
The combustioners

A boy named Jaden who had flame abilities and easy to save the world from his own destruction

Excel_Xoft · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


Once upon a time was a boy named Jaden. He is a normal boy with a normal life trying to get a job after his university. He got his job in a pizza restaurant, everything was good and fine.

JADEN: what a wonderful place to start a job.

MANAGER: what do you want?

JADEN: I am here to sign up for the job available

MANAGER: That is good but you have to show me your skills.

JADEN: Yes sir, where do we begin?

MANAGER: In the kitchen

(Jaden was pushed into the kitchen seeing cool stuff for making pizza. He was very surprised that he saw a pizza making machine in an old pizza restaurant. Restaurant age: 1920 - 2019.)

JADEN: Wow, it's time for work.

(After a rough and a stressful day at work, Jaden came home to rest until he started hearing noises in his wardrobe. He approached his wardrobe and then fearfully opened it. When he turned back, he noticed that he was no longer in his house. He was in a warehouse in the forest. He was confused then he came out to look for network but there was none. He went back inside, then he saw the wardrobe. When he tried to open it, it was locked. He tried and tried and tried but the war drop disappeared. The wind was blowing as if there was a storm. Jaden was very scared until he saw a shining thing in a little hole. When he tried to carry it he then realized that the hole was too small then he looked for a stick to bring it out. When he brought it out, he saw that it was a ring, and then he started hearing voices.

UNKNOWN VOICE: Put on the ring and live in doom forever!!!!

JADEN: Who said that?

UNKNOWN VOICE: It is I the flame demon. Put on the ring and live a life of suffering and bad luck, but it is the only way to get out of here.

JADEN: Tell me, if I put on the ring and then something happens and I'm out, can I get it off?

UNKNOWN VOICE: That... you have to discover on your own (with a demonic laugh)

JADEN: I hate these things. Well, I just have to try.

(Jaden then put on the ring and then he vanished immediately, arriving somewhere else.)

JADEN: Where am i?

GIRL'S VOICE: Oh men, school was hell today. I just need to rest.

JADEN: Wait; am I in a girl's house?

(The girl then came in and opened her door and then went to her room were Jaden went to hide.)

GIRL: who opened my war drop? Oh well, I just need to close it.

(Immediately the girl wanted to close the wardrobe, the ring that Jaden was wearing started blinking and the flames started rounding him.)

JADEN: What's going on?

GIRL: What's going on?

(Jaden then turned into a flame beast and burst out from the wardrobe then blasted the girl's bed with flame. The girl was very frightened and then ran outside and called her brother who is a fire fighter for help.)

THE GIRL ON THE PHONE: Mark, I need you please, there is a flame beast in my house.

MARK ON THE PHONE: I will be right there.

(T he fire fighters started rushing to the girl's house. When they got there, they surrounded the house while the neighbors started calling the police. Mark went inside the house and saw the beast and tried extinguishing it but it ran to the back door. Immediately he ran out of the house from the back door, the other fire fighters extinguished it and then it was very week and then fell and turned back to Jaden.)

MARK: The beast is a man?

1st FIRE FIGHTER: I guess so.

(Mark took him to the hospital to recover and to get answers. When they got to the hospital, Jaden was surprised to see himself in the hospital.

JADEN: What happened?

MARK: You were possessed by a flame demon.

JADEN: Oh, that....

MARK: How did you get the ring of flame?

JADEN: I was lost then I found the ring to get out of the place. So, here I am now.

MARK: You just don't take things you see hiding inside a hole.

JADEN: If you were the one stuck in a warehouse in a lonely forest, what will you have done?

MARK: Try to not get tricked or cursed...

JENNIFER: (Coming from the snacks room) Am back Mark.

MARK: Good, I think it is better you take something to eat.


JENNIFER: Hi, I hope you are feeling better?

JADEN: Kind off.

MARK: Let's leave him to get some rest.

JENNIFER: Good idea mark.

(Jennifer and Mark left Jaden in the hospital room and then came to the waiting room.)

JENNIFER: Isn't this the same thing that happened to grandpa?

MARK: Yes it is but he had his limit then he was trapped inside the ring and the only way to bring him out is to find the lake of ice.

JENNIFER: How come you know more about these things more than me?

MARK: Because I work on my history class and also grandpa taught me about the history of the ring during my history class assignment.

JENNIFER: So all we have to do is to find the lake of ice and then what?

MARK: And then the one how has the ring on has to jump in and then the curse will be broken and then grandpa will be back but the one who puts it on will lose all of his memory and may also cause his life.


MARK: I only said may...

(After some while, the doctor discharged Jaden and then he followed Mark to his house.)

MARK: This is where you will be staying for now.

JADEN: Thanks.

MARK: You welcome. Make yourself at home.

JADEN: So how are we getting this dam ring off my finger?

