
The Chronicles : The Wolf of Bozh

The day of Doom had arrived, the gods of Terya failed to protect their world and was banished to the stars forever. One of the gods, Cervus the Night Wolf, Guardian of Trivonus, the 7th God of Terya, had been reincarnated in the world of Bozh, where the Creator shall guide him without knowing, for him to return and regather the gods for a final battle.

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A Lesson

Why do we have to die again for these people?

To be heroes, to be adored more than gods? No.

We already learned from that.


It is a dark day in Terya, perhaps it's darkest day ; it's last day since it might be an unexpected event of the world's end not mentioned on the books of whatever religion dominates Terya.

A roar of thunder shook the dark skies of Terya, one that the whole world heard, as a portal of ancient magic opened from the skies, darkening the clouds in black and coloring the skies in blood. Out of it came a monstrous creature, a hybrid of the most fearsome beasts. It had the fangs of a lion, the fire and wings of a dragon, the eyes of a snake, and the body of a wolf. This wolf, invaded the peaceful lands of Terya, where its races lived on a uneasy harmony. Terya was the cradle of civilization, a world of balance between land and water.

The world was under siege by the beast and its relentless black flames that consumed everything in their path. The devastation put at risk the races' achievements since the peaceful times after the War of the Kabal, a conflict that nearly destroyed the planet. No one was spared from this beast, no men, women, children, elf, dwarf, orc, sea people, bird people ; there are no exemption to it's wrath.

It was a perilous journey, but Menelivion the Priest had no choice. He had to find the hidden portal that led to the unknown realm of souls, where his 11 brothers were at peace after the Battle of Terya. As the ruler of Vorba, the last floating domain in the skies of Terya, he was the one and only who could grant them freedom. He was also the one who slew Arn-Kurbak, the dark lord who had unleashed a horde of demons not only at Terya but to the other 4 planets near and allied to it. Menelivion remembered his brothers with a mix of sorrow and pride. Tayvul the Elder, the firstborn and the wisest of them all. Nuven the Wise, who had a mysterious past but a keen mind. Auren the Golden, whose radiance and beauty inspired awe and admiration. Anvet the Rich, who had amassed an eternal fortune and managed it well. Tirannis the Daring, who never shields away from a challenge or a danger. Cervus the Night Wolf, who preferred solitude, but his loyalty was unquestioned to his kin. Cyron the Magnificent, who embodied excellence in every aspect. Auguston the Proud, who had a commanding presence and a noble spirit. Menelikus the Flame, who had mastered the flames and used it for commonsensible reasons. Chagar the Warrior, who was unmatched in strength and skill. Aneralion the Enigmatic, who revealed his true power and courage at the last hour. Menelivion hoped to see them again, to reunite with his family and restore balance to the world.

A survivor and restorer of the world, Menelivion guided the world after the battle of Terya. He also brought back his brothers from the dead. Now, from his domain, he had returned from the skies to the joy of all of the races that are currently being ravaged. They hoped that their only god can defeat this creature and usher whatever the prophecies said about his return.

Yet its not just him who returned, at his flanks are his 11 brothers in godhood, ready to save the world once again. Facing this gigantic that came from nowhere, Menelivion and his eleven brothers stood against the beast.

They shall baztle this beast on a world that once again was torn by conflict. The sight of such devestating brings unsurprising contrast to the ancient devestating lead by the unnumbered, dark host of the Kabal that almost overrun Terya. It's a desolating sight to gods and mortals alike. Blood are seen everywhere, people died, the skies turned black, the sun gave not it's rays, and the thunders are fearful mocks of the mortals. All the progress done by the mortals for the past 10,000 years had been destroyed.

"We are going to fight that beast, am I correct?" asked Cyron as he faced Menelivion. "Aye, yet hopefully, we can keep our heads here." added Auguston in response. "Menelivion, you resurrected us only to face death once more. How ironic." Remarked Chagar who seemed skeptical on the situation. Yet Tirannis moved forward and faced them. "My brothers, we will not die today. We have each other, and we have the mortals we protected and loved. We can defeat this ancient foe," said Tirannis on a high tone that all can hear.

"What of the mortals from the other planets?" inquired Anvet for he died, alongside Tirannis and Menelikus earlier, never getting the chance to fight on Terya itself. "They are all living on our planet now, my friend," answered Cervus. "We had evacuated all of them into our planet as Arn-Kurbak rampaged through the 4 planets and destroyed two, corrupted one, and poisoned one."

"Menelivion, you promised us that the mortals would help us, right?" questioned Nuven."That is correct." Confirmed Menelivion."Then where are they? I don't see any mortal armies here. Did we fight the Kabal for nothing?" wondered Tirannis as he looked at their backs, seeing no army of humans, elves, dwarves, Morhenarodi, and Aviars behind, none Menelivion rallied.

