

Come?" Gao Yang was a little flustered: "Come for what?"

Qingling's legs were bent and pressed on Gaoyang. The moonlight highlighted her collarbones, flickering and shining, breathtakingly beautiful.

She sneered contemptuously, "What else could it be? Stop pretending to be innocent."

Gao Yang was confused.

Qingling didn't waste words. She tossed her hair and moved closer to Gao Yang's face.

"Wait a moment!"

Gao Yang shouted. He wasn't a traditional person and he had watched quite a few adult videos usually. But at the moment, the speed of this situation was really too fast. So fast that no matter how you looked at it, it seemed like a conspiracy.


If I'm guilty, the law will punish me. Don't torture me like this...

"Quite vigilant." Qingling said.

Gao Yang thought to himself, Isn't this the normal reaction?

Three hours ago, he was almost crushed to death by the childhood friend he trusted the most. Now, a completely unfamiliar beauty suddenly throws herself into his arms. He has every reason to suspect that she wants to torture and kill him.

"Relax." Qingling's voice became gentle.

If you don't like me, you can imagine me as someone else. Qingling put her hand on Gao Yang's chest.

Forget it! Let's start as friends first.

Suddenly, Qingling stopped.

Gao Yang was sweating all over his head and didn't dare to breathe heavily.

Qingling got up from the bed and dressed herself again: "Alright."

Gao Yang was completely bewildered. He sat up on the bed and suddenly discovered that there was actually a sharp and small dagger hidden under his pillow.


"Did you... just want to kill me?" Gao Yang was a little scared.

"It depends on your performance," Qingling said.

"What do you mean? If I can't resist the temptation, have evil thoughts about you, and you'll kill me?" Gao Yang made a reasonable deduction: "So this is a test. I pass the test and gain your trust."

"All wrong." Qingling, with her back to Gao Yang, tied her ponytail again. "If you had no reaction, I would kill you."


"Monsters don't have a real reproductive system."

Gao Yang suddenly realized, "Just now you were confirming my identity!"

The beast you encountered today is the Anger Beast.

"Anger Beast?"

"There are many kinds of monsters, and the Anger Beast is one of them. Anyway, they are all very cunning, good at disguising themselves and passing off the false as the genuine." Qingling said, "If you want to survive in this world, don't trust anyone."

Then how can I believe that you are human?" Gao Yang asked in return.

"Not bad. You learn very quickly." Qingling had no expression on her face. "It will be much more troublesome to confirm if a female is a monster. You have to really do it."


Qingling threw over a small bottle: "This is a special medicine. Remember to dispose of it after use and don't let anyone see it."

Gao Yang took the small medicine bottle and examined it carefully. It seemed to be an ordinary blue liquid medicine, nothing special.

He hid the medicine in the quilt. At present, he still had many questions to ask Qingling.

What exactly are the beasts?

Why do they kill people?

What situation is one in now?

What is Qingling's talent? It seems she is much more powerful than oneself.

How can one become stronger?


Suddenly, the door was kicked open and the younger sister rushed in.

Gao Yang was greatly startled, stood up bare-chested and said, "No! It's not what you saw..."

"What?" The younger sister looked puzzled.

Gao Yang turned around and Qingling was gone. There were only the swaying curtains and a corner of the bright moonlight shining into the room.

No! Isn't this action too swift?! It's really coming and going like the wind...

"So suspicious," the younger sister sized up Gao Yang up and down and suddenly smirked: "Brother, you weren't doing that, were you?"

I didn't! I'm not! Don't talk nonsense!" Gao Yang hurriedly explained, "Also, could you knock on the door next time before coming in?"

"Got it!" Suddenly, the younger sister came closer with an eager smile and grabbed Gao Yang's hand. "Brother, let's discuss something, okay."

You say

The younger sister immediately took out her mobile phone: "Look... This dress, is it nice?" The younger sister immediately took out her mobile phone: "Look... This dress, is it nice?"

"Nice..." Gao Yang realized: "What do you want?"

"It's only 498! Super cheap! You can save 198 immediately if you buy it now."

If you don't buy it, you'll save 498 immediately.

"I still have 11 months until my birthday!" My sister pouted. "Can't you just consider it as my birthday present?"

I still have seventy years until I die. Can't you just pretend that I'm already dead now?

"You don't care about me! You don't love me! Someone like you doesn't deserve to be my elder brother at all!" The younger sister shouted: "I'm going to tell Mom and Dad that you went out fooling around tonight and your face was all bloody!"

"OK, OK, OK!" Gao Yang immediately became nervous. He picked up his phone and transferred several hundred yuan to his sister from his living expenses for next month. Compared with feeling sorry for the money, his top priority now was to calm things down.

Brother is so nice! Mwah~ I like my elder brother the most!

The younger sister ran away happily with the mobile phone.

Gao Yang watched his sister happily close the door and heaved a sigh of relief.

The special medicine given by Qingling was very effective. When I woke up the next day, the wound was almost healed, leaving only some red marks that looked like scratches after mosquito bites.

Gao Yang had breakfast and came to school.

In the classroom, Li Weiwei's seat is empty.

