
The Coolest King, The Holy Roman Emperor and The Sword of Justice

the attack programs containing charlemagne and karl were abrutly ended by a mysterious force, that same force brought forth the fantasy king to what can only be described as a hell scape and merged him with a dying kid's body. aka charlie inside of shirou body / demi-servent shirou main personality will be fantasy charlie with a bit of emiya's quirks

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1 Chs

Chapter 0: A Most Unusual Summon

In an undisclosed location within the Moon Cell,

two figures engage in a fierce sword duel. Their blades mirror each other perfectly, and both combatants are wholly dedicated to prevailing over their opponent. resulting in Their clash reaching a point of equilibrium.

The first one has A figure of tall and muscular bearing, He has a handsome, aged appearance, with a cross-shaped beard, long, curled golden hair, crimson eyes, and a tall crown upon his head. He adorns golden armor and a white and black body suit, with gold line details. A golden cross is also placed at the center of his chest, and black cloth drapes from his pauldrons.

The second one appears as a young man with black and white hair and blue eyes. His attire consists mainly of a black and white tunic with blue accents, black pants, thigh-high armored boots, and a short white cape with a black edge. Aside from his boots, his left arm has a gauntlet, and he wears a set of faulds at his waist. A sword scabbard hangs at his left side, and red marks coat his right gloved arm.

The confrontation's rhythm is disrupted by a forceful kick from the statuesque adversary. This sends his shorter counterpart hurtling several meters away. Astonishingly, the impact seems to have minimal effect, as the agile figure twists mid-air and lands gracefully on his feet. He wears a bored look on his face, his voice tinged with exasperation, "Seriously, how much longer are we going to keep at this? I'm all for a good brawl, just like any heroic spirit, but duking it out endlessly against the same rival without a clear purpose behind it? It's beyond uncool." His shoulders slump as he vents his frustration.

"Halt this dishonorable exchange of words; our confrontation is meant for swords, not tongues!" the towering figure proclaims.

"Hey, loosen up a bit, old man. How can a king like you be so uptight!" retorts the shorter individual, his irritation evident.

The tall figure's annoyance deepens at this retort, and he responds with increasing exasperation, "Your foolishness knows no bounds. A king's role transcends mere 'coolness' or 'awesomeness,' as you put it. A king's duty—"

"Yeah, yeah, all that king-being-the-beacon-of-light-and-unity stuff. You've repeated that a million times. Well, it doesn't matter. Let's just get this over with."

"Heh, so we're finally agreeing on something, Charlie?" the taller figure smirks.

"Absolutely. I'm ready. Unleash your Noble Phantasm, Karl de Uncool, for this is going to be the coolest clash yet!" Charlie, now identified by name, exclaims with an enthusiastic grin. His swords hum with magical energy, radiating power.

However, before any action can transpire, a robotic voice emerges from nowhere, announcing, "Attack protocol force stop initiated. Servant Saber force summon initiated."

"Huh?..." Charlie's baffled utterance is cut short as his surroundings fade to white.

Fuyuki, Japan

The scene could only be described as infernal. The entire city lay engulfed in flames, shrouded in a suffocating shroud of darkened mud. The air was pierced by agonizing screams as people were devoured by the all-consuming fire, their desperate pleas for salvation echoing through the turmoil, unanswered and unheard.

Amidst the blazing streets, a boy with a mane of auburn-red hair and hollow, golden eyes sprinted frantically. He fled the flames and muck, his gaze fixed forward, deaf to the cries of fellow civilians succumbing to the ruthless elements behind him.

He pressed on, navigating through the debris and wreckage left in the wake of the consuming blaze that had torn him from his own family. His chest heaved with effort, his legs aching from the unprecedented demand to escape the encroaching peril. The flames ravaged the city unchecked, showing no restraint or mercy—only an insatiable hunger for destruction.

In his darkest hopes, he had yearned for a hero, a guardian to rescue him from the nightmarish tableau unfolding before his eyes. Yet as he ran, the realization dawned upon him: the flames and mud were closing in.

