
The Conqueror's Sister

In a fantasy world with modern technology, a girl named Zaya Shyes struggles to find her place in the expansive world of interesting species, mystical magic, and forgotten mysteries. Her story begins with the birth of her brother, Curtis. Little does she know how unpredictable he will make her life as he drags Zaya along into his unpredictable and always maniacal schemes. With a genius little brother and a hidden power dwelling deep within, Zaya has to learn to conquer all of lives' twists. Updates Friday at 12:00pm PST.  I also release chapters on scribblehub.com and royalroad.com. Also, feel free to donate if you enjoy this story!

Eli_Kaustinen · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: My Life Before - Part 2

POV: Sir Elliot Vellen the Third

Phase One of my plan worked: Get the Evil Conqueror to underestimate me.

Phase Two is currently in progress: To kill him with the new long-ranged, hand-held weapon called a gun.

I hate that I can not rely on my swordsmanship to kill him, but I had to go with the safer option. Especially after he dodged my first attack. My wife and newborn son are waiting for me to return, and if it was not for this gun, I would not have come in the first place.

A few months ago, I turned nineteen, and that is when I was approached by them. A couple, claiming to be farmers, had been unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of Alder Elbrus' destruction. Once every few months, Alder comes out of his castle to gather food and other resources. It is always random where he goes to get that stuff, and common for him to travel to a different continent than the one where his castle resides.

The entire world has to prepare for when that man leaves his castle. His mere presence draws danger to anyone around him. When he is out, many strong power users challenge him, and Alder always leaves their body in the destructive aftermath of the battle. And with his most recent outing, my kingdom was the unlucky one he chose to get supplies from.

The last time he came to my kingdom was many years before I was born, when my grandfather was king. Though, when he got there, someone challenged him and their battle almost destroyed the entire kingdom. Furious, my grandfather traveled to the Evil Conqueror's castle to avenge his kingdom, but he never came back. Then, when my father was twenty-three, he traveled there to get revenge for his father's death, but never came back.

My kingdom is still struggling to recover, and I do not plan to make the same plunder as my father and grandfather. I have nothing but hate towards Alder Elbrus, but I still ordered my kingdom to give him what he needed when he arrived. And while he was there, I did not come in contact with him. Unfortunately, someone challenged him again, but thankfully the damage was not as severe as last time. It still affected many people though, like the farmer couple who appeared during my birthday celebration.

The man, tall and muscular, with sweaty black hair and a goatee, bowed. The woman, petite and curvy, with curly, blonde hair, curtsied. Without lifting their heads, the man apologized for intruding on the celebration and introduced himself and his wife.

"…I'm Simon Verall the Second and this here is my wife, Leah Verall-Hantero. We're humble farmers that live in the far west farmlands of your kingdom. And if your majesty is able to look past our status, we'd be thankful if you'd at most listen to our request," the man, Simon, had said.

The two caught me off guard. At first, Simon's words did not register. Their clothing did not suggest that they were of lower class. They actually looked quite elegant. Simon was fitted in a black and white suit with a black bow tie, while his wife, Leah, wore a full-length dress that shined pink in light of its pale tone. Simon's informal speech was the only indication of his status. It made me question how they got the clothes and also how they were allowed in.

Which was quickly answered by a panicked and kowtowing noble that had appeared behind them.

"I am SO sorry, King Elliot! These two are my childhood friends and I invited them because I was planning to introduce and set up an appointment with you for them! Although it seems that they were too impatient for that. Can you please show mercy and excuse their rudeness?!"

The noble at my feet was Sir Quinton Delicat the Fourth. A stick-like man with nicely combed auburn hair and a not unattractive face. He is about my age and I have only met him a few times. While generally likable, he can sometimes be a bit socially extreme. The one thing I know we have in common is that our fathers were killed by Alder Elbrus. Only, his father was killed more recently due to the battle that took place in our kingdom. The Delicat's domain is in the west, and includes the farmland, so unfortunately Sir Quinton Delicat the Third was caught in the middle. Now, his son has become the West Domain Leader.

"Please raise your head and stand up, Sir Quinton. You are drawing a lot of attention like that," I had said calmly.

All of the other nobles and their families were staring now. Some seemed disgusted, having overheard that the couple in front of me were farmers. Others were unsure as to what was going on. My royal guards began to stir. While my wife, concerned, made her way over to me.

