
The Conqueror's Wife

Emperor Dijon’s decision to bring in the stray woman from the streets of his newly conquered kingdom is as baffling to his Generals as it is to him. He intends for the whole experience to be a mere entertainment, a distraction from the many travails of his campaign through the desert but the little woman turns out to be a spit fire. One that he finds difficult to handle, yet she intrigues him. She arouses him as much as she infuriates him, yet, there is something even she cannot see, he recognizes the hunger in her eyes, the urge to destroy, conquer. They might have more in common than she actually thinks.

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9 Chs

Chapter 8

When Nia comes back into the tent, Kiara is dressed in red lace embroidered with gold threads. She keeps rubbing the material between her fingers, it is soft, rich, delicate, like a single pull would rip it. Kiara notices the box in Nia's hand, when Nia opens it, Kiara sees an intricate mask sitting on a velvet pillow. The mask is white, designed all over with red and gold lines, matching the colours on her dress. there are two carved out slits for her eyes, but none for her mouth. Nia places the mask over her face and secures it in place, the mask's nose fits snuggly over Kiara's and she begins to panic that she won't be able to breathe, air fills her nostrils from the perforated holes underneath the mask's nose.

A heavy red head piece with gold spikes is placed atop her head and Kiara is certain her neck will break under the pressure. Kiara senses the urgency in her handmaiden's actions and knows the time has come.

"Do not look around, do not slouch, do not lower your eyes to the ground, do not wave, that would be assuming the role of his equal. Just keep your head up, your shoulders high and walk to the castle, maintain this posture until the castle doors are closed shut." Nia whispers in sharp tones as she put heavy gold bracelets and anklets on Kiara's hands and feet.

She is led out of the tent by Nia after two small slip on shoes are put on her feet. A carriage waits for her, a soldier holds the door open. Kiara gets into it but turns around when she notices that Nia isn't following. Nia gives her a quick, dismissive shooo with her hand and the soldiers slams the door in Kiara's face before she can do anything.

She settles herself onto a seat in the roomie carriage and gets the shock of her life when her eyes adjust to the dark interior. The Emperor is seated on the opposite seat. He is dressed in full body armour, gold of course. The only difference this time is instead of his helmet. He is wearing an intricate mask, the matching pair to Kiara's, but somehow, he makes it more menacing, sterner looking.

He doesn't say anything to Kiara, the carriage begins to move, Kiara hears a herald a little distance away blowing on his trumpet, announcing the Emperor's arrival. The roaring sound Kiara cannot place now becomes clear and makes sense. It is the sound of the inhabitants of the city, they were cheering, chanting, whistling. The sound gets louder with every minute they ride closer to the city.

Out of curiosity, Kiara pulls the blind of the carriage back to look out the window.

"Don't." The sharp reprimand startles her to her senses. "Stop behaving like a filthy commoner."

She composes herself and folds her hand in her lap. The remark stings but she is determined not to cry.

The carriage comes to a stop and Kiara hears the herald blow his trumpet right outside the carriage.

"Sit still and don't do anything stupid. Wait for me to exit first and do not move a single muscle until I reach for you. Keep your head up and walk to the doors, do nothing else."

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