He maneuvered with agility, weaving around the remnants of cars and shattered walls in a desperate bid to find a sanctuary, to put distance between himself and the catastrophic panorama. But the tragedy he was fleeing, the cacophony of death, and the searing heat persisted as a haunting backdrop.

Then, like a sudden strike of fate, it happened. His body plummeted to the ground, a stray rock ensnaring his leg in the chaos he had overlooked in his flight. The race was over; the boy knew it. The flames surged ever closer, their ravenous tongues licking at his heels.

He faced his impending demise with a solemn resignation. The fire showed no mercy; its pursuit was relentless. In the face of oblivion, he turned, his gaze meeting the dying embers that danced in the sky. And there, in that agonizing moment, a chilling truth slammed into his very soul he was going to die.

Yet, despite the dire circumstances, his spirit remained unbroken. He initiated a crawl, determined to distance himself from the encroaching inferno. Every ounce of strength he possessed was summoned in this desperate bid for survival.

However, fate's grip tightened mercilessly. The flames closed in with swift and unyielding ferocity. In an instant, he was engulfed by the searing inferno. The pain that tore through him surpassed any prior agony—it was an all-consuming sensation that left no room for anything else. Fire consumed not only his body but seemed to gnaw at the very soul of his being, shattering him like fragile glass. Amidst this torment, his voice became one with the blaze, an anguished cry that echoed in the face of relentless destruction.

yet In the depths of his mind, a single thought echoed, a primal plea: "I want to live!"

Subsequently, a mechanized voice pierced the chaos, stating, "Master candidate detected. Initiating servant summoning sequence. Error: Master candidate's magical capacity insufficient for supporting the summoned servant. Switching protocol. Demi-servant protocol activated. Error: Active circuits not located. Creating magical core to sustain summoned servant. Success. Reinitiating demi-servant protocol. Scanning for compatible servant match. Error: Heroic spirits within the database inaccessible due to the Grail's interference. Searching database for alternative solution. Saint graph unrecognized by the Throne of Heroes detected. Proceeding with protocol. Summoning of saber servant complete."

In that very moment, a radiant sphere of light penetrated his form. The engulfing flames, once consuming, now dispersed in a brilliant explosion of luminance. he felt his very soul was being altered

The robotic voice persisted, stating, "Error: Master's soul exhibits insufficiency. Merging saint graph with fragments of the master's soul... Process complete."

"What in the world happened? Where am I? Why can't I move?" the boy ponders, his mind racing. "That's right, I was battling Karl, then suddenly everything vanished. No, wait, I was fleeing from the fire... No, that's not it either. Who am I? Charlemagne? No, Shirou? No, both? No, none of them," he reflects as he makes an attempt to shift, only to find his body unresponsive.

"I'm on the brink of unconciousness from exhaustion. Looking at the charred remnants and smoldering structures around me, I have this unsettling feeling that if I do pass out, it'll mark the end of me. And dying like that? Utterly, completely uncool!" With sheer determination, he musters the remnants of his strength to try and rise, yet his body defies his will. his right arm manages a feeble lift, its surface resembling the aftermath of being plunged into a volcano—burned and scarred. the boy peers at it, a sense of surprise, though not for the reasons most might assume. "Were my arms always this small?" he speculates, his thoughts running in a haze.

the man that saved looked like he was the one that saved

Just as his arm was about to give in to exhaustion, a man in a black suit and trench coat caught it. The man had short, black hair and a face partly obscured by smoke and ashes. He looked down at the boy with a delighted smile, as if he had stumbled upon a priceless treasure. His eyes sparkled with joy as he said, "Thank goodness you're alive." the man that saved the boy looked like he was the one that saved.

The boy stared at him in wonder, thinking, "that guy is so cool! Maybe one day I could smile like that too..." Then, everything faded as he lost consciousness.


heyo so did you like this ch? if you didn't please leave a comment letting me know where I messed also I very knew to writing so I would apreciate any tips to make my stories better.

anyway ty for reading have a good day everyone!

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