My wife looks beautiful in her scarlet dress, I thought then. Complimenting her cherry lips, and cinnamon-colored skin. In dazzling contrast to her silver hair and hazel eyes. I had almost forgotten what had transpired until Sunny, my wife, was at my side and said.

"Is everything alright, Elliot?"

To diffuse the situation, I assured Sunny that nothing was wrong and then offered to listen to the farmer's request in another room. Sir Quinton finally stood up, but the faces of the nobles did not stop following us. I motioned for the guards to stay where they are at and then walked Sunny, Quinton, and the farmers to another room. Normally, this would not be allowed, but I wanted to avoid unwanted attention.

Before closing the door behind me, I had announced, "Continue enjoying yourselves! We'll be right back."

I was too naïve and optimistic. Thinking that the request of two farmers would be a simple matter. Not knowing that the conversation in that room would end up leading me here—the graveyard of my father and grandfather and many others.

"We want you to kill the Evil Conqueror, Alder Elbrus!" the male farmer, Simon, had said once we got comfortably seated in the other room.

My heart skipped a beat. Sunny paled. Sir Quinton fell out of his seat.

"I am SO sorry, King Elliot and Queen Sunny! I had no idea that they were going to ask you this! I thought it would be something more reasonable! Please forget what—"

"We understand that the request we're making is unreasonable, and even means to punish us," the female farmer, Leah, interjected with a determined demeanor. "We're fully prepared for the consequences, but we need you to know that we believe there's a way to defeat him now. He needs to serve justice for all the harm and terror he's brought to this world. He KILLED our sweet little daughter in his recent battle… She'd just turned ten and was playing outside as she normally did. Only to be pierced through the head by a speeding, off-course spike!"

Leah started to cry into her husband's shoulder after speaking. Clearly in grief from their daughter's death. For which, I could understand now, having just been gifted with a son.

Simon continued the conversation from then on.

At first, I completely dismissed the prospect of even considering the farmers' request. Though, the more we talked, my consideration began to change. Simon informed me of a new weapon that was recently created, called a gun. Saying he heard a merchant speaking of it in the marketplace. The rumor is that it can shoot a tiny ball of lead at an incredible speed. Simon believes that it is a weapon capable of slaying the Evil Conqueror.

Both Sunny and Sir Quinton were quick to label the weapon as nothing but an exaggerated rumor. And even if it did exist, it is not certain that it would be enough to overcome his power. Which, I thought as well, until I actually obtained the weapon.

The farmer couple left the party after our discussion. My wife begged that I do not fulfill their request and Sir Quinton apologized profusely. Of course, I planned not to disappoint Sunny, but my curiosity overtook me. I ordered my personal merchants to find out what they could about the gun and also purchase one if capable.

A month later, I obtained one. I have practiced the sword my entire life and am one of this world's best swordsmen, but this weapon made it meaningless. If someone pointed a gun at me, my sword skills would mean nothing. The only downside is that it takes a long time to reload. Though, with my power, that does not matter. I can just replicate myself with the loaded gun as many times as I can.

My aim is good if I have time to aim, but it is difficult for me to quickly hit a target. No matter how much I practiced, it stayed like that, so I worked out my strategy taking that into account. And it worked. Sort of.

Using my clones, their shots made him veer right where I was aiming. I missed his head, but still injured him. That is enough, I thought. Now is my chance to end him. He is not moving from his throne. Maybe the pain has paralyzed him. All he can do is touch the wound. As long as he stays in that state long enough for my clones and I to reload, we can riddle him with bullets. It is best to kill him before he regains his right of mind. Now that he has an idea of what this weapon can do, he might be able to counter it.

The man's abilities are not unknown, but still mysterious. I know that getting close is basically suicide. That is why this gun is the best option. All other long range weapons do not compare to the speed of its ammunition.

Right now, I am in enemy territory. Within the midst of the Evil Conqueror. Standing in an expansive throne room that is more lackluster than I would have imagined. The throne is just a simple block form of a chair. It's not even elevated by stairs, making it level with me. The only thing worth noting in this room is the red carpet, which holds a stark contrast to everything else.