"No, we did not fight the Kabal for nothing. We saved all the living beings from the five planets, including Terya." Assured Menelikus. "Also, all of us, whether mortal or god are caught off guard by this, this wolf appeared from desolation, and all armies of the mortals are vanquished by its flames."

"Enough talk. Let's focus on the primordial wolf," ordered Tayvul on an elderly voice. "The mortals rallied no army as they are caught off guard by this anomaly they are experiencing, it might be the end of this world. As he tone down his words and turned to his brothers. "Yet, we allow it not."

"Yes, let's end this once and for all." Agreed Tirannis."Here is your spear," said Cervus as he threw "The Hunter" to Tirannis. It's the spear of the Daring. Forged from the depths of the Great Fire Well by Menelikus as a gift to his audacious brother. "My gratitude," said Tirannis as he prepared to battle the primordial wolf.

Nuven hit his staff to the ground and all of them 12 and the primordial wolf at the domain of Vorxe, the last standing domain of Terya, a domain of Menelivion. The domain was under attack by the beast, the pillars of its progress are all being torn like nothing. The Angels that Menelivion guided and the very inhabitants of the domain itself, despite the aura of power and strength Menelivion blessed them are unable to land a hit on the beast, being brutally defeated on gruesome manners.

They confronted the wolf at the great column here the 12 gods lined up for battle.

The 12 gods gazed upon the ancient, primordial creature, its sharp wings cutting through the air with an eerie hum. Tayvul the Elder's commanding voice echoed as he stood up against the creature's fire breath.

"United we stand against this darkness, my siblings. Let us combine our strengths and forge a barrier to protect our realm!"

Nuven the Wise nodded, his eyes gleaming with intelligence.

He then spoked,"Agreed. Auren, with your golden light, infuse the barrier with hope and courage. Anvet, your golden touch could help fortify its foundations."

Auren the Golden raised his hands, a warm radiance enveloping the group.

"May this light to guide us and dispel the shadows!"

Anvet the Rich channeled his power, his presence radiated with glory and splendour. "Let the wealth of our determination shield us!" he said.

As the creature's fire of death neared, Tirannis the Daring stepped forward, a fearless grin on his face."I'll distract the beast! Keep working on that barrier!"he commands.

Menelivion, the Priest chanted, his words weaving into a protective enchantment. "May the Creator shield us and grant us strength!"

Cervus the Night Wolf, his connection to darkness undeniable, added his energy to the mix."Darkness and light, intertwined for our defense. We shall conquer the dark again!"

Cyron the Paragon's noble aura shone as he lifted his sword. "For honor, we stand!"

Auguston the Proud's voice echoed, his pride fueling their determination."We won't falter, for we are gods! We shall triumph against this adversity!"

Menelikus the Flame's fiery essence surged forth, merging with the barrier."Let our flames burn away this threat for mortal kind!"

Chagar, the Warrior's battle cry resounded as he thrust his spear into the ground."We fight as one, unyielding!"he shouts.

Aneralion the Enigmatic's enigmatic smile held a touch of mystery. "In unity, we unravel the mysteries of our strength."

Together, their combined efforts formed a shimmering barrier that pushed back the creature's onslaught. The creature's wings clashed against the barrier, causing cracks to form, but the gods held firm.

"We've faced challenges before, my kin. Together, we can overcome even this."says the Elder.

The gods stood together, using their powers to defend against the ancient threat.

The Second Battle Of Terya had begun.

This could decide another hopeful renewal for the world or perhaps it's destruction.

Tirannis spun and weaved through the flames with remarkable agility, his spear striking with precision. His movements were so swift and erratic that the creature's eyes couldn't quite follow him, buying the other's precious moments.

"Come on, you oversized mutt! Catch me if you can!"mocks the Daring.

Chagar charged with a thunderous roar, his axe and sword slashing through the air. But the creature's swift retaliation knocked him aside, sending him sprawling. Tayvul's bone staff glowed with an ethereal light, sending waves of strength and determination through the veins of his fallen brother.

"Rise, Chagar! The battle is far from over!"commands the Elder as he reaches his hand for the Warrior to rise once more.

Cervus and Menelivion moved with a fluid synchronicity, their attacks aimed at different points on the creature's hide. Cervus's talons attacked the creature, while Menelivion's special spear weakened it.

"Together, we'll pierce through its defenses!"

"May the divine light guide our strikes!"

Their coordinated assault caused the creature to roar in pain and frustration, its attention shifting momentarily from Tirannis.

Nuven the Wise surveyed the battlefield, his gaze calculating. He pointed towards the creature's eyes, addressing Cyron and Aneralion.

"Aim for its eyes! Blind it temporarily!" commands the Wise.

