feel the bitter self-loathing well within him. He quickly turns his head.

The Boss imp reaches over him, his fingers skimming across his phone gliding against the shiny metal cover. Growling as Striker quietly snatches up his cell phone.

"It's late, or early, however you wish to see it sweetheart, but its been a long night, and I think we should rest here where I can keep an eye on ya"

" I'm going to go get a few things, to dry off with" he says. "I'll be back, don't you go tryin something stupid on me, Bossman" Striker says snatching up the rest of the bottles up off the floor.

Blitzo winces, "I can't think straight, my head keeps on throbbing, why is he here?" Where are Moxie and Millie when I need them?.

"I thought we were enemies, why would anyone waste their time on me?"

" I've got to quiet my thoughts" Blitzo thinks. Realizing he has just been starring at the cowboy: like a dumb child.

"I've got to get out of here, need to find Moxie and Millie"

"Why is here again?" Blitzo winces as Striker disappears into the recess of the apartment.

The scarlet devil closes his eyes trying to starve off another on coming headache, knowing if he got up Vertigo would be a bitch. And that's all he needed right now, to be disoriented an solely dependent on the snake-imp.

Blitzo groans feeling weak and queasy as his stomach roils with another turning jolt of sudden nausea

"Damnit why did he have to come, I was so close" the pain was fleeting, and now it hammers away.

He waited, and waited shivering and lonely next to the hearth. Until Striker appears with a tall glass of water in hand, a change of clothing, two fluffy white towels draped around his neck and a half-eaten sandwich wedged in his mouth.

Blitzo didn't feel like talking having nothing to say, while believing he had said it all in that one missed phone-call.

The red-skinned imp was still shaking as Striker wraps one of the towels around him. Pulling him closer his eyes were brimming with unshed tears as he dried him off. A lump forms in the back of Blitzo's throat.

Every time he attempts to speak, feeling like nothing he could say would make this awful pain go away.

His hands tremble as reaches for the glass of water that Striker sat on the table, the cowboy humors him, by tilting the glass up as Blitz drink, wiping the residue off with his sleeve.

Dull amber eyes star out through half-lidded eyes.

There was a part of his that still expected to be berated for his actions. his head throbs painfully.

For Striker to tell him how weak and pathetic he was and that he should've tried harder. Blitzo waited with baited breath stealing his heart, and waiting for the punchline.

Blitzo take a deep shuddering breath. his chest ached as he fumbled with a tiny string attached to a wooly blanket.

"Blitz, look at me" Striker begins his eyes sharpening as his mate flinched away from him.

"Here it comes" Blitzo thought.

"We've come along way since the harvest moon festival, the make-shift shower in the barn after get 'in good and dirty in the mud. Those long strolls late at night, underneath the starlit skies of Wrath. Sitting on roof, watching the skies for shooting stars. You curled up within my arm, your head rest' in on my chest. The sound of ya purring in my ear. Those long rides on Bombproof through the fields and across the countryside my arms wrapped around you waist.

"Did the Harvest Moon Festival mean anything to ya, sugar-cube?.

" I have no regrets, darlin that was the most fun I've had in years. And as soon as I'm done here with this assignment well be packing our bags and I'll be able to give ya a proper anniversary gift the time"

"Anniversary! how long have we be dating?" Blitzo wonders.

"Let those vermin of your squirm, and figure things out for themselves, since they're so involved within their own insignificant lives they don't even have the decency to check up on ya Bossman

"What if, I was too late!, I could've lost the only person holding me together" "I would've been here sooner if I had only looked at my phone. What happened last night?. Asks Striker, his tail slithering around Blitzo's legs his arms wrapping around Blitzo's waist. pulling him close.

Blitzo couldn't look at him, he looked everywhere but at Striker. Then he spoke, his voice cracking. "I ran into Verosika and Fizz last night. He swallows thickly unsure what the lone Cowboy was thinking. but the patient eyes begged him to continue.

