
The Contract K

You don't see him because he doesn't want you to. The shadows belong to him and that's why the shadows will betray you when he's after you. All he needs is a call and a deal and what follows is what the dealer wants you to experience. "No hard feelings, it's just business, blame the contractor" The cover is not mine and if it's Creator wants me to take it down, you may contact me at xdivitrynahun@gmail.com

AuthorKen · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

Let's dance!

"Wanna dance?"

"Well, you do seem like the quiet one"

I wouldn't speak to such lowlifes, they just weren't worth my words. He didn't mind it either since no matter what I said, he wanted to make it up for his useless minions. These people live off other's false compliments and other's fear. They think they're at the top but don't realize how easy it is to bring'em down.

KJ wasn't the type to wait for an answer a second time and so he started his charge.

He wasn't experienced at all, his incoming was full of flaws, even an amateur could tell of them and laugh at the same time.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins as he approached with a left punch that I easily deviated to the side before I elbowed his ugly face. His forward momentum along with my attack made him stumble a bit before crashing onto the bar table.

He made a bit of noise when he made all the utensils on top of the bar drop and hit the floor which hurt my ears a bit.


He sliced the air before me, missing by a baby's first since I leaned back. The guy had picked up a knife.

'What the fuck is a knife doing on the bar table?'

I lost my cool at such development. I didn't see it before, otherwise I would have thrown him to the side opposite of the damn table. Or was he carrying it?

This made things a bit easier though. He wasn't good with fists, and seemingly worse with blades, which I believe he never got to actually use for anything else than just putting up shows with the intent to spread fear.

His eyes screamed his killing intent. I really got on his nerves.

It bought me boundless joy. Him, succumbing to his emotions like a brute who had shit for brains.

I saw the situation clear as crystal while he saw it cloudy. I was a move ahead while he was 10 leaps behind.


He cried as he pounced at me, trying to stab me in a downward motion.

Push! Pow!

He miscalculated his pounce of faith. I gave him a Sparta kick which sent him once again crashing into the bar table. He had let go of his weapon. A second kick followed, aimed at the chin which took him out. An unconscious KJ laid before me, defenseless.

I could slice his throat but I took a deep breath to take the hostility levels back into the negative levels.

Now calm, I took a napkin from a local table to clean my hands. I walked back to my table to see if I could now eat my pancakes but unfortunately they were covered in blood, not much but enough to drive away my appetite.


My frustration was immeasurable. I had good control over my emotions but if it involved my food, I couldn't help it.


The sirens reckoned with my ears, feeding my frustration even more. This has been a shitty day up till now.

I looked outside and saw two officers get out of the police car. It was a bit blurry since they rain had blurred the windows a bit, but police cars were something you couldn't really miss, along with their blue and red lights along with their stupid sirens.

"Get down on your knees, hands up and behind your back with your fingers interlocked!"

The first officer walked in with his cute taser aiming at me. He took a few glances at the unconscious dogs before once again trying to intimidate me.

"Get on the fucking ground!"

This is what they do, first try to understand the situation and then intimidate you with their tough acts and their toys.

I didn't have any problem with them though. I slowly got on my knees, placed my hands behind my neck and interlocked my fingers.

He's a green one, not more than a few cases probably. He is overdoing it a bit making it look comical. I pushed my laughter back down my throat and let him put the cuffs on.

The other officer that had come in seemed a bit more laid back though. She had a bit of experience, I could tell.

She held onto the taser while aiming but carefully enough to prevent any resistance from me without hitting his companion in the process. If it happened of course.

The officer who now had me secured with handcuffs made me stand up before leading me outside towards their car.

I took a side glance at the other officer whose face remained devoid of any expression. She was a bit shorter than me, probably 3 inches or what not. Her hazel eyes with her shoulder long black hair in a bun matched well. Her figure was pretty distinguishable despite being the vest and uniform. She was on the slender side with good proportions and steep curves. Nature has done a good job.

She reciprocated my glance as I walked by, purposely doing it slowly to take a good look at her and we did looked at each other's eyes for as long as we could before her companion hurried me even more, leaving her to walk behind us.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney."

I must recognize that the young officer really did everything by the book. Can't blame him though, they start off like that then they start to get sloppy and rusty with their words.

The three of us got in the car, me behind the bulletproof glass that divided the car in two while they sat on the front seats.

It was a new car for there were no visible marks of inefficacious attempts to escape. These cars were made with material good enough to resist Supernaturals. At some extent.

The young officer kept taking a few glances at me through the rearview mirror. I of course didn't miss it, I acted like I didn't though.

If glances could kill, I would've died countless times throughout the entire journey towards the police station. It annoyed me a bit. He acted as if I was gonna break out at any moment even though I was as calm as a lake.

This beautiful town I gazed through the window absent minded was called 'Naslept' and it rained about 3 times a week even though it was summer time.It always did.

I came here for absolutely no reason at all. I just happened to pass by. I'm a wanderer, a rover and many other things. I afford living from hotel to hotel by taking on part jobs at every town or city I go to before leaving again. I never liked to linger around a place for too long.

At the police station-

I was out in an interrogation cell with white everywhere. It was a bit discomforting.

I was told to wait before someone came and asked the questions I needed to answer which would decide where I ended up at, free or caged.


The door opened and a black haired man with a shaved beard entered. The two officers who brought me here followed him in and reclined against the wall.

Click! The door closed on it's own.

"I can't say that I take pleasure in seeing you here because it means work for me, so let's keep it short"

"What happened at the restaurant"

"I'm asking you a question, you answer. That's how this works son."

"Listen, to solve this problem we need you to cooperate with yous, do you understand?"


"Did he press charges?" Was the first thing I let out of my mouth during the whole five minutes he tried to get me to talk.


"Good, I don't want to press either. You have no proof of who the victim is and therefore you shouldn't be able to proceed without having actual evidence of the assailant."

The officer was messing with his hair at this point. He was a hair away from beating me to death, I could tell. Probably a smoker, he had a bad temper with miniscule patience.

"It's not that simple when we have two supernaturals fighting at a hole in the wall."



"One supernatural and a human fighting. Get your facts right, officer" I was a supernatural but I've learned how to hid my ability. Although technically I wasn't lying, in some way.

I didn't use my powers against KJ, there wasn't any need to.

"You expect me to believe you took on that kid without Perks?"

I just looked at him, my eyes as calm as a lake. I displayed no doubt in my words or my body language.

"Alright, you will need to pay a fine and then you can go." After I didn't give him a response, he finally gave up and decided to wrap it up. Such a finale, I welcomed it with open arms.

"Oh before you go, mind putting at ease my curiosity?" I didn't expect such a question. The officers seemed slightly surprised at his words as well.

"Your file is blank, you don't exist"