
0-3 Reporting (WN EDIT)

When Johnny arrived down to the Ark, he and his squad were greeted by none other than several Mass Produced Nikke who offered to take his Nikke for repairs.

They also checked whether Johnny was injured or not, before requesting him to take a brief rest before reporting to the Deputy Chief.

When asked, they replied that Shifty told them when Johnny's squad was inside the elevator, and awaited before the elevator.

And as he walked down the path where the Deputy Chief's room was, Johnny began recollecting what happened earlier.

"Phew.... That earlier was a heart pounding experience..."

Grumbling, Johnny put one of his hands on your pocket and took out the High Quality Chocolate Bar contained in a plastic wrapper, unwrapped it and stated at the screen right above the bar.

[ High Quality Chocolate Bar ]

[ Rank: Rare ]

[ Description: A fitting snack that restores some sanity and energy, tastes addictively sweet. ]

Johnny ate the bar, bit by bit as it slowly made him feel more relaxed. It was tasty, of course, and it seemed like he is relieved of most of his stress and regained some energy to move on.

Due to this, Johnny felt like he was relaxed enough to approach Andersen's room, having the time to scan the equipment he drawn out from the Equipment Gacha.

The Goddessium Armor he obtained is actually made of 70% Goddessium, a unique metal that makes up a Nikke, and it feels similar to skin. And 70% is already much since Mass Produced Nikke are made with 7 to 12% Goddessium.

Meanwhile, the Atlas Gear has the Atlas Pattern on powerful metal like Goddessium, making the metal several times more tougher.

The problem? It was made by Ark's top scientists and now he might be quite in trouble, so he had unequipped all and any form of equipment that would be an anomaly for some MP Nikkes when you were in the elevator.

Johnny wasn't really here to get questioned by authorities 24/7 while he gets an annoying headache right after his first mission.

'Something troublesome like that... would be a real drag in the ass....'

Johnny sighed again as he finished devouring the last bits of the Chocolate Bar, then tossing the wrapper to a nearby trashcan.

Once he was near Andersen's room, he took a short rest before entering the room.

"Sir, I'm back."

"Anything to report?"

Johnny reported what had happened earlier including the encounter with the Lord Class Rapture Thermite, even reluctantly telling Andersen about his ability to Overclock Nikke and their experience with it.

Johnny didn't tell him about the chant, it would sound quite ridiculous and unbelievable. But he did say he felt like this chant was a sort of the only thing needed to activate the code.

Andersen acknowledged it as his stern gaze almost seemed to pierce through Johnny.

"I get that your ability allowed you to get an even ground against the high class rapture, but you probably knew what would happen if you overuse this ability, right?"

His stern gaze became deeper as if assessing Johnny through his answer.

"Yeah.... Their inner parts will become too damaged, or worse, their cores may explode."

Andersen nodded in agreement.

"We'll keep this a top secret between us two then. And as for your little findings, that'd be enough for you. Sorry in advance for that event."

"Yeah.... By the way, can I modify my Nikke?"

Andersen was silent, deep in thought for seconds until he answered.

"Under the supervision of that Nikke's CEO, you can. Any other questions?"

Before Johnny could say anything, someone barged into the Deputy Chief's room.

"Wait for a moment!"

Hearing that familiar voice, Johnmy and Andersen turned to look at the entrance of the room, only to see a woman in white walk inside.

She was Ingrid, the CEO of Elysion. And she feels like a drill instructor and a tough woman. By now she's mad and looked like she is going to lecture Johnny.

"Ahem. You're just in time, Ingrid. I suppose I have to leave for a meeting with my colleagues."

"Are you making this excuse again, or what?"

"I'm not. There's a difference between making excuses and not."


Then the Deputy Chief left the room, leaving you alone with Ingrid as she immediately glared at you.

"Johnny Eisenritter, son of Ingram Eisenritter, the CEO of Eisenritter Industries, right?"

'Step on me, mommy!' Johnny inwardly thought, gazing up to her face then immediately and shoving that thought deep to his mind.

"Y-Yes, ma'am?"

"Explain yourself at how you gained access to a forbidden code that was supposed to be lost for almost 4 decades from now."

"..... Forbidden code?"

"Yes, what was it? Code Overclock? Of course, someone like you didn't truly know or just made it up, but it was a part of a certain industry's failures."

She had suspected that it was a code that severely boosted the output of a Nikke's core, though as far as she remembered, it was completely top secret.