" It was Moxie and Millie's one year anniversary so I decided to follow them into the House of Ausmodeous. That's where, and when shit hit the fan. We were singled out, and I just couldn't- Blitzo's voice cracks.


"Vero- My exes.

"You weren't alone, were you?" Striker broke in. "You took Stolas, instead of me invited him on the premise of a date, that ditsy blue-blood doesn't even know does he?"

"Are you getting what you want from him?" A tinge of jealous laced the cowboy voice.

"I just want to be a part of something!" Blitzo cuts in, "Striker I'm tired, everyone leaves me, why haven't you?. I'm nothing! everything I do backfires!- I can't even die right. Blitzo laughs hollowly. "And I'm not even sure if I even want to keep doing this" Blitzo reveals. Striker's mouth ran dry as he was cut off guard.

"Its not working out, I wont be able to help anybody without Stolas's book, I might've just killed IMP- "You've said it perfectly, cowboy why run a business that is rigid against you"

"Finally seeing things my way are ya? Bout time you open your eyes sugar-cube" But what was that about dying right?. questions the Outlaw taken off-guard.

"What does it matter?" Blitzo snarls under his breath attempting to burn another picture in the fireplace. Striker snatches them out of Blitzo's hand before throwing his partner on the floor and straddling his waist pinning him to the ground. Blitzo fought to get free.

"I'll tell ya something Blitzy, I didn't come back here, so that you could tear yourself down" snarls Striker. "I know your hurtin, I can see it in your eyes, but quit tearing apart my mate, you mean more to me then this job. But I refuse to walk-away, you mean somethin to me"

"What do I mean to you Blitzy?"

What you have with Stolas isn't real"

Blitzo stares up in fear. "Your wrong, I- I-"

"Don't ya dare say love him, not when your with me"

"I'm not gonna hurt ya Bossman, come here, and straddle my hips while I tell ya somethin"

The imp tilts his head as Striker moves to a cushion. Blitzo didn't understand, Striker should've been livid with him for taking the prince to the club. Blitzo bit the inside of his lip as if considering his options. As he slowly crawls towards him, his heart thrumming wildly in his chest.

He had nearly killed himself tonight. A look of embittered shame washes over him as Striker's eyes darken upon seeing this. A gloved hand reaches out gripping Blitzo's hand and pulling him into his lap.

The Boss imp squirms, but couldn't avoid those piercing eyes that sought him out. Striker tilts Blitzo's head with a single clawed finger. "Good, Do I have your undivided attention sweetheart?" Striker purrs.

Blitzo nods numbly trying to silence his sucidal thoughts that kept encroaching in. Blitzo closes his eyes wishing he was anywhere but here. Striker's hand slips to the small of his back.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear, I don't care where you've been, who you've been with so long as you come home to me" Striker went on, " That ditsy blueblood doesn't realize that he is living on borrowed time- his life will be ending shortly and there is nothin you can do about it"

"I'd appreciate it if you stayed home, but I know, knowing you you'll keep fighting me, tooth to nail all the way. "This cat and mouse we had going on, was fun but It's got to end sooner or later I need you to realize somethin, you are My Mate, not His.

"You are so much more than an impish little plaything, neither are you a lovesick fool, or some succubus's scratching post. Striker reminds him. Cupping his head "I'll never hurt you and I'll never leave you I'm just asking you this one thing, let me have this one thing- and I'll lay the world at your feet"

Blitzo's voices catches in the back of his throat, as Striker spoke yet again. "I'm sorry about your mother and your sister I saw the pictures on your phone. You don't have to be alone anymore Blitz. The thought of losing you leaves me in a blind rage, and then stomps me out cold.

