
Chapter 1.

Inside a building, left to its fate, were three girls, three scientists. There they had set up a hidden laboratory, filled with complicated devices that the human mind could not fit in or even imagine. Some of them were ready-made, like an android specializing in cleaning or another robotic machine that ironed and folded clothes to perfection. Some other machines were half-finished, while others were abandoned. However, nothing was for the trash, as one abandoned machine will always be useful to another.

The three girls were standing in front of one of their machines. It was probably the biggest one they had managed to build, but they didn't really care about that. What they cared about was getting it to work. What they wanted was to make their childhood dreams come true. They were so close to achieving them after all. They had come so close to radically changing all of humanity.

- "I can't understand what's wrong"

One of the three girls complained. Her short brown hair was slicked back with a clipper, showing off her beautiful face better. Her brown eyes were glued to the machine in front of her with a look of curiosity in them. Furthermore, her body was hidden behind the white trench coat she was wearing leaving only a pair of black jeans with black boots showing underneath. She was quite tall for her young age which fit incredibly well with her enthusiastic and serious nature.

- "Maybe we didn't build the machine right, or maybe we didn't follow the schematic to the letter."

Said another girl thoughtfully. Her brown hair was caught in a high braid, highlighting her sweet face, while making her brown eyes brighter than they already were. She was also wearing the same white trench coat as her friend, leaving only her white sportswear showing underneath. She was the shortest of the group, or at least she was the basic height a girl should be as she kept saying, making her the only one whose trench coat covered her entire body.

- "Or maybe I didn't plug it in."

Informed the third of the group as she held the machine's cord. Her long black hair was caught in a hasty low bun, making her face look more serious for her young age. Her brown eyes had a puzzled look painted in them as she looked at her friends in front of her. She was also wearing a white trench coat, but she had it open so that the black tracksuit set with the black trainers she was wearing could be seen underneath.

The other two girls were looking at her with a look of irritation, which thankfully didn't last long. The fact that their friend had made such a silly mistake made the two girls laugh as a wave of jubilation washed over them, knowing that thankfully the machine was properly made.

- "Irene!!!" the two girls shouted indignantly.

- "No more brain to your head?" said the brown-haired short girl, while she hit her on the head with the index finger twice, feeling even more amused.

-"Is Irene definitely older than us?" the other girl asked full of sarcasm while crossing her arms over her chest in front.

- "Hey!" Irene complained hurt and hugged her torso with slow movements.

- "Helicopter." Her tall friend replied continuing while a smile made its appearance on her face.

- "May it fall on you, Esmeralda." Irene said sticking her tongue out mocking her.

- "Let me tell you." went to say Esmeralda, but her friend's voice interrupted her.

-" Girls, calm down."

As soon as she spoke she stepped between them and put her hands on their shoulders bringing her close. Immediately she put their heads together, making them laugh their heads off. They had been family from forever, and this was their way of reminding each other. This was a way for them to remember their bond.

As soon as they broke their embrace, the shorter of the group, Thenia, turned her back so she could do something. This resulted to Irene and Esmeralda seizing the opportunity and exchanging childish hand gestures with each other, laughing.

- "I see you both." said Thenia indignantly once again.

The girls laughed at her before going back to work so they could properly set the machine once again.

-"Let's get this thing started and in a little while Naruto will be in front of us." Esmeralda said as they all stared dreamily into space.

Their dream in less than a minute was about to come true.

-"We'll see them in person!" said Irene as she was in her own world.

-"Well, time to act." Thenia said determinedly.

The other two girls agreed as they finished fixing the machine. Immediately after Irene put it in the plug by connecting to the mains, and almost immediately, it started working, making the girls fill with excitement.

They determined which anime characters they wanted to bring to life before storing them in the machine's memory. They crossed their fingers hoping for the best before pressing the big red button that started. The sound that came out of the machine made the girls jump for joy after the machine worked properly. The portal that would bring the characters of their choice had begun to take shape as a swirl of colors began to come to life in front of them. Now there was no turning back, they were sure someone would come out of it.

But something happened that was never observed. A short circuit, a wrong command, had done a lot of damage to the system. All of this resulted in the data they had set on the computer being changed. So when they saw who had emerged from the portal they were left staring in shock, as they would only see these individuals in their nightmares.

-"No way." Esmeralda said in horror.

- "It can't be." Irene muttered as she ran to the computer with the same feeling of dread.

- "We had designated who was coming, how did this happen? " Asked Thenia who also went to the computer so she could check it with Irene.

The altered computer data did not take long to find however even a new code would not help to change what had been done. It was too late as the four strongest villains of the chosen anime emerged from the portal. Instead of the good guys they had been waiting for, Orochimaru from Naruto, Akainu from One piece, Zeref from Fairy tail and Boros from One punch man appeared. How could such a terrible mistake be made and not be noticed? Having regained consciousness, the four looked around the room in confusion, not recognizing where they were.

-"Where am I?" asked Orochimaru in bewilderment as he looked at the other three men beside him.

-"What happened? Where am I and who are you?" asked Akainu as he pointed to the other villains and got an angry expression.

- "I guess we teleported to another world." Zeref said most calmly of all.

-" How did that happen?? " Asked Boros as angry as Akainu.

- "Why didn't we ask these three?" replied Orochimaru pointing to the three girls who were now hiding behind their computer.

All the attention fell on them. The three girls looked at the men in front of them with mixed emotions, all of which ended up being negative. When they suggested they learn from where they were they felt their blood run cold, their breath catch, the earth beneath their feet disappearing.

-"Who are you? " Orochimaru asked again looking at them with interest.

- "We… " Thenia tried to say but felt her throat dry.

-"We accidentally transported you to our world." Thenia added as she pouted, wondering if it was right to speak like that since these men were ruthless killers.

-"Your world?" Akainu asked impressed.

-"There are other worlds?" he continued as he looked at the other villains.

-"Of course there are foolish earthlings." Boros said, laughing.

-"That's not possible." said Irene still looking at the screen, understanding the errors and correcting them.

-"Oh well, she's stuck." Esmeralda said wryly.

-"So the third one is alive. I thought she was a statue." Orochimaru said laughing as he pointed at Esmeralda mockingly.

There was silence for some time.

The three girls understood from the interest the villains showed when they heard they were in another world that they were impressed. What they didn't realize, however, was that a desire had come to their minds. Even though they are all from different worlds, with their own characteristics and experiences, a terrible thought entered the minds of the bad guys. These four are powerful and crave their respective power, knowledge and authority. They could do anything together to get it. They could destroy entire worlds. Just at that moment the three scientists realized the terrible mistake they had just made. A mistake that could result in the extinction of the human population.

It was up to them to correct it, at any cost. They had to do it for the good of their planet.

But in order to save the world and send the bad guys back where they came from, they had to save themselves first.

The question is, how will they do it?