MARK: We will be journeying to the lake of ice where you will jump and then come out with just little of your memory.

JADEN: What!!!

MARK: Either that or you get cursed forever and then die in a life of misery and suffering.

JADEN: When will we be going to this adventure?

MARK: The curse will fully affect you two weeks from now, so we will be going the next day after tomorrow.

(Jaden went to his room to take a rest while Mark was learning more about the ring on his grandpa's history book, until the next day when something happened.)

(There was a sound of destruction in Jaden's room)

MARK: What was that? I better check it out.

(Mark went to Jaden's room and saw that the room was burning seeing the beast of flame)

MARK: Oh shit

BEAST: You!!!

(The beast ran after Mark because of what his fire fighters did to him in Jennifer's house.

BEAST: YOU... MUST... DIE...!!!

MARK: Oh men, where's my fire extinguisher when I need it.

(Mark saw a fire extinguisher and in the kitchen and collected it while running and then when he turned, he say nothing, not knowing what was behind him. As when he turned, the beast rose him up and threw him away through the kitchen door. Before the beast got close to him, Mark extinguished him back to his normal self.)

JADEN: (In a weak voice) what happened?

MARK: You almost killed me that was what happened.

JADEN: Not my fault.

MARK: I think its better we go right now.

JADEN: Yeah, good idea

(Mark and Jaden packed all the necessary things for the great adventure. After that, they left.)

JADEN: Do you even have a map for this so called lake of ice?

MARK: The so called lake of ice is what will save your life.

JADEN: So how come you know much about this ring?

MARK: My grandpa was in this situation before. He told me the history of the ring before he got trapped inside and the ring vanished. I have been studying on how to get him out.

JADEN: Why didn't your grandpa go to the lake?

MARK: He had much more problem with the ring. Am not answering any questions you throw to me again. Just try not to transform.

JADEN: Yeah...

(They got to the desert and something happened. Something hit the car from the ground.)

JADEN: What was that?

MARK: Desert worm.

JADEN: Step on it!!!

MARK: Got that.

(They drove very fast trying to find a tick ground but they found nothing. The desert worm came out of the sand and then eat their car but before that, they ran out of the car.)

JADEN: It got the car and now it's coming for us.

MARK: Run!!!

(They both ran and kept running and running and running until the ring started blinking again.)

JADEN: Oh shit, what's happening now?

(Mark held Jaden's hand and surprisingly, they vanished into another place.)

JADEN: (Appearing to a swamp forest) where are we?

MARK: Did you ever go to school?

JADEN: Like yeah...

MARK: Where are we?

JADEN: A swamp forest.

MARK: Then why were you asking?

JADEN: Because I was thinking it was going to be a magical place because the ring brought us here, so I asked. I was thinking you will know.

MARK: Mysteriously, why will the ring be helping us?

JADEN: How is it helping?

MARK: This is supposed to be our next destination after the desert of hell.

JADEN: Maybe your grandpa has something to do with it.

MARK: I think so.

(Inside the ring was Solomon fighting the beast of flame trying to weaken it so that he can get away and then destroy the ring.)

BEAST: I will destroy you once and for all!!!

SOLOMON: In your dreams. Am the same as you but stronger and wiser.

(The beast and Solomon had a great fight but unfortunately, the beast defeated Solomon.)

(Jaden and Mark in a great adventure to find the lake of ice but during that adventure, they had a lot of wild beast to fight at the forest, forbidden desert and other places until they got to mystery Island.)

MARK: We have arrived.

JADEN: So where's the lake?

MARK: Far inside the island.

JADEN: Oh shit. Am fucking tired. We have been walking for miles now.

MARK: And I have been suffering your attacks.

JADEN: It wasn't that much in the swamp forest.

MARK: But it was worst in the desert plus the entire beast we had to fight.

JADEN: That I had to fight; you welcome.

MARK: (Looking at Jaden angrily) yeah right.

(They kept going and going and going until one night when they fell asleep, was a very mysterious beast ready to devoir any living creature on its way.)

(A crack sound)

JADEN: What was that? (Standing up, going to the bushes and then seeing six eyes opening, and a mouth with shape teeth grinding bones. Coming out was a wild mysterious beast. Jaden ran to meet Mark and woke him.)

JADEN: Mark! Mark! Mark!!

MARK: What, what, what.

JADEN: Beast on our tail!!!

MARK: What?


Mark: Run?

JADEN: Run!!!

(Mark saw the beast and then stood up and started running)

JADEN: What is that?

MARK: It was me and you that saw the beast. All I know right now is keep running!!!

(The beast almost cut their head off with his sharps long finger. So they kept running until Jaden ring started blinking)

JADEN: Not know...

MARK: No, it's a good thing.

JADEN: How is it a good thing?

MARK: Really?

JADEN: Oh...

(Jaden turned into the beast of flame and then he stopped running and faced the mystery beast.)

