
The Counterfeit Hero

What can a mechanic repairman do... research, modify, come up with ingenious ideas? What can a mech warrior do... mech combat, intricate maneuvers, unconventional tactics? What can a special reconnaissance soldier do... deep infiltration, hand-to-hand combat, single-strike takedowns, disguise, stealth, sniper attacks? What can a military strategist do... analyze battlefield situations, devise operational plans, achieve unexpected victories? Imagine combining all these roles into one person, a genius who also excels in psychology, deception, and assassin disguise techniques, yet is a cowardly, despicable fat man. When this oddball finds himself reluctantly thrust into war, how will he react? Will he become a hero or a laughingstock? Seeing the military police approaching, the fat man clutched Milan's leg and cried, "Save me! I don't want to die! I've shed blood for the Federation, I've been wounded in the Galileo system, I'm not a deserter!" The fat man, fearing imminent execution, wailed pitifully. His sorrowful cry was so heartbreaking that it could move anyone who heard it to tears. Milan was at a loss, kicking the comical fat man away. She turned to Nia and asked, "Are you telling me this guy single-handedly took down the entire command headquarters of the 3rd Mech Division of the Gachalin Aerospace Marines, including a major general and a brigadier general?" Nia nodded awkwardly, struggling to contain her amusement. "A hero?" the fat man looked around, incredulously pointing at himself. "I'm a hero?" "This is a nation of heroes. We will never be conquered!"

DaoistRdE293 · Khoa huyễn
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5 Chs

Forward, Honor 15.

The application caused the scout camp instructor to explode in fury but also feel helpless.

Because the instructor of the mechanical training camp was also the supreme commander of the special training team. Jason completely conquered this colonel in just two hours. He participated in the theoretical exams for mechanical training camp students and ranked at the top. Subsequent practical operations further delighted the colonel; Jason's quick hands convinced him that this was a mechanical genius student.

Since mechanical maintenance involves many technologies and secrets, the level of the mechanical maintenance camp is much higher than that of the scout camp. Many federal mech designers come from the mechanical maintenance camp. Seeing a genius about to be buried in the scout camp, this colonel, without hesitation, used his privilege to transfer Jason to the mechanical maintenance camp. Jason was overjoyed to have escaped disaster. However, the actual outcome left him almost deeply regretful.

In the current phase, the special training students were assigned to the Bai Mu Great Star Region Military District after passing their assessments.

Jason spent another half year in the special forces and, after mastering mechanical repair knowledge, was prioritized by the Colonel and recommended to his old friend, the Chief Logistics Staff of the Atlantis Star Region Military District. Subsequently, Jason joined the 1st Squad of the Logistics Unit of the 3rd Armored Brigade of the 5th Armored Division in the Galileo Galaxy of the Atlantis Star Region, becoming a new recruit corporal.

Initially, Jason was somewhat proud. After all, he came from the special forces training and had undergone training in both reconnaissance and mechanical repair camps. Thanks to the Colonel's recommendation, he directly became a corporal, one rank higher than other new recruits graduating from the special forces. However, after joining the platoon, he realized that the squad leader of the Logistics Unit's 1st Squad was also just a corporal.

But luck stopped there...

Three days after reporting, the Galaxia Empire launched a comprehensive invasion of the Atlantis Star Region of the Lelal Democratic Federation. Over the course of six months, four immigrant stars in the Galileo Galaxy fell one after another. Following the remnants of the 5th Division, Jason retreated to Milo II after being encircled by the Galaxia Army's Newton and the trailing Galileo Army.

After barely boarding the 9th Division's spacecraft, he was immediately ordered by the High Command to defend Milo Star.

Within a week, the Imperial Army landed on Milo Star.

Subsequently, this fatty, who seemed quite capable of escaping in the eyes of his superiors, was dispatched to the front line to assist in the maintenance of mecha.

Then the Imperial Army attacked.

He hadn't even caught his breath properly!

Now Jason could only focus on escaping.

Relying on his two legs to race against mechas, Jason was both angry and afraid. Even if he ran as fast as he could, his speed of about 20 kilometers per hour was nothing compared to the mechas. The only fortunate thing was that due to their size, mechas had difficulty moving in the jungle. And surviving in the jungle and evading enemies happened to be Jason's specialty. Besides, he was just a logistics repairman. Who would bother to chase him down?

