
The first assumption

Comment on any mistakes


Arianna couldn't really remember anything. Her head groggy and pounding as her eyes slowly open.

She was met with a beautiful night sky. One where the galaxy could be seen without light pollution. But this looked oddly unfamiliar. Arianna wore her suit. A nanotech, grey suit that crawls out of her bracelet when activated. Her mask had retracted back into the beck of her suit.

Her arms and legs sprawled out. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the top of the trees waving in the gentle wind that brushed against her light skin. But she quickly came to realization that she wasn't in her city.

Arianna springs up almost instantly, kicking off of the ground and into the air from lying down like a superhuman.

Her brown, silky hair waves in the wind as she comes colliding down towards the ground. But she wasn't alone. Just as her feet touched the ground, a sticky substance tackles her. Like someone shot a spitball at her. The impact hit her so hard, she was sent flying to a tree. Her arms were stuck to her body as she collided with the abnormally large tree.

Arianna was panicking. Sweat began dripping into her eyes as she frantically looks around from where this came from whilst stuck to this tree. With one good push, she pushes from the substance that looked almost exactly like… spider webs. Arianna gets a sensation in her head.

She looks up instantly, kicking up from the ground and kicking a man dressed in an all black with a hint of red in his suit. No mouth piece but only curved eyes on the mask. He wore a jacket and some Jordan shoes. Her foot collides with his chest, sending him into another tree. But he had recovered quickly, sticking to the tree and looking Arianna dead in her face.

Arianna began breathing hard. Her chest pumping air faster than it has ever before.

The man shoots another web at Arianna. His fingers moving at lightning speed. The latched onto Ariana's forearm. She gets into a pulling stance as he holds the other end of the web.

"Listen, ma'am! I don't want to hurt you! I'm only trying to res-" The kid sounding man didn't get to finish. Arianna pulled, ripping from off of the tree and forcing him to her. Arianna gerd within five feet of him, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him into the ground.

Just as he lands, she grabs him by the neck and tosses him into another tree. She wasted no time. Not even half a second later, she turns, flipping over a blue stick. She caught the handle and lands, looking at a guy's silhouette. On his back looked like some robot.

Arianna could feel the blue stick vibrating at a great speed. The handle of it was black and the emitter a beautiful texture.

It flies from Arianna's hand from an unknown force. Arianna gets up and watches as the guy she'd fought previously stands, rubbing the back of his neck in pain as the new guy comes from the shadows.

"That kinda hurt, dude. What's your problem?" the other guys says. But Arianna keeps her eyes on the new guy. He has green eyes, orange hair, and is pretty tall. He presses a button the weapon he just had, making the black retract into the handle. Arianna was shaken from what that weapon was.

The leaves in the pushes begin to shake as another female and a small boy come running out on either side of Arianna.

"Whoa! WHOA! STAY BACK!" Arianna screams. The little boy with white hair and pale skin looks around scared. His hair falls to his shoulders as he looks at Arianna with menacing purple eyes.

He gets into a fighting stance. His arms and hands began to fizzle with jolts of lightning.

"STOP!" the other girl screams. Arianna had a her fists balled and was ready for action at any given moment.

"You guys have ten seconds to tell me where the hell I am or I'm killing every last one of you," the boy says.

"Buddy… your questions and demands are as good as mine. I don't know where I am or even how I GOT here!" the spider guys speaks.

"Clearly we aren't each other's enemies. We don't know each other. So everyone calm down!" the other woman says.

"Good. I don't like fighting anyways. It's against the Jedi Order to kill. If we have to, it is to protect ourselves and we can't enjoy it." The man says. The small two legged robot on his back begins to make a beeping noise.

"The the hell is that?" the little boy asks. The man chuckles. "Oh! This is BD1! He's my best friend. I'm Cal Kestis by the way! Nice to meet you guys." He comes over, walking in his brown combat boots and large poncho. He holds out his hands covered in a brown glove with a small smile on his face.

Arianna looks him up and down before looking at BD1 that stands on Cal's shoulder, glancing at Arianna with an oddly adorable robotic face.

"Arianna Hill…" Arianna shakes Cal's hand. Cal stands straight up to see everyone else still tensed up. The little boy slowly stands and looks around, realizing everyone wasn't a threat.

"Killua Zoldyck. I'm a Hunter…" he says.

"Spider-Man. But I'm sure you guys know that already. Spider-Man is literally New York's BEST hero. I'm sure you guys see me on Tv all the time…"

"No," Says Arianna.

"Never heard of ya," says Killua.

"Not really," says the other woman.

"What's a Tv? Holodrama?" asked Cal.

"I'm Kara Zor-El, by the way. Also called Super-Girl." Kara introduced. Spider-Man squints before ripping off his mask. "Fine. Miles Morales. From New York. Nineteen years old…" Miles admits.

Miles had curly hair, brown eyes, and brown skin. His muscle build was very good.

Cal raises his hands before dropping them to his side. "Well… I still don't know how we got here. I was eating my meal with Cere, all of a sudden the lights begin to flicker. They shut off for a second, turned back on, everyone on the ship was gone and I was crashing down on this unknown planet." Cal looks around at everyone.

"You have a ship?" Killua asked. "And what do you mean unknown planet. We live on Earth," Killue adds.

Cal squints a little. "Earth? That is such an old planet. Never imagined it to be this boring. I come from Bracca," Cal says. Arianna and the rest of the group lock eyes with each other in a moment of silence.

"Where is that?" Kara asked. She looks at Cal through her short black hair that hung in front of her face.

"We aren't from the same universes are we?" Arianna asks.

"I could've told you that! This happened to me before! That's how I met Gwen and Peter Parker who died in my universe. They came from another universe," Miles says. Arianna nods.

"Looks like we're stuck with each other for a while. We need to figure out what's going on and fix this before it gets too bad. Let's guy… Cal? Kara? Miles? Killawhat?" Arianna points to everyone. Killua made a straight face.