BEAST: Oh baby, am free. (Roaring at the mystery beast and bringing fire out of his mouth burning the beast and turning it into ashes.) That is that for the beast.

(Something very striking was happening to him, for the first time Jaden was able to control himself in the beast mode.)

JADEN/BEAST: What the hell is this? This is cool!!!

MARK: Jaden,(Hiding at the back of a tree) is that you?

JADEN/BEAST: I think so.

MARK: Wow, you've leveled up.

JADEN: Yeah.

MARK: The good news is that we are safe from other beast but the bad news is that the transformation is almost complete, but how?

JADEN: Am not sure the transformation takes two weeks, it takes five days!

MARK: That means

JADEN: The transformations completes tomorrow!!

MARK: We need to keep moving and fast!

(Jaden and Mark started moving faster in other to get to the lake of ice quickly, fighting beasts and magical beings. After a very long walk, they finally found the lake of ice.)

JADEN: We finally made it.

MARK: Go ahead.

(Jaden ran and jumped into the lake, then bubbles started coming out)

MARK: What is going in there?

(The beast came out from the lake)

MARK: Wow, how did it go? Where is my grand dad?

BEAST: Trapped with Jaden in the ring and now I am free. Thank you so much for you help, Mark.

MARK: Oh shit. Where's the ring?

BEAST: Down...

(Mark then ran to the lake but the beast held him and through him away and then ran after him to give him a beating he will never forget.)

BEAST: (Running to Mark) am going to give you a beating you will never forget!!!

(The beast started beating Mark anyhow until someone basted him away from Mark. When Mark saw Jaden and Solomon, he was very surprised)

SOLOMON: Mark! (Running to Mark)

(Solomon and Jaden ran to Mark)

MARK: Is (Coughing) is that you grandpa?

SOLOMON: Yes Mark, am back.

(The beast stood up and started coming to Jaden's direction)

JADEN: I can handle him.

SOLOMON: This is my fight.

JADEN: I can help sir, we should fight it as a team.

SOLOMON: Hum... Well, you will be of good assistance.

JADEN: Let's do this.

(Jaden and Solomon turned into flame and started fighting the beast but it seems like the beast was winning, until Jaden got into rage mode and started taking down the beast. It was a long fight. They even got to the city during the fight and was destroying everywhere while Solomon carried Mark to the city and the kept him in a place to rest while he joins Jaden in the fight.[TO LET YOU KNOW, SOLOMON AND JADEN HAS FIRE POWER BECAUSE OF THE RING BUT JADEN'S OWN IS STRONGER BECAUSE HE STILL WEARS THE RING.])

BEAST: Why am i losing?

SOLOMON: Because evil never thrives.

(Jaden and Solomon held hands and faced the other hands to the beast and gave him a very strong blast with all their power)

BEAST: (Shouting) what are you doing to me!!!

JADEN: Taking you down.

(The beast started breaking from the inside to the inside then he exploded.)

JADEN: (Rejoicing) we did it!

SOLOMON: Yes fellow, we did it.

(They got back to Mark and took him to the hospital)

MARK: (Opening his eyes in a weak way) what happened?

SOLOMON: We did it.

MARK: Did what?

(The doctor came inside the hospital room where Mark is)

DOCTOR: Oh, good day sir.

SOLOMON: Thank you doc.

DOCTOR: I am sorry to mention but your grandson suffered a hard hit on his head causing him to lose most of his memories.


DOCTOR: He also lost a lot of blood which means he's a serious case. We are planning on attending to him sir, but we need a blood transfer from either his parent or siblings.

SOLOMON: His parent died when he was little and his little sister also died out of a strong sickness. Can the blood transfer be done with me?

DOCTOR: You are too old to be transferring blood, it can lead to your last breath.

SOLOMON: (Shouting angrily) just do it!


SOLOMON: (Turning his hand to flames.) look here doc, if you don't do what I say now, I will burn your face to ashes.

DOCTOR: (Talking to the nurse by his side) get everything ready for the blood transfer.

SOLOMON: Thank you.

(They did the blood transfer but Solomon was not feeling good during this process then something started happening. Mark and Solomon eyes and mouth was glowing with fire)

DOCTOR: What is happening?

NURSE: I don't know. I haven't seen anything like it.

(There was a big explosion but before the fire hit anyone, Jaden flew to say them all in the building.

JADEN: What the hell happened here?

(Jaden flew to the building. When he got there, he saw only Mark raising a big stone that fell on him but he was on flame)

JADEN: What the hell...

MARK: (Facing Jaden with an evil face) who are you?

JADEN: It's me Jaden.

MARK: I don't know you.

(Mark blasted Jaden and flew away)

JADEN: (As he hit the ground) what was that, why will he do that?

(Mark kept flying without stopping until he left the city. Nobody knows where he left to and nobody knew why he left.)