The castle itself is an astonishing stone structure that protrudes from the side of a mountain. With green vines hanging from the multiple towers—adding to its regal appearance. My castle does not compare to it in the slightest. The inside, however, is completely void of any life or decoration. The hallways are just high stone walls with the occasional candle lighting the way to doors and stairways.

It was not difficult to enter the castle. There is no closed gate, just the open hallway leading straight to the throne room. When I first entered, I sent my clone to explore around the castle. Our thoughts are intertwined, allowing me to do easy reconnaissance. To which I found out that the throne room is the center of the castle. Also, he is the only one in the current residence of this entire place. My clone had checked most of the rooms and many of them were living quarters. Though all were dusty with no sign of use.

It is well known that Alder Elbrus created this castle himself utilizing his power, so I wonder why he would create those rooms if he has no one to use them.

Though, it makes sense that no one would want to stay with him. The man in front of me, even when injured and immobilized, exudes an intimidating aura. Even with my gun and all my clones' guns—now completely loaded and aimed straight towards him—a sense of dread overcomes me.

The Evil Conqueror is smiling while his face is morphing.

The way he looked before escaped my memory, and I do not remember if I even got a good look while I was standing here the entire time. I should have the memory of the clone he destroyed, who had been close to him, but that was unhelpful. The clone had also not seen his face. It is as if I am incapable of looking directly at him.

I need to fire the bullets before this becomes…


"HAKHAHAHA," my father—no, Alder Elbrus laughed wickedly.

"What is that? You're sick!"

"What?" he said provocatively. "There might be a few inconsistencies, but considering it was based on memory, I think I did well. I bet you have never seen your father's face in person. You should be grateful."

My finger is stuck hovering over the trigger of the gun. I have only ever seen paintings of my father, but now his likeness is actually in front of me. Why am I hesitating?

"Oh? Did this make it hard for you to use that weapon on me? I am not your father. Just do it!"

He daringly stood up from his throne making me flinch.

"You do not have any memories of your father. Why are you making it so much more difficult than it needs to be?"

Pure malice is coming from Alder's voice.

He steps forward.

"Stay back! Change your face back!"

He laughed deeply before answering with an evil grin, "Nah, now why would I do that?!"

Alder slapped his hands to the ground.

"Crap! Shoot him!" I commanded my clones.

They all shot, but they all missed. As they pulled the trigger, the ground rumbled beneath them, throwing off their aim. He did not even flinch as the bullets whizzed past him. In the next moment, every single one of my clones were pierced through the chest by spikes forming from the ground. Leaving me in the middle of the destruction.

Why didn't he target me?, I thought. I should be dead.

My clones popped one by one as Alder glared at me. I looked into his eyes—my father's eyes—and saw no remorse. Death looks like my father, and he has come to pick me up.

I can not create any more clones. I used up too much energy today creating thirteen already. If I do not get away from here, I am dead. I failed to kill him. No matter what, I have to live. My wife and son are waiting for me. I have too…

My legs aren't moving. Am I too terrified to even run away? Am I not going to survive? Why did I come in the first place?

No, no. I still have a bullet. I can still shoot him. This weapon can kill him, right? I will win this.

He still has his palms on the ground, in a vulnerable position. Taking this chance, aimed at his head, I shot the gun. There is a sound of impact, but the bullet did not hit Alder. A slab of stone, pulled up by his left hand, protected his head. Then, without skipping a heartbeat, he stood up and pulled a stone sword from the ground.

"That's not fair!" I yelled, dropping the gun out of defeat. "You should be dead! You blocked that out of luck, didn't you?! No one can block a bullet!"

"But I did," he retorted as he lifted the sword to rest on his shoulder. "And now I want to test my sword skills so… Draw your sword."


"Draw your SWORD!"

Instinctively, I obey. His voice demanded my body to do as he says. I got in a ready stance, putting my dominant foot forward and bending the knees. Gripping the handle of my longsword with both hands, I angled the tip towards Alder.

The sword he created looks just like mine, but completely made by stone. Also, the edges are rightfully duller, and it has to be heavy. I can definitely win in a sword duel, but there is no telling if he will use his powers during the fight. Maybe I can reason with him.

"H-How about this? I have a p-proposition. If you let me leave now, my family will n-never disturb you again. If you kill me, my son will c-come get revenge. This way, we can put a stop to this generational g-grudge."

