
[CH6] so what if i did?

"What the hell..."

Y/n murmured in front of the board. It was the results of the surprise quiz. But she wasn't surprised because that she's on 7th place, but she saw Alhaitham at 1st place. She grumbled, and then accidentally bumping to someone. A girl that she never saw before. "Ah sorry." The girl said. She was holding a bunch of papers without a sweat. Y/n was a bit amused by her strength. The girl bowed politely and left. As she left the school board, she sat down on her seat. She looked to her right, seeing Alhaitham talking to Kaveh, leaning on the wall.

The bell rang, and the class started. Before the class started, the Professor called someone outside. "Seo come over here!" The girl named 'Seo' came inside the classroom. Surprisingly, it was the girl from earlier. She placed the stack of papers in his desk, bowing. She faced the class and introduced herself formally. "Sorry for the intrusion. I am Seo. Sophomore from Class 2-2." The class also greeted her warmly, as Y/n did the same. 'Now the next question is; why are the papers, which are stacked, here? Is it another quiz?!' The whole class thought. "Don't worry." Seo blurted out. "It's only the review of your skillset. To improve."

A boy raised his hand. "That's a lot, we have problems?" The boy asked. "No, these are all for students." Seo calmly answered. "Each paper is filled with levels of your knowledge on each subject. That is all i know." Seo added. The Professor stepped in the conversation, explaining the contents of the paper. The class was quite amused at the Professor, he was really detailed.

The class was dismissed, and the Professor was the first one to leave. Before Seo could leave, Alhaitham went to her. "Long time no see, Seo-san." 'Japanese formality?' Y/n thought. "We saw each other at the cafe last week, it's not that long, 'Haitham." Seo slightly snickered, crossing her arms. Y/n listened and stared at the two intently. Y/n also thought that they go along well. But why did he treat Y/n, herself, a total trash? Y/n broke the stare for a while, slightly sad about it. She couldn't hear anything at all, at the moment.

"As your cousin, you should take care of youself."

Y/n snapped out as Seo considered Alhaitham her cousin. For once, Y/n suddenly felt a wash of relief in her body and mind. Seo ruffled Alhaitham's hair, as he grumbled. "Just call me Seo when we talk in a casual way. 'Kay?" Alhaitham nodded. "Okay. Seo." Seo brightened up, and patted his head. "That's the spirit. I'll be going, I have to get the last piece of popsicle." Seo let out a 'blep' and in a blink, she was no where in sight.

Y/n's stomach began to grumble. And a thought of her being relieved earlier suddenly came to her senses. 'Why am I relieved that Alhaitham doesn't like Seo? Y/n thought. She sighed and shrugged it off. She waved her hand at her chest. "No... there's no way..." she stopped waving and leaned at her chair. "Haaah... i want to sleep all day." She grumbled in slight annoyance, as Alhaitham noticed Y/n. In fact, Alhaitham has already noticed and focused on Y/n since they both moved together in the dorm.

'I wonder what she's thinking...' Alhaitham thought.


Y/n was sitting on the bench, alone. She sipped at her apple juice, squeezing it. While thinking about something, she saw Seo and Alhaitham talking together, on the other bench. They haven't noticed Y/n yet, so she decided to listen at their conversation. And no, it is not eavesdropping.

"Ooh you carried her to her dorm?" Seo snickered. "Y-Yes..." Alhaitham cleared his throat. "Who's that roommate anyways? I would love to meet her." Seo leaned at the tree, crossing her arms. "It's Y/n." Seo blinked. "Wait... is it the [h/c] girl? I saw her earlier at the board." Y/n noticed Seo was acting dumb. She wondered why. "Mhm. The girl I hurt before." Alhaitham said, as Y/n flinched. "Ah. The girl you talked about when we were kids? I remember you crying that time."

'Crying?' Y/n thought, who is obviously shocked at what Seo said. She was getting more and more curious. "Well... yeah..." Alhaitham rubbed his nape. "I did hurt her. I didn't get the chance to appologize. Even now. I'm... nervous." Suddenly, Seo slapped Alhaitham's back. "You were a brat when we were kids that day! But you're still a brat — and anyways," Seo took a deep breath. "you told me 'that' when we were kids.' Alhaitham's eyes slightly widened, heat started to form on his cheeks. "You still remembered what I said before?"

"What kind of cousin do you think am I? A total moron?" Seo scoffed. Y/n remembered Alhaitham responding to her, saying the exact form of words. I guess that's where he learned it. Deja vu right? "Yes. I still have 'that' feeling." Y/n was confused on what they were saying, but a person once said, go with the flow.

After the conversation ended, Y/n encountered Seo. Seo smiled at her. "Alhaitham's roommate? Am i correct?" Seo clarified stupidly. "Yes." Y/n bowed in respect as Seo did too. Surprisingly, they walked together to the dorms. "You like Alhaitham. Don't you?" Seo blurted out, teasingly chuckling. "U-Um what?"

"For short, you seemed a bit sad when you saw me and Alhaitham talking for the first time." Seo said. "The fact that you lightened up when I said 'Haitham is my cousin." She continued to chuckle. "It's true right...?" Seo nodded. Y/n felt comfortable with her. "Why did you ask me that I like Alhaitham?" Y/n asked. "For starters, when you were kids, 'Haitham always told me all about you. Rants, and some positive things." Y/n looked a bit shocked. "Tell me more. Please."

"No can do. Wait for Alhaitham to say it." Seo snickered playfully, as they arrived at Y/n and Alhaitham's dorm. She bowed in thank you, and entered her dorm. Seo picked up her phone and started dialing someone. "1 chicken bucket and coke please." Seo smiled casually.

As Y/n entered the door, she saw Alhaitham sitting at the couch. He looked like he was waiting for her. "Alhaitham...?" Y/n called out softly. Alhaitham turned his head to Y/n. "Hm?" She sat down beside Alhaitham. "I have a question for you."

"Go on..." Alhaitham listened very carefully. "Did you carry me to my bedroom yesterday? From the fight?" Y/n asked. "...I said no to you." Alhaitham lied. "Don't lie to me. I already know." His eyebrow twitched "i did not." Y/n sighed. "Yes you did."

"I did not."

"Yes you did." Silence began to take over. "So what if I did?" Alhaitham slightly admitted. Y/n blinked, and smirked for the first time in Alhaitham's eyes. Alhaitham tilted his head, and began going closer to Y/n's face. Their faces were centimeters away from each other. "So tell me..." Alhaitham said, his breath going all over to her face. His breath smells like mint. He said in a flirtatious and teasing tone, saying;

"Will you give me an amusing favor if i did?~"