
A Rainbow In The Sky

"I do want to know though, how could you tell I was her child and not just of the Golem race?" She gave me a deadpan look at that.

"I know most beings wouldn't be able to notice the telltale signs right away, since your hair and eye color, which match hers, can be mimicked with magic. Her imprint cannot. That spark of divinity with her mark is all I needed to find out about it. However, even if someone couldn't tell by that, they would be able to based on your presence. I can feel her watching us ya know? Of course, that's only the case if she wants me to know, but she only directly watches over her children this much.

Taking in all of these factors, there is no way you are a normal golem. I'd almost say that you're close to being homunculi. You will probably become one within this year." I need to take this information to heart if I ever need to go on espionage in the future. Based on my current circumstances though, I will probably have to run the legion in the background while taking care of my current relationship with Loki. 

"In that case, we should probably finish up eating so we can clean ourselves up. Mother would bemuse me if I didn't clean myself properly, so I installed a shower here if you would care to join me." Loki just smirked and took my hand once she finished eating.

"I have no idea what a shower is since we either used basins to clean ourselves or magic, but it's probably a wonderful form of technology that I would love to look into." The woman had a way with words that was for sure. One thing I was thankful to Mother for, was the ability to tell lies and see changes in emotion easily. Even the goddess here couldn't hide from me. I was expecting at least one lie or half-truth, but she has been 100% honest this entire time. The files on Loki will have to be completely revamped. 


When I heard the news and proceeding gossip of what Retzio had caused, the only thing I could do was giggle as I sat by the river, and continued to fish. Mother herself finally took out some time to destress and let go of some of that weight on her shoulders. I was worried that I would have to drag those two to Mom myself, but thankfully, Retzio did it, if only unintentionally. 

There were many bodies of water in Mother's dimension. I fished a variety of different sea creatures. I even fished up a sea dragon. The look on Circi's face when she was with me that day as a giant sea dragon was fished up was priceless. It wasn't an issue though since I just froze it solid. Sea dragons taste great too! 

My partner however wanted to do something different today. It craved to fish in a different location, a new one. One not of water, but of lava. 

"What do you mean, you want to fish at an active volcano?!" I was in the onsen with Circi and Mother to confide in them and tell them what I wanted to do next. Mother just giggled when Circi yelled that out. 

"My fishing rod has evolved and become something more than what it was before. It can't speak, but it can communicate with me through feelings. I'm sure there are a few volcanoes in this dimension. Also, you act like I can't just freeze a volcano solid if I chose to." She gave me a deadpan look at what I said. Before she could continue, Mother jumped in to save me.

"It will be fine Circi. Don't you want to know what Levi could possibly fish up from lava and or magma of all things? I would love to study the creatures that come from it, and I'm certain that you would too. I know you have been researching alchemy and sacred gears. Perhaps what pops up could assist you in this research? Even if it wouldn't, doesn't this new knowledge excite you?" There it was, that dangerous thirst for knowledge. There is no way that Mom isn't also a goddess of Knowledge. Her thirst for it overpowered her own physical lust and any other desire she has. 

This trait however, was also shared by Circi, since her eyes had the same dangerous glint in them. At least this meant I had permission I guess?

"I do require one thing from you though Levi, you need to pick a bodyguard or form a group. All of your other siblings have chosen at least one or have a type of group they lead. I know you may not need one, but as my daughter, you have to understand what type of status that would bring. You are for all intents and purposes a princess, don't forget that." There was the cold water bucket I was waiting for. 

I had to pick a bodyguard or two. Or form my own group. I had no idea who I would choose to be my bodyguard. So I just decided to form a small group instead. Mother's smile turned feral when she realized what I was thinking. Oh dear, that was scary. 


The Great War was about to start by the time Levi's new group joined her to look for an active volcano. She would have them fish at every body of water on the way there though. I created 20 fishermen and women that she would lead. They were anything but normal golems however, since I utilized the skills and abilities of Jess and Jane to create fishing rods that worked similar to Levi's. Of course, I don't think they will grow in the same direction, but given time, they could reach the same level of power as Levi. 

Levi herself already had her fourth pair of wings. Also, I would have had Jess and Jane take care of creating the tools necessary for all of them, but they were currently…indisposed. Turns out that their mental stamina could not keep up. I regret nothing! Regardless though, it was interesting to research Levi's tool. It worked like a growth weapon in rpg's, and the thing was developing a soul. Did this thing turn itself into some type of sacred gear? I needed to do more research on it later, and tell Circi about it. 