"There loss, my gain" Sugar-cube. Purrs Striker gripping the Boss imp's tie and tugging Blitzo down into a fierce kiss. "I'll never leave you Bossman, and I don't care how many times I have to repeat myself for it to sink in. I'm a patient man, when I need to be

"You can't kill Stolas!" Blitzo cuts in-

"Not this again! Striker growls. "Don't- not another word, those feelings, are just stirrings that will go away, they are meaningless!. "I wish I could tell ya I have no other choice, that his death wouldn't give me no satisfaction.

"His death is only the beginning for us"

"I don't want to hear it!" Screams Blitzo.

"A Mark is a mark, darlin nothing is going to happen to you, that is the only stipulation I have set in stone for that harpy of a woman" and Stella knows it!"

"Stella Again!" Thought Blitz as Striker looks around licking his lips dreading the thought of leaving his lover alone tonight.

He needed to get back to Stella she was waiting for him.

" Blitzy, I need ya to understand somethin. Somethin, important, the thought of losing you drives me crazy and tonight I came too damn close to losing ya, I never want to feel that way again.

"Seeing ya lying on the couch like that, feeling your chilled flesh: as cold as death against mine, I thought I was losing my mind, you being so close to death's door nearly killed me tonight. Promise me darlin that you'll never do that again"

"That your not planning somethin stupid as soon as I walk out that door."

The Boss imp is rendered silent as the mercenary continues to undress him. Unbuttoning his shirt and peeling away the spiked jacket speckled in bile wreaking of vomit. The snake imp washes away the crude before laying him out on the floor one clawed hand pressed to his abdomen he could feel the former harlequin squirm. Blitzo arches his back, feeling firm lips ghost across his flesh as the cowboy made his way up his torso.

"I'll show ya how much you mean to me, I'll have ya squirming and screaming my name all night. I'll fuck ya so hard you'll forget what day it is." "Your mine, not his and its about time you've learned your place partner."

"Those muggy nights cast out among the stars, cicadas chirping in the background. A roaring bonfire. the touch of your fingers running through my hair" Are you really trying to take that away from me!"

"Your body sleek with sweat, your eyes bright with lust, the way your voice dips low and gravelly, that wily mischief in your eyes. I'm not letting you take that from me, its the best part of you says the Cowboy.

Striker fling his phone across the room as it buzzes, "Stella can wait, tonight your mine" The Gunslinger smirks sinking his teeth into Blitzo's collarbone. He suckles, nipping before making his way down the length of Blitzo's body.

His tongue flicking over a hardening nipple.

Blitzo writhes, his eyes shut moaning in pleasure as Striker twisted his mouth around Blitzo's pectoral. Striker smirked around a mouthful of crimson flesh, he'd show the filthy blueblood who this imp belong to.

Striker broke off, trailing kisses along Blitzo's torso, nipping lightly, his tongue lapping against Blitzo's scarlet flesh.

"Damnit Striker! Hisses Blitzo. His body jolting, the snake imp hisses his tail rattling slithering across Blitzo's pant leg.

The Cowboy continues his merciless onslaught.

Blitzo's breath hitches as Striker goes for his belt. The Boss imp shivers as the outlaw quickly unbuckles Blitzo's pants. sliding the buckle out through the loops and twisting it around the red-devil's hands. Before taking his time, slowly shucking off articles of his own clothing.

Blitzo's eyes water, as he watches the clothes fly across the room. the Tan jacket, the black shirt and the matching jeans.

Striker snaps the belt in his hands, drawing the Boss imp's attention.

"He'd make sure Blitzo was nice and toasty tonight, he'd blindfold Blitzo, he'd have the boss imp scratching up the floorboards before he was through with him tonight.

Screaming his name and begging him for mercy. Stella could wait while he dealt with Stolas's personal body-guard.

Blitzo curls around him, his head resting on Striker's bare thigh while his ass throbs. The Harlequin's tail instantly sought out the Cowboy's. Striker chuckles curling his arm around his lover's waist. While fishing out his phone from his studded jacket.

