
7."The first note"

"Well, you two help me with one thing. As a condition, I'll tell you all the serial numbers after the 50th first." Officer Huang picked up a spinach that was just right in softness and hardness with his left hand using chopsticks. "Not only that, I can also answer one question for you for free, any question you want to know and I happen to know."

"What thing?" Qingling asked.

"You have to promise first." Officer Huang smiled. "This thing is definitely not difficult and there is guaranteed to be no danger to life."

"Qingling was silent."

"Gao Yang was also silent. In fact, he was not qualified to negotiate terms with Officer Huang at all. It would be better to simply take the route of 'keeping his ability concealed'."

"You already know the ratio of one in ten thousand. You should be clear about how bad your situation is." Officer Huang sighed deeply: "We are all orphans of the world, abandoned by God long ago."

Officer Huang persuaded patiently: "I think that in order to survive in this foggy world, apart from having a powerful talent, one also needs to master as many rules as possible."

His eyes were carefree, but his tone was very certain: "I guarantee that my information is worth a thousand gold. This deal is definitely worthwhile."

"Deal." Gao Yang blurted out. His thought was simple: Since the other party has said so much, agree first. If it doesn't work out, it's not too late to go back on his word.

Qingling glared at Gao Yang, but didn't raise any objection.

"Smart people." Officer Huang was very satisfied. He took out a notepad and a pen from his uniform pocket and wrote three notes with the sound of "swish swish swish": "Don't blame uncle for being stingy. After all, I still can't trust you completely. Reborn in this kind of hell, we can only do our best to survive."

The police officer folded the notes and handed them to Qingling.

Qingling reached out to take them, but the police officer quickly pulled the notes back: "Remember, after evening self-study tomorrow, open the first note. Finish one thing, then open the second one. Finish two things, then look at the third one. Be sure to follow these instructions."

Qingling took the notes and stuffed them into the front pocket of her school uniform: "After it's done, I want to ask two questions."

"OK. When it's done, I'll contact you." Officer Huang stood up and took out his mobile phone: "Uncle Liu, settle the bill."

At midnight, when Gao Yang returned home, his mentality had undergone a huge transformation.

After knowing the ratio of one in ten thousand of human and beast, he could no longer look directly at this once warm and happy family of five.

Judging from the host's experience on that night when he was four years old, Gao Yang could almost be certain: Grandpa must be a "monster", although it's not clear which kind.

Grandma was in the same room as Grandpa. She was probably a monster too without a doubt.

As for Dad, Mom, and Sister...

Gao Yang didn't want to think too much. Deep in his heart, how he hoped that his family members were all humans. Even if the probability was as small as winning the lottery, he still couldn't erase this fluke mentality. After all, they were all his family members who had been with him day and night for twelve years.

If Gao Yang hadn't been hit by that "psychopath" on the night of his 18th birthday. If he had lived ignorantly, grown up, got married, had children, and died of old age, it might have been a kind of happiness instead.

It's not sad for a person to live in falsehood and lies, provided that he never wakes up.

However, there are no ifs. Gao Yang awakened, and the once peaceful life no longer existed.

Now, he seems to be in hell!

From now on, one can only proceed with caution and tread as if on thin ice. The slightest mistake could lead to a bottomless abyss.

At three o'clock in the morning, the family members had already gone to sleep. Gao Yang would naturally be scolded by his parents tomorrow morning. But at least tonight, he didn't have to face them anymore. He still had time to adjust his mentality well and find the most suitable state to face the whole family.

Gao Yang was physically and mentally exhausted. He lay in the bathtub, just wanting to take a comfortable hot bath. Looking up, the hexagonal star in front of him emitted a faint light. This time, he didn't touch it with his hand. Instead, he tried to close his eyes and control it with the voice in his heart: Enter the system.

[Beep - ]

[Enter the system]

[You have newly obtained 27 lucky points. There are a total of 30 lucky points. Do you want to use them?]

-- Use.

[Properties panel opened for you]

[Physical strength: 12, Endurance: 12]

[Strength: 11, Agility: 11]

[Spirit: 10, Charisma: 10]

[Luck: 0]

Gao Yang immediately noticed that some basic attributes had increased, although very slightly.

-- Will the attribute values increase automatically?

[The attribute values will fluctuate to a certain extent according to your physical functions and states.]

[Today you had a fulfilling day and became a little stronger than yesterday.]

-- Then if I do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10KM long-distance run every day. Keep doing this for three years until I lose all my hair, can I become the strongest on the earth's surface?

[Theoretically, your body will be stronger, but you may also face injuries such as muscle strains and knee wear.]