He thought of every bit and piece with Li Weiwei over the past twelve years: going to and from school together, having meals together, doing homework together. There were several times when they set off fireworks together on New Year's Eve. The first time he saw her smile, saw her cry, saw her get angry... All this familiar and beautiful everything was torn apart by that "monster" last night.

Gao Yang really hoped that what he was facing were two creatures. One was a beautiful and simple human girl, and the other was an evil, unknown and fierce monster. But these two were actually one person.

Gao Yang couldn't accept it.

Until the end of the morning self-study session, Li Weiwei's seat was still empty. Several girls in the class began whispering. It was estimated that they already knew that something had happened to Li Weiwei.


Unexpectedly, as soon as the morning self-study session ended, Qingling came over voluntarily. She questioned loudly in front of the other classmates, "Gao Yang, where is Li Weiwei?"

Gao Yang was stunned: What's the situation? Is this an act?

"I don't know." Gao Yang replied.

"Don't know?! Wasn't she with you yesterday?"

"Well, we went home separately at night..."

What's going on? You don't answer the phone, don't reply to WeChat messages, and don't even come to class." Qingling frowned tightly, feeling somewhat annoyed. Seeing that she couldn't get any answers, she turned and left.

The first class is mathematics, and the mathematics teacher is also the head teacher.

The head teacher walked in with a heavy expression. He put the textbook on the podium and pushed the highly myopic glasses on his flat nose bridge.

"Classmates, before the class starts, I have something to tell you all."

"Li Weiwei, a student in our class, was... killed last night."

The whole class was in an uproar.

What?! " Qingling stood up excitedly.

Gao Yang was stunned and suddenly admired: Life is like a drama, all depending on acting skills.

Qingling stayed with li weiwei almost every day and they had such a good relationship. This reaction was quite normal. This also reminded Gao Yang that as childhood sweethearts, his reaction was too abnormal.

Gao Yang hurriedly stood up, making a shocked and puzzled expression: "Impossible! I saw her yesterday afternoon!"

"She was killed when she was returning home late at night. It was initially determined to be a robber. She was stabbed in the chest and died on the spot..." The head teacher sighed. "This is all the teacher knows."

"Oh my god! How could this happen?"

So pitiful. I never expected such a thing to happen to her.

"The murderer must be sentenced to death if caught!"

The boys who liked Li Weiwei were burning with rage, and several girls who had a good relationship with Li Weiwei turned red-eyed on the spot and sobbed softly.

"Classmates, the teacher is also very sad and angry about what happened to Li Weiwei."

The police are already conducting a full-scale search and will surely bring the murderer to justice!

Students who want to bid farewell to Li Weiwei's remains can go to the funeral home with the teacher tonight...

Now, let's compose ourselves and continue the class.

The mathematics teacher opened the textbook and remembered something else: "Qingling, Gaoyang, you two come to my office."

Gao Yang became alert: "Is there anything, teacher?"

"The police are coming. You two just cooperate with them and answer a few questions."

With red-rimmed eyes, Qingling rushed out of the classroom first, as if she couldn't wait to see the police. Gao Yang followed her out.

The two walked through the corridor one after the other. Gao Yang was behind. Making sure there was no one around, he quickly caught up with Qingling: "Let's align our statements first."

What statements? " Qingling turned her head, her eyes both sad and angry.

"The matter of Li Weiwei."

Qingling was stunned at first, then grabbed Gao Yang's collar: "You really know something! Did you kill her?"

"Ah?" Gao Yang was stunned.

What does this mean again? Are you addicted to acting?

It's already such a time. Stop acting! " Gao Yang said.

"Who's acting with you!" Qingling looked serious. "You're really suspicious. Why didn't you send Li Weiwei home last night? Why was Li Weiwei killed? I think you're mostly involved!"

No! This is not the same as before!

What does this Qingling want to do?

"Speak up! Haven't you always wanted to pursue Li Weiwei? Li Weiwei didn't like you and didn't agree to you, so you held a grudge and killed her, right?" Qingling was aggressive.

Gao Yang's brain was thinking rapidly. There were only two possibilities now: First, the Qingling in front of him was not the Qingling from last night. This possibility was extremely low. Second, Qingling was still acting. She decided to betray me to protect herself. She said yesterday that don't trust anyone.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Gao Yang lowered his head, bypassed Qingling. He knew that the more he said, the more mistakes he might make, so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

"Stop pretending! I'll have the police investigate you thoroughly! If you killed her, I will never let you go!" Qingling angrily rushed into the office.

Gao Yang was just about to follow in when a tall figure reached out and stopped him.

Gao Yang raised his head. It was a man in police uniform, about thirty-something years old, with a clean crew cut, a wide chin, angular face and shrewd and sharp eyes.

"Are you... Officer Huang?"

"Hehe, we meet again." Officer Huang smiled, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Three days ago in the dead of night, the police officer who shot and killed the "psychopath" to "save" Gao Yang was precisely him, Huang Qi, Officer Huang.

Officer Huang patted Gao Yang on the shoulder and said, "You come with me to another office."

Gao Yang's heart gave a thump: What should I do?