
change of fate

Favour was told that her condition has worsen and she has a little time to live.

She felt since she was in a comic book she could change her fate from not dying early and loving someone she wants to love not what the writer draws , so that day after talking to Emmanuel about changing her fate she decided to go back to class suddenly she saw the "continuity" she saw that she was going to fall down from the stairs and Philip will run to carry her, she was already expecting it knowing very well she cannot change a stage. As it was meant to happen she fell from the stairs but she didn't fall directly to the ground she fell on someone before she could see who caught he she was in the next scene with Philip in the hospital,she was very annoyed because she felt she has met someone who could change he fate but didn't see his face.

Next day she went on hitting everybody back to see if she would fine the person back she fell on but didn't