
The Club Of Justice

"Mommy,mommy when will we meet daddy?"

A child asked her mother, walking together in the streets in the evening.

"Not to worry my child we will soon meet your father. He loves his daughter so he will want to meet his daughter as fast as possible. "

The child looked forward with a smile waiting for her father. The packed streets of London were littered with garbage everywhere, factories and vehicles were producing smoke and noise. Many were living below the poverty line, torn clothes and a loaf of bread for feeding themselves.

A child wearing torn and old clothes approached the daughter and mother,"Hello madam would you be so kind to buy the newspaper, it is of the latest print yet."

The mother replied, "Give me one and the cleaner one please."

The child smiled and said, "Yes, madam."

"What's the headline?"

"Only bad news: two people were killed and the killer is missing with no lead .…... Here we go, Thank you for buying. May good luck be with you. "

The daughter with a worried face looked at her mother and asked "Mommy, will father be alright?"

"Yes, darling, he is strong and he must be wanting to meet us."

"Yes, father is very strong and a good person, so he will be alright."

After a while of walking night befalls on the streets of London, streets light flickering on the distance. The mother and daughter enter the alleyway.

"Mother, where are we going?"

"We are going to your father's workplace, just a bit and we will meet your father."

"Yes, mother."

While going through the alleyway in the night, the mother and daughter walk in the darkness only illuminated by the moon's light.

"Mother, I am scared."

"Don't worry, your mother is here and we will meet your father soon."

After walking for a while. In the darkness ahead, 2 men appear in front of them and 3 men block them from behind.


The scared daughter clings to her mother. "Sigh" The mother pushes her daughter on the ground.

"Quite a catch you have brought Mary." One of the men talked.

"A young blood, a fine catch indeed." The other man spoke.

"I have done my part, give me my share. " The mother spoke.

"M-mother w-what are you talking about?"

"There's no need to hurry Mary, you will get it soon enough. " The man replied.

"To bad seems only of the age of 12, the only useful one will be eyes." The man spoke.

The daughter, scared motionless, thought why do these men know their mother's name, at this moment she could only think of running away. She ran as fast as she could through the middle of the two men "Huff, huff " out of breath she saw a light at the distance.

After seeing the light she had a bit of hope and ran towards the light as fast as she could hoping to meet her father. The 5 men were following her shortly. When she reached at the light she fell to her knees, speechless, all of her hope was lost.

She saw her father hanging through his hand pierced at the wall below the light bulb. With a cut open stomach and chest open with ribs shown with no heart and punctured lungs. The daughter couldn't look at the sight and also couldn't look away, shocked and senseless. The 5 men caught up to her and held her down, she didn't show any resistance.

"We will meet here tomorrow and give you your share so keep bringing catches like this, Mary." The man told and took the daughter deep in the alleyway. Mary simply got out of the alleyway and acted like nothing had happened.

"Police discovered two bodies in the alleyway: one brutally murdered and organs missing another a possible 12 year girl naked, raped with missing eyes."

A person read the newspaper.

"Goodlord, what's happening in London. " Another person replied.

And the daily livelihood of the people of London continued again praying that they would not be the ones coming in the newspaper next time.

The night again fell again in the London city, In the middle of night Mary went in the alleyway to meet those men and take her share. As she continued down the alleyway she saw blood splatters all over the floor. She thought they had caught another victim. The blood began to become thicker and thicker.

She saw something rolling down the alleyway something the size of the ball because of the darkness of night she wasn't sure what it was. The rolling object settled down, Mary went in to check the object to know what it was, as she saw it more vividly Mary jumped back and fell to her back.

It was the head of one of the men with empty eyes socket nailed by a hammer and an open crack skull. Mary shivering in fear heard a silent voice fluently coming from the darkness of the alleyway.


The voice was getting louder and louder and closer to Mary. She thought she had to run away but her feet weren't moving at all because of fear, her whole body refused to move. The song got louder


The person in the dark alleyway got closer and closer to Mary unable to move at all by fear, she saw a clown bathed by blood and had eyeballs at his one hand and a club in another hand. Singing the song the clown got close to Mary and with the smile on his face, the clown hit her with his club in the head and Mary fell. Just like a lost lamb Mary had no idea what was going on.

The police discovered the bodies of six people during their patrol in the morning. It was at the entrance of the alleyway, the bodies were hanged by thick nails from the hands to toes hammered in the wall, the bodies were headless and the heads were in the gut of the bodies with no eyes. Some police officers fainted seeing the 6 bodies in that condition.

Soon the police station were to receive a mail supposedly written "From Hell" with 12 eyeballs with it. The letter is widely believed to have been a hoax and may have been written by journalists in an attempt to liven up the story and increase their newspapers' circulation.

But rumours nonetheless started spreading and.

The public came increasingly to believe in a single serial killer that would be remembered by people of London as the most notorious and the most evil known as,

The Twilight Murderer otherwise known as The Phantom.

It is a historical fiction and thanks for reading.

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