Cyron and Aneralion nodded in understanding, each unleashing a precise arrow that struck the creature's eyes with pinpoint accuracy. The beast howled in agony, its flames momentarily faltering as it thrashed in disorientation.

"Strike true, Aneralion!"

"With valiance, Cyron!"

As the creature staggered, Auren the Golden gathered the radiant energy around him, forming a brilliant sphere of light.

"Now, while it's weakened!"shouts Auren.

With a swift motion, Auren hurled the sphere towards the creature's exposed belly. The impact created a burst of golden light that momentarily blinded the creature and singed its flesh.

"Let our light pierce the darkness!"

The combined efforts of the gods took a toll on the creature, its once-mighty flames flickering and its movements growing sluggish. The battle raged on, each god playing a vital role in the intricate dance of strategy and strength.

Then the beast flew by its wings of a dragon. It flew around and open fire on the surroundings of Vorba to destroy and ravage the Domain. Menelivion, ever caring for his people, flew the skies with his holy sword, "Darkbane" with his brother, Cyron.

The two chased the beast ravaging Vorba while the 10 was attempting to pin, surround, and destroy the beast. Then the wolf turned back and spewed great black flames upon Menelivion and Cyron, forcing them to withdraw. And the wolf crashed into the ground, which led to the 10 gods on the ground also withdrawing from the landing zone.

By crushing into the ground, the beast caused severe damage to the floating lands of Vorba, most fell from the skies, crushing the mortals lands from above, causing many deaths.

Cyron, with his sword, charged at the beast while it was still down. Then Menelivion and Aneralion, with their swords, jumped at the head of the wolf and stabbed it in the head. Suddenly, the wolf raised from its temporal dormant state, throwing the two gods from its head and knocking down Cyron, only to be halted by the clawed talons of Cervus.

"By the will of the Creator, we shall banish you to your rightful place!" says Tayvul as he infused and summons his natural energy into his staff of bones and slammed it into the ground. At a thud, it sucked the wolf into a black hole, resisting to not get caught.

Yet they are not expecting this primordial wolf to shed blood upon itself by its claws.

"What is the mutt doing?" asked Tirannis

"A ritual?" asked Menelikus

The wolf suddenly disappeared like dust and they saved the world of Terya..... Or so they thought.

The dust gathered into a large orb that keeps getting larger and larger every second.

"What in Terya is happening!?" says Nuven

"The dust of the beast, how..." Chagar the Warrior cannot end his words.

The orb expanded further, on a fast rate, engulfing all of Vorba , only light was seen afterwards.

In a different and unknown realm of madness manifesting, each of the 12 gods became a floating essence of an orb, each in their own color.

They flew through this realm, then a voice spoke to them as they are still contemplating on how they had ended up in this place, in a commanding, loud voice :

"The world is full of wonders, from the mountains to the seas

The stars that shine above us, the forests and the trees

But there was once another world, a realm of magic and lore

Where the gods of Terya ruled, the skies are golden and the sun shined more.

Tayvul the Elder was the first, the father of them all

He shaped the land and sky, and gave his children soul

Nuven the Wise was his heir, the keeper of the law

He taught the mortals wisdom, and justice without flaw

Auren the Golden was the sun, the source of light and life

She blessed the crops and seasons, and healed the wounds of strife

Anvet the Rich was the earth, the giver of wealth and power

He mined the gems and metals, and built the highest tower

Tirannis the Daring was the storm, the master of the wind

He rode the clouds and lightning, and challenged all who sinned

Menelivion the Wise was the moon, the guardian of the night

He watched over dreams and secrets, and revealed the hidden sight

Cervus the Night Wolf was the hunt, the lord of beasts and prey

He ran with wolves and lions, and taught the skills of play

Cyron the Magnificent was the art, the patron of beauty and grace

He sang with birds and harps, and painted every face

Auguston the Proud was the king, the ruler of Terya's throne

He led his people with honor, and claimed all glory with his voice.

Menelikus the Flame was the fire, the father of the creating lore.

He burning the foes of Terya and protecting the mortals, caring and loving them more.

Chagar the Warrior was the sword, the champion of Terya's might

He fought with skill and courage, and never gave up a fight

Aneralion the Enigmatic was the fate, the weaver of Terya's salvation

He hid his identity with riddles, and on his darkest hour, he is a champion

The gods of Terya were glorious, but also proud and vain.

They cared and formed a eternal brotherhood

They defied the dark.

Yet not enough to stop the eternal doom of their world to ruin, and left it to its demise.

This is a poem of wonder, but also a requiem for Terya

A world that once was splendid, but now is lost forever.

Yet redemption shall come to those who strive to seek it. "

Thus the vision passes and the consciousness of the gods are gone to different visions of realms unknown.