-- Then how can I become stronger?

[Use lucky points to permanently enhance attribute values]

[Besides, different talents also have permanent bonuses to different attribute values]

-- Is Qing Ling's talent of the Knife God powerful?

[Talent: Knife God. Serial number: 32. Rune type: Damage]

[Full-level Knife God: Specialization in knives and weapons, the damage of knives and weapons is increased by 3 times, and the physical defense penetration rate is 91.4%.]

[Permanent attribute value bonuses of the full-level Knife God: Physical strength +400, Strength +800, Agility +1000, Charisma +400]

-- What about the talent of the Gun God?

[Talent: Gun God. Serial number: 41. Rune type: Damage]

[Full-level Gun God: Specialization in firearms, 97.3% hit rate of firearms, shooting speed 12 times per second]

[Permanent attribute value bonuses of the full-level Gun God: Physical strength +300, Strength +700, Agility +800, Charisma +300]

[Are you going to allocate the attribute points allocation plan?]

-- There are only 30 lucky points. What's there to allocate? Add them all to luck! I want to see just how lucky I can get.

[Once the lucky points are allocated, they cannot be changed. Are you sure?]

-- Sure. Hurry up!

[Congratulations! Your luck has exceeded 30 and all attribute values have received a permanent bonus of 6 points.]

[Physical strength: 18 Stamina: 18]

[Strength: 17 Agility: 17]

[Spirit: 17 Charisma: 16]

[Luck: 30]

-- Only 6 points. Could it be any stingier?

-- Oh, no. 6 points are added to each of the 6 attributes, a total of 36 points. This isn't a loss.

[Besides, you have triggered the hidden section. Do you want to unlock it?]

-- Unlock! Hurry up!

[Sorry, your luck is not enough.]

-- Then why did you mention it!

[The visit is over. The system is hidden.]

[Beep --]

Early in the morning, Gao Yang got up and was scolded by his mother as expected: The college entrance examination was coming soon, but he didn't come home at night for the last two days. He didn't reply to messages or answer calls. He was becoming more and more worrying.

Gao Yang lied, saying that it was Wang Zikai's birthday and pulled him to go to karaoke, singing until midnight.

When the mother heard this, she got even angrier: "Wang Zikai? Didn't he drop out of school? Don't hang out with that guy all day. Don't learn bad things from him."

At the dining table, the father happily bit into the fried dough stick and had a different opinion: "Xiao Kai? His father is very rich. Son, you can make friends with him."

"Don't listen to your dad's nonsense. One takes on the color of one's company!" The mother glared at the father.

"Wife, times have changed."

"How have they changed?"

"Nowadays in this society, ability comes second. What mainly matters is interpersonal connections and resources. Friends from Xiao Kai's social class will definitely be useful for our son in the future." The father argued strongly.

"What distorted values are these of yours?" The mother got angry.

"Dear, I don't mean anything else. I just want our son to have more friends and more options. I believe Yangyang has his own judgment and won't really learn bad things from him." The father felt a little aggrieved and winked at Gao Yang: "Isn't that so, son?"

" Dad, Mom, I'm full. "

Gao Yang was in a complicated mood and really didn't know how to face his "family". He ate in a hurry, carried his schoolbag and went to school.

"Knowing that his family members were very likely beasts, yet for a moment, Gao Yang still wavered: His parents raised him, spent every day and night with him, cared for him meticulously. They couldn't love him enough. How could they be monsters? But wasn't Li Weiwei his childhood sweetheart at first? Such a wonderful girl, yet she still turned into a monster."

What kind of creature exactly is a monster?

What on earth do they want to do?

What on earth is going on in this parallel world?

Gao Yang had no answer, just like he had no answer as to why he crossed over at the age of six and why he got a troublesome system.

Gao Yang came to school and spent an ordinary day.

Throughout the whole day, Gao Yang didn't speak to Qing Ling, not even exchanging a single glance. After the evening self-study session, Gao Yang came to a small alley near the school where there were no cameras.

Soon, Qing Ling also appeared. She took out two very thin black hoodies, along with two baseball caps and masks from her large schoolbag, "Change into them."

"Uh, this...?"

"Otherwise, do you want me to build a changing room for you?" Qing Ling said and began to take off her uniform. She was really fast at taking off her clothes, just like a snake shedding its skin. In just two or three strokes, she took off her top. Her neck was fair and her collarbone was sexy. Gao Yang quickly turned his back and started to undress awkwardly.

Three minutes later, the two of them changed into black hoodies, pulled up the hoods, put on baseball caps and masks.

Before setting off, Qing Ling took out the first note from her pocket and opened it.