
The Conqueror's Wife

Emperor Dijon’s decision to bring in the stray woman from the streets of his newly conquered kingdom is as baffling to his Generals as it is to him. He intends for the whole experience to be a mere entertainment, a distraction from the many travails of his campaign through the desert but the little woman turns out to be a spit fire. One that he finds difficult to handle, yet she intrigues him. She arouses him as much as she infuriates him, yet, there is something even she cannot see, he recognizes the hunger in her eyes, the urge to destroy, conquer. They might have more in common than she actually thinks.

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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7:

Nia joins her in the carriage where she has been dumped and locked in for two hours at least.

Kiara turns her face away from her, to hide her tear stained face from the girl.

Nia doesn't say anything.

The carriage begins to move, soon after, Kiara hears a whip crack furiously and various unintelligible sounds coming from the hostler.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"Home." Nia replies.

"What about court?"

Nia looks at Kiara, her features twisted in utter confusion.

"The Emperor said we had court this morning." Kiara expatiates.

"You can't hold court with people who no longer exist." Nia's voice is toneless and cold as she says this.

Kiara feels the tears pool in her eyes. She is the sole reason her people have been annihilated.

The sole reason. She cannot bring herself to make eye contact with Nia.

The carriage begins to move with neck-breaking speed on uneven road, the carriage jolts and soon Kiara has to steady herself by holding on to the seat.

The blinds are drawn over the windows so Kiara can not see the terrain or know how much time has passed, and she doesn't dare open them. They ride on for a very long time, so long that the confines of the carriage grows darker by the minute, alerting Kiara that dusk is fast approaching. She lays down on the soft cushion of the seat, curling into a fetal position with the large cape covering her body, before she knows it, the rocking motion of the carriage gently puts her to sleep.

Nia gently shakes Kiara awake, when the girl opens her eyes, there is a look of confusion on her face before reality dawns on her. She jerks to a start, sitting upright and pulling the Emperor's velvet cape around her.

"What's wrong?" Asks Kiara.

"Nothing." Nia says, "We're here."

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