But, it had its disadvantages, such as making a Nikke overheat and worse, would explode if used for extended periods of time.

Selected commanders at that time are allowed to use this code, but to her, she didn't know that someone like you would be capable of activating the code.

Even though she openly thought Johnny was crazy at that time.

'He should have retreated tactically, so why would he face the rapture head on with weak Mass Produced Nikke? Unless..... He knows it.'

Ingrid was incredibly suspicious of Johnny, and as she contemplated it, she wanted to prove her suspicions at a later time.

"Anyway, forget what I spoke with you this afternoon, and your Nikke, they're still being calibrated and repaired, so no missions for you. Now leave my sight, you are dismissed!"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Johnny left the room, still feeling the gaze of the CEO of Elysion until he was fully out of her sight. Also, gaining the notification that hus mission is now finished and his had obtained the rewards.

Soon, Andersen returned from his meeting.

"Do you have something to say about him?"

"You know, it is certainly strange that he out of all places could do something unbelievable, such as having access such a forbidden code. But, despite his abilities, I'd still doubt he'd last long enough in the battlefield."

"Are you saying...?"

"Yes, she will be drafted to his squad to assist him since she had recently deserted her team following an accident. I'm sure he'll be fine being with her."

Andersen was cautious about this decision, as it was breaking a certain law made by the Central Government.

"Don't worry about it, for Mass-Produced Nikke, because they're fodder, they wouldn't mind letting around 4 of them in a squad unless they're uniques."

[ •~• LINE BREAKER •~• ]

To be honest, Johnny really didn't have anywhere to go in the Ark. Relying on the memories he received did not even help since he rarely ever got out of home, which was really far away and could take an hour or two of walking, or 20 minutes on the closest elevator.

That's why he was stayinf on a dormitory that was nearby, staying alone. This dormitory's room looked very neat, and tailored for the rich, being filled with some expensive jewelry and stuff that aren't outdated at all.

There was even a brown fur coat hanging on the side for fashion purposes, though for now you weren't that interested in that sort of stuff.

"Mmh.... It kinda feels boring just by not doing anything.... Should I play some games?"

The feeling of boredom engulfed him as he sat on the chair in front of a desk that had a high end computer and began using it.

And there it was, right at his desktop.

A few videogames.

Specifically DO- *ahem" BOOM. Which is a complete copy of DOOM from the 90s.

Just by playing it Johnny spent some time until he eventually cleared all the levels pretty easily. It even has PvP where he fought a player named "El_Egg". They were even.

He also downloaded a game named Mobile Core Raven, which is an obvious Ripoff of Armored Core.


When Johnny heard the doorbell ring, he approached the door of the room, then opened it to see the three MP Nikke he had just led earlier.

Agnes and Nacht looked a bit different, and Nacht's visors had retracted to her helmet.

Agnes no longer had her shark teeth mask, Nacht has her visor retracted to her helmet and her leg was replaced with a Product 12 Nikke's own, with a black repaint, and Marteau was.... Still Marteau as her helmet was not there anymore, yet her goggles was the only one remaining.

"Yo, welcome. Ah, it's you three. Are your repairs finished?"

"All finished, sir! Though we had to be scolded by Boss...."

"Yeah.... She's probably just worried about it, that's all...."

Marteau: ".... I also got scolded for forgetting to take my Falcon's Nest, damaged or not when we returned."

"Alright, come in then. It would be strange for people to see you right now."

Right before they entered, however the three MP Nikke shook their heads. Something must still be done, he supposed.

Nacht: "Umm, actually.... We still have someone to introduce to you. She's still our superior, so we may take orders from her."

Huh, who might that be?

Your question was answered immediately when the MP Nikkes stepped aside to let someone approach him.

Just by the first sight of her, you immediately recognized her, up from her black clothing, short skirt, thick thighs that basically nobody in your squad could ever hope to rival, ash blonde hair and orange eyes.

She was...


"I'm Rapi, sent by Ingrid to assist you. Your orders, please."

"I'm tired, so let's just take a rest. That's all."

"Alright~! Time to rest~!"

[ ~ TO = BE = CONTINUED ~ ]


Weapon Tuner: A device filled with charged Nanomachines that upgrades and modifies weapon of any type, even shields. Do not use on raptures.

Although, it could only do so much outside of its SR and SSR counterparts.