That girl has been fiending over the concept of sacred gears when she found my extensive files on the various sacred gears and what they could do. Her and Azazel would get along great when he got into his researching craze after The Great War. Perhaps they should meet at some point? Thoughts for later. 

For now though, I prepared myself for a meeting with Odin himself in a few days. The two lovebirds finally decided to visit Asgard after almost two weeks. Those two were insatiable, they could not keep their hands off of each other. They explored various places in Norway, and even visited Japan for a bit.


The past week and a half felt like a dream. The only reason I believed it to be real, was because there was no way anyone could fake the gaze of The Golem Goddess. That, and Retzio rocked my world multiple times over. No man, scratch that, no god could make me feel the way he does. Today however, was the day that the both of us have been dreading. The day that I returned to Asgard with him, and the day that our parents spoke to each other. My mother Frigga would probably get along with him well if she wasn't currently poisoned. Perhaps Retzio's mother could help in this regard? I didn't want to place my hope in it for now.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!" Out came the rainbow, and our path to Asgard. I clenched Retzio's hand, and he pulled me closer to comfort me. 

"Everything will be fine, I doubt Odin didn't at least glimpse at what has been happening. Although I hope he wasn't voyeuristic into our nightly activities." He smirked and I giggled a bit, easing out of the tension a little bit, and confidently walking forward, allowing Heimdall to whisk us to Asgard. 


This is it. This wasn't how I planned to get into Asgard initially, but I didn't regret it one bit. Now though, I had to pay a visit to Asgard to speak with Odin as royalty. I didn't see myself as royalty, but Mother's message said otherwise.

Retzio, as my child, you might as well be a prince. So act like it, and don't let anyone look down on you. Make them regret it if they do. For some reason, you grew stronger during your short 'vacation' with Loki, so only Thor and Odin could probably stop you. 

I took her words to heart, and followed Sebastian's lessons on etiquette to a tea. Once we reached the entrance of Asgard, I noticed Heimdall looked at us for a moment before speaking. 

"Welcome to Asgard son of The Golem goddess. Odin has been expecting you. If you don't mind, I will be teleporting you to a meeting room so that you can speak with Odin right away." Loki clenched my hand even tighter when he mentioned that, but I just nodded my head. It was better to rip off the band-aid now. 


The goddess of Golems and Knowledge was a mystery to all, including myself. I could only gleam bits and pieces of things about her. Not many people knew that she was also a goddess of Knowledge, and that if she wanted to know something, she would find out one way or another. She is a being of fear for many, and neutral to others. Just her ability to mimic anything she sees is dangerous enough for any faction to want her gone. However, she quickly became an unstoppable force, similar to the infinity dragon, and the dragon of dreams. 

She is very whimsical in nature, and has been completely neutral, until now that is. Retzio, one of her children, has found themselves in a relationship with my daughter Loki. One that she started of her own volition. Of course she didn't know his origins initially, but that wouldn't have stopped her if she knew. I could almost feel the burning rage of his mother when she realized that he would be the powder keg that caused her to change her neutral stance that she has kept for thousands of years, but it made me feel bad for the boy. 

No matter what show I put on, or power move I make, nothing would save the boy from his mother's wrath when he returned home. So I decided to make things easier for him during his time in Asgard. Also to make sure that this allowed Asgard to ally themselves with the most elusive faction in the world, more so than the Fey. 

When Heimdall teleported the two into my throne room, Loki looked at me with a level of nervousness I have never seen before. At least she has come to terms with how she felt about how she feels. The two of them may have been together for a short time, but once divinity like us catch feelings for another, it's never a fleeting feeling. Retzio put up a front of regality, with a serious disposition. 

"Thank you for allowing me to visit Asgard, Lord Odin. I am pleased to make your acquaintance." Before the boy could try to flatter me, I raised my right hand at him.

"I'm glad you are giving me plenty of respect boy, but let's skip the pleasantries. I have nothing against your relationship with my daughter. Heck, I am all for it. Your presence here is a welcome one in Asgard. It's your mother that I am more worried about, I can feel her gaze even now. Feel free to stay in Asgard for as long as you would like, since I am sure that she would like to see you and Loki at some point too." I saw the two of them take deep breaths, and they had relief written on their faces.


I am fueled by spite and community support, so if ya want to, please comment/review. 

Outside of that, check out P.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/Oshimura for up to five chapters ahead of the scheduled release! 

K.o.f.i: k.o-fi..c.o.m/oshimura

Discord: discord .gg /vFb9ZcajzY

Also if you see any spelling errors be sure to let me know! I'll fix them up since I don't have an editor. 

Thank you for reading and hope to se yall next chapter!