
The Conqueror Of Fictional Worlds (PAUSED)

A human who woke up in another world becomes a corrupted character and with his gigantic army, he travels the multiverse destroying kingdoms and stealing women and treasures. [----------------------------------------------------------] TAGS: Hentai. Harem. violence. War. Villain. Harem. Sex. Magic. Systems. Mc-Oppressor.

Midass · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Frozen [01]


I wake up with a sharp pain in my head.

I open both my eyes and I realize that I'm in some kind of primitive cave, in this place there are different shapes of rocks, some as thin as a needle, others as thick as a tree trunk.

The temperature of this place is extremely low.

I'm confused! 'Where am I?'

Suddenly a memory lapse appears in my head and in a cold and calm way the memories begin to bombard my brain.

I crack a smile on my mouth and lift myself off the floor like a god entering another world.

'YEA!' Now I remember. I'm in the fictional world of frozen! This world is dominated by snow because of Elza's magic but that doesn't really matter at this point.

Now that I've been granted the privilege to invade fictional worlds, I waste no time and issue a command loud and clear. 'Status'

As if by magic, a screen with a virtual appearance appears before my eyes.


[Title] = The villain who conquers kingdoms and princesses

[Description]: Grants the wielder the simple and powerful ability to increase +1 ability power to each slain creature and to top it off, for each violated virgin princess you will receive a gift from other fictional worlds completely at random.

[Name] = Arthas Menethil

[Gender] = [Male]

[Age] = [18 years]



[Description] = Intelligence (Int) defines the character's learning and reasoning speed. Wizard powers are based on Intelligence. Intelligence contributes to the defense of Reflexes. If the character wears light armor, Intelligence contributes to Armor Class.


[Description] = Vitality: Determines hit points (HP), also affects fire resistance and immunity. It's a universal attribute for all characters and builds, and the biggest gain in gameplay possible, unless you're an expert and don't plan on taking any damage.


[Description] = Determines the Character's physical strength, his muscular capacity. Strength doesn't have as much influence on appearance as Constitution—a skinny karate fighter might be strong enough to break piles of bricks, but a muscular bodybuilder could hardly match prowess.


[Description] = Able to break and change the laws of physics, thermodynamics, entropy, among other laws. It can be used to create, destroy, dominate, heal, save... Magical energy can perform feats that would otherwise be completely impossible. [There is no limit]


'ok' so things are the way I wanted.

I waste no time and issue another command and again the screen before my eyes vibrates and changes. 'INVENTORY'

[1 - [Egg of an End Dragon] - Limited Edition!]

[Description] = A dragon that is bound to the user! It grows in the same way as the user. [This creature has its intimidation power increased by 100% when the user is invading realms of princesses and queens and goddesses.] (This will only work if the user is riding on the dragon's back)

[2 - [Ultimate Multiverse Gauntlet] - Limited Edition!]

[Description] = This interdimensional portal weapon allows the user to travel virtually anywhere they want or need to be.

[3] - [Empty]

[4] - [Empty]

[5] - [Empty]

[6] - [Empty]

[7] - [Empty]

[8] - [Empty]......................... 99999999999999999999 [EMPTY]


I lift one of my arms and move it towards the items on the screen that float before my eyes.

I don't think much and with the tip of my index finger I press on the items and magically a black dragon with deep eyes that exude a purple glow appears and along with this creature a strange glove appears on my right hand that completely covers my forearm .


The gigantic black dragon that is a few steps away from my body starts to roar like a wild beast.

The entire environment shakes violently.


Apparently I'm right in the center of a huge cave and this cave is located inside a big mountain that is covered in ice.

The quake made the entire mountain shake and as a result an immense avalanche mass concentrated snow began to slide towards the foot of the mountain.

I lift my head and face the dragon.

The end dragon faces me directly however he doesn't attack me and totally against my expectations, the dragon lies down with his back facing the ground and shows me his big black belly.


I can't keep a straight face and show surprise. Both my eyes almost pop out of my eye sockets... This damn dragon is acting like a domestic dog.

I shake my head from side to side in disappointment at this strange dragon so I don't think too much and raise my fist.

I close both my eyes and focus on an image that is inside my head because this is where I want to go.


The environment shakes...

I open my eyes again and now I find myself somewhere else!

I am in an extremely high place, I am on the highest mountain on this planet.

The air here is freezing and the sky is beautiful.. I see many aurora borealis, it seems that the sky is alive.

Beside me is a beautiful and large black dragon. It lifts its beautiful wings and stares at me like a dog asking its owner's permission to go out and get dirty in the mud.

A cocky smile appears at the corner of my mouth.

I look ahead and start to contemplate the beautiful icy planet in front of me.. I lift my fist and in a firm tone I say. 'Go dragon!' This planet is entirely ours!

He seems to understand my words and starts roaring in an overwhelming way.


After roaring he leaps into the air and like a missile starts to gain speed.

The adrenaline of traveling to another world is so great that I can't feel cold even when I'm in an extremely cold place.

Before flying on my dragon's back, I raise my fist again and this time it's not me that was transported, a portal opens a few steps away and from inside the portal comes an immortality totem and an enchanted spear and along with that a talking mirror also appeared.

[Totem of Immortality]

[Description] : An immortality totem or immortality totem is an item that can save a player from death.

[Enchanted Spear] > [Appearance Here]

[Description] : A long weapon that was enchanted by mages!

I don't think much and I hold the totem with one hand and the spear with the other hand and as a reflection of my actions the mirror floats and is placed right in front of me, really this new body is extremely beautiful. >[ APPEARANCE HERE]

The three items are extremely beautiful.

After that I open the portal and manage to get some more potions that can give me momentary abilities. Speed. Power. To fly. Among other things.

After swallowing all the colored liquids that were inside the vials, I lift my fist and as in the blink of an eye I appear on my dragon's neck.

immediately he realizes I'm on his neck, he roars and picks up speed!


The adrenaline is so sinister I can't keep still.

I open my mouth and issue an order.

'Dragon, let's go to the kingdom of Arendelle!' The time has come to burn an entire city and kidnap some princesses for my harem.


[------------------------------------------------- -------]

I need your help! - [ Rate this novel so I will have motivation to write!] Send me your power stones... pls