Climbing up a large tree, Jason carefully observed the situation on the battlefield. If those twelve Centipede-like Federal Combat Mechas could leave the battlefield, Jason wouldn't mind smoothly retreating with them. However, encountering a small number of enemies meant he could rely on this considerable force. If faced with a large number of enemies, Jason would disappear like a small star next to the sun.

The focus of the battle shifted to the small hill where Jason had just left. Two Federal "Honor 15" Combat Mechas had already advanced towards the hill, followed closely by an Imperial platoon of "Saint Armor 22" Solo Mechas. Like a swarm of mad bees, some of them formed a skirmish line, constantly attacking the two "Honor 15s". Another part initiated high-speed rocket maneuvers, bypassing the hill to become targets for the "Honor 15s".

The Federal Army was in dire straits. Unable to break free from enemy entanglement in the front and with the high ground in the rear controlled, victory seemed impossible. Only by holding onto the hill and relying on this defensive point could most of the mechas be withdrawn from combat.

Silence filled the earpiece.

"Damn it! Let's go all out, 2119 move out. Brothers, cover our backs."

One of the closest "Honor 15s" to the small hill forcibly left the battlefield without cover, racing towards the top of the hill.

The exposed L9-2119 immediately became the target of everyone's ire, and within a few hundred meters, its defense shield turned red, indicating extreme danger.

"2119, get your ass back here."

"Fire, fire!"

"Let's go, guys, we can't let 2119 die in front of us."

"The Lelal Federation knows no cowards."

"Guys, are we warriors?"

"We are!"

"And we always have been!!"

All the Federal "Honor 15" mechas roared in unison. Acting on instinct, they charged out of their positions, their rotary energy cannons firing at maximum capacity, while their energy shields quickly turned to a faint red. This meant that to protect 2119, these mechas didn't hesitate to dial their energy valves to maximum attack, completely abandoning their protective shields for survival.

"Haha, this is really exhilarating. Take that, you Galaxian bastards."

"Imperial fleas, let me teach you a lesson."

"This missile is for your mom, and this one's for your dad."

The Imperial Army was caught off guard by the sudden increase in Federal firepower. The twelve red mechas that rushed out like madmen were like twelve gods of death from hell, surrounded by a red glow, wielding deadly scythes and unleashing a rain of missiles.

"L9-2108, fire on the dense enemy area at 1 o'clock."

"L9-2117, advance!"

"L9-2121, advance!"

"L9-2119, keep moving forward! We're almost there, guys."

"L9-2110, advance!"

"L9-2111, damn it 2119, that place is mine."

"L9-2106, charge up there, don't lag behind those little bunnies."

"L9-2133, advance."

"L9-2129, brothers, let's go."

"L9-2101, advance!"

Jason trembled uncontrollably as he climbed the tree, goosebumps appearing all over his skin. Was he excited or scared? Jason himself didn't know. All he knew was that he would never forget this scene before his eyes: a "Honor 15" with its defense shield lowered to the minimum, almost naked in battle, unexpectedly gaining the upper hand.

In ancient Earth wars, there were often cases where one soldier chased a group of soldiers.

Morale and luck!

Without morale, such crazy actions would not occur. And without luck, even a fleeing soldier could turn around and randomly shoot to kill the idiot chasing them.

An ancient Chinese philosopher once said, "When the hearts of the people are scattered, it's hard to lead the group." Now, this phrase deeply troubled the Imperial Army commanders. Their soldiers could no longer regroup, and most of them were in a state of individual combat.

In the chaos of the battlefield, reconnaissance soldiers were the most trusted by combatants. Even battle plans had to be confirmed by reconnaissance soldiers before being executed. In the rapidly changing battlefield, reconnaissance soldiers often became the objects of reliance for combatants. Analyzing the situation on the battlefield and choosing the correct retreat direction were mandatory courses for reconnaissance soldiers. Therefore, the combatants didn't have time to argue and immediately believed Jason wholeheartedly, accelerating their push north.

When the fat man reached the edge of the jungle, watching the Federal mechas rolling away at 150 kilometers per hour...

"It's over!"

Jason threw the gun in his hand to the ground fiercely. He cried out, "Why didn't you take me with you?"