Alder does not respond, but smirks creepily as he walks towards me. I try retreating by stepping backwards. The hallway leading outside the castle is behind me. There are no closed doors blocking my way, so there is a chance that I can flee.

"Oh, no you don't."


Alder stabbed the floor with his sword, and the room started to rumble again. I braced for a spike to appear from beneath me, hoping that there would be some way to block or dodge it, but no spike came. Instead, the large entrance to the hallway started to become blocked off. A portion of both walls shifted towards each other and left no exit. It is now impossible for me to escape.

Is there really nothing that I can do? Is there any hope left for me? Why did I even come here? Of course this was going to be the outcome. He has survived countless battles. A gun is powerful, but this man transcends all other humans and weapons. He has not even shown the full extent of his power yet. Right now, the Evil Conqueror just wants to play with me.

He yanks the sword from the floor and says to me, "Are you ready now?"

I hesitated. At first, unable to respond, but then I started to laugh hysterically.

Nothing matters at this point. My death is inevitable now. Even if I had shot sooner, this would have happened. My only chance was that first shot, but it failed.

Steeling my resolve, I calmed myself down and responded.

"I do not seem to have much of a choice, do I?"

All I can do now is die a warrior's death in battle.

"Hmph… Good."

Alder smiled. At least I got to see my father's smiling face once before I died, I thought.

We charged each other and our swords clashed.

Immediately, it was obvious that I was the superior swordsman, but his quickness and strength made up for his lack of skill. The fact that he is able to swing the stone sword around normally is a testament to his strength. I can ward off his strikes, but my attempted parries do not land.

After a few minutes, my sword had been severely chipped and I was becoming fatigued. Surprisingly, Alder has not used his powers on me yet, but he also seems to still have lots of energy left.

Thoughts of my wife, Sunny, and my son, Elliot, threatened to distract me from the duel. Why did I not listen to Sunny's pleas? Why did I not think of my son? Just like me, he will grow up without his father. Forever having to bear that terrible bitterness.

How much longer am I going to last? I can feel my arms shaking and feet slipping. I am barely dodging his blows. Sweat is starting to stain my eyes. Or is it tears? All I can do is defend now. With any luck, I can find an opening, but that seems unlikely.

I can feel it. It is going to be over soon…

Alder dropped his sword. Unsurprised, he replied.

"You are a great swordsman. As I thought."

No, did I hit it out of his hands? It does not matter. He is defenseless now. I can strike him. I can live. I can go back to Sunny and Ell…

"What a waste!"

Multiple spikes penetrated me at once. Lifting me from the floor. My voice was lost from the pain. Blood traveled up my throat and started to suffocate me. Spitting it up only helped a little. My blood sprayed everywhere and I think I lost one of my arms. This is it for me. My lungs were probably punctured so I do not have much time.

I can feel my consciousness wavering.

"It seems your will was not strong enough to triumph over me." Alder's voice whispered in my ear.

It is almost completely dark. So dark.





"I am sorry, Sunny."


"I realize now that I was manipulated. It is too late now."


"Take good care of our son. Raise him so he does not become a fool like me."

"I will."



"Don't cry too long over me. I want you to be happy. If you ever want to be reminded of me, just look at our son. He has my eyes and your beautiful silver hair."

"Why did you have to leave me with a future lady-killer?"

"Hmph… I'm sorry."





"I think I have to go. I hear my father's voice."



"I love you!"

"I love you, too."


POV: Alder Elbrus

It's done.

Sir Elliot is dead. The fire is out. My anger has been satisfied.

Pierced in multiple areas and lifted off the ground, his lifeless body is limp. Blood runs through his clothes and drips to the floor. His eyes have lost their vibrant violet color, no longer holding the intensity I saw before. Though surprisingly, he does not look like he died in despair, for he looks at peace.

He must have had some crazy last thoughts.

I am surprised he injured me. The weapon he used was really powerful. I wonder what it is called?

No matter. Now I know how to deal with users of this weapon if I see it again. With that resolution, I decided to finish my day.

"Time to bury his body into the castle with the rest," I said to no one in particular. "At least you will be with your father and grandfather for eternity… Man, I am going to have to wash off all your blood that got on me."

I bent down, getting ready to place my hand on the floor, and then reconstruct it so I could bury Sir Elliot somewhere below the castle. But before I could, five new presences appeared.