He chuckles darkly to himself while sifting through Blitzo's wallet. Fishing out a stolen credit card he flung the sentimental notes into the open fireplace. his stomach grumbles tonight i would be some lowly run-of the mill imp who would be saddled with delivering their Pizza.

The Outlaw-Assasin would call Stella in the morning explaining to her what he found.

He'd fake Blitzo's death, and then cart him away until the dirty deed was done. With Stolas's bodyguard out of the way, the owl Prince would be a sitting duck.

There would be no more interference.

Striker didn't care if the other got in his way, Stella was clear when she screamed at him, she didn't care who got in his way, just get the job done.

And Striker liked to be thorough. With his only discourse out of the way he'd be free to purge who he wanted, when he wanted. Blitzy would come around to his thinking.

The employees, Blitzo's vermin were expandable. Striker would lure them into a trap, and frame Stolas while he was at it. and if, his charmer somehow came into poeession of a bronze wedding band, engraved with horses, it would all be at that filthy blueblood's expense.

Purely a coincidence.

Striker's ears perked up, hearing the low grumbling of a storm. A flash of lightening lit up the room as peeling thunder cracks reverberating through the small apartment building.

Blitzo jumps, startled from the storm as Bombproofs shadow was cast against the wall rearing back like some hellish nightmare ready to break the door down. Its piercing cries echo as his hooves tear into the door.

Blitzo groggily gets up coughing into his hands, he grimaces as he pulls his hand away looking at the blood speckled hand. He looks around trying to see if the Cowboy notices. Stumbling though the living room towards the shuddering door. he wipes the blood on his leg placing a finger into his mouth.

Striker smiles back, as his eyes slowly drift down to Blitzo's leg to the splotches of blood. The cowboy's eyes darken Blitzo was hiding something from him. Something that would tear apart his world. Something fatal.

Bombproof eagerly nudges Blitzo's chest, the imp nuzzles Bombproofs face as tears flow freely down his own.

The scarlet imp leads him inside, Striker's tail coils around Blitzo's was before tugging him into another searing kiss and plunging a knife deep into his abdomen.

Blitzo's eyes widened in shock and pain as he doubles over.

Gasping, choking on blood as the kiss deepens and Striker twists the knife.

"Nothin personal sugar-cube, need to make it believable. A questioning looks mirrors Blitzo's eyes. as the Cowboy wrenches the blade from his lover's stomach.

Bombproof curls up around Blitzo, the Boss imp clutches his stomach scooting away from the cowboy a look of betrayal shone deep.

Blitzo spits up blood. while he looks around for his missing phone.

The cowboy smirks up from the phone. "Stella wants ya dead darlin, and with you out of the way she wont be able to get her hands on ya"

Blitzo's mind was fuzzy, nothing was making sense, was he right! was Striker the enemy?.

"Stay away from me!" he growls.

"Do you trust me, Blitzy?, you were gearing up to end you life tonight.

"I'm here to see that you don't, I only want them to think your dead"

Blitzo clutches his stomach, leaning on Bombproof.

"Reunited at last, darlin that horse of mine, has been missing ya since the Harvest Moon Festival.

The Boss imp side-eyes the cowboy. Before resting his head against the horse. Striker smirks up from the phone seeing his wounded mate finally passed out in front of a kindling fire, with the Cowboy's horse at his side.

"This doesn't change anything, Striker. "Your client is trying to kill mine"

"But mine, isn't trying to fuck me" the Cowboy counters taking out a flask of whiskey and pouring it over the open wound.

"Keep it up, and you'll wind up losing everything by the time I'm finished with ya and your vindictive wife" Striker thought, while dabbing the blood away from the knife wound.

"I'll win, like I always do in the end, Blitzy was his best bet against me, stay with your own kind, ya filthy creatin and I'll make sure Blitzy sticks with his" The Cowboy think bitterly.

"Say your prayers Stolas, Because sweet prince, the next time I see ya Blitzy won't be there to save your ass"




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