
The Chronicles of the Villainess: The Lost Red

Leila, an infamous female assassin who has lived her life embraced by darkness was killed by an explosion that was orchestrated by an enemy who also murdered her sister. Driven by rage, she swore a blasphemous oath and had opened her eyes once again to find herself in the body of the heroine's older sister. Who happens to be same Liese of her past life. However, there was a new enemy who threatens everyone she cared about. Hence, Leila prepared herself to her biggest, most dangerous undercover mission yet. One where she would become the greatest villainess the world has ever seen.

LadyXCappucino · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs


"Ahh...I'm beat."

Leila collapsed hard, face-first, on the couch, still wearing her party dress. Her feet sore and ankles throbbing from the new pair of stilettos she just bought earlier.

Due to a certain accident involving a cracked pavement and constant showers of rain on her way to the hotel, her favorite heels gave out and she had to make a run towards the nearest shoe store to buy a new pair. Totally not her day.

"Onee-sama, at least remove your shoes before you walk inside the house, geez."


If she's hearing Liese's nagging voice that must mean she really is home.

Leila waved a lazy hand and let out a muffled groan. "Please tell me we were having chicken curry for dinner."

"Today's your lucky day"

She wasn't so sure about that, but since her sister was basically a walking lucky charm, who cares.

"My hero." Leila let out another groan, pushed herself up to a sitting position, and bent her neck in all four directions, creating a soft cracking sound of the stiff bones.

She reached out towards one of the drawers on the small lamp table beside the sofa and pulled out a remote control to turn to tv on.

Browsing through a couple of movies on Netflix, Leila clicked the continuation of an episode of an anime series called 'My Hero Academia'.

As the episode plays on, she cursed at the blisters in her ankles and hastily took off her heels. Afterwards, Leila removed every diamond and weapon she latched on her body and tossed it on the fur carpeted floor.

'Ah... much better.'

Leila scoots aside to make space for Liese to sit on after she finished placing the dinner, plates, and utensils on the glass table in front of her.

"Oh, I forgot water." Liese said and jogged off to the kitchen.

Amidst the overpowering aroma of the chicken curry, Leila caught a whiff of a very faint smell of a boy's cologne in Liese's hair.

She's probably being paranoid, but she can't help it when her inner-doting-older-sister senses were tingling. The more Leila tries to sweep the matter under the rug, the worse it gets, and at this point, the alarms were basically blaring off.

"Did you have a visitor? You had a smell of a wolf in you."


Who's the fucker who had the nerve to touch you?

Leila heard a loud clang! in the kitchen. Like Liese accidentally hit or drop a metal pan in surprise.

A few seconds later, Liese's head popped from the under counter. Her lovely face surprisingly flushed; Leila blinked.

"No way."

Liese began to laugh nervously.

Lieselotte Dovina Silva.

With her long jet-black hair which she styled Jabami Yumeko from Kakegurui, delicate and petite figure and doll innocent-like features, she was the manifestation of an angel herself.

It's no surprise that her younger sister would have a lot of guys chasing her with that face that constantly oozes a ridiculous amount of sex appeal.

However, it is truly unusual that a guy had managed to catch her attention.

Despite being someone blessed with good looks and talented hands, Liese never once took heed of any guy who attempts to seduce her. She was gullible, yes, but she's the kind of girl who never liked dealing with people in real life.

Why? You ask. Well, that's because--

"Kyaa!!! Marry me, Bakugo Kacchan-sama!"

Yuup, you heard that right. Her perfect sister is a die-hard Otaku.

And at worse...

"I'm thinking KatsukiXKirishima, with Katsuki as the sub and Kirishima as the dom. What do you think?"

A hardcore Fujoshi.

Apart from Liese's strange attitude of shipping ikemen guys with guys in a sexual S&M kind of way, her tastes in men are ridiculously high that only 2D characters managed to fit her standards.

Not that Leila's complaining, but thanks to that she had the perfect reason to threaten the shit out of all Liese's persistent and annoying suitors with a very sharp knife to leave Liese alone.

She never gave a fuck about what happens to them anyway.

But this---

Shit. She was too careless.

Leila tried to envision what kind of appearance that guy possibly have that he even managed to ensnare Liese.

But, for some reason, all Leila could conjure up was a distorted vision of a man whose face was half-animated and half-real, carrying Liese, whose in a wedding dress, bridal-style before whisking her away without sparing her a single glance.

Just the thought of it made Leila seethe with fury that she shattered the glass of water she was currently holding. 'That motherfucker.'

"Onee-sama!" Liese called out, her voice in a panic. "You're bleeding!"

Leila wasn't even in the slightest bit of pain thanks to the serum that seemed to have permanently destroyed the nerves responsible for it.

She just calmly watched Liese as she treats her injured hand. The disgusting vision kept playing in Leila's mind over and over like a broken audiotape.

An extremely shitty audiotape.

"So, tell me," Leila started, the darkness in her voice clearly visible, "Who's the fucker?"

Liese sighed, "He's a really good person, I swear. Will you do me a favor and not threaten him?"



"I'll try, but I can't make any promises."

"I guess that's fine." She said as she finished wrapping bandage on her hand. "He's working as a temporary art instructor at my college, who happens to be a complete artistic genius and extremely gorgeous at the same time."

"So, you're telling me that you have a forbidden love affair with your teacher, who's probably years older than you and might have ulterior motives, and not threaten him?"

"He's only three years older than me, and yes, I forbid you from using any form of method to scare him away."

"And you're absolutely sure he's not a pedophile?"


"What? I'm just asking."

"Is this some kind of defense mechanism that you have to hide the fact that you haven't gotten yourself a single boyfriend?" She clicked her tongue, "Seriously, with that face and body, I can't believe no one's ever pounced on you yet."

Nigga what? She did not just say that.

Leila was proud that she had been single her entire life.

Her work is dangerous, and she's required to be ready 24/7 for missions. Leila already had barely enough time to bond with her sister, so why would she find herself a boyfriend?

But still, what a way to hurt her with the truth.

Soo revolutionary.

"Why do I need a boyfriend when I already have both of my hands full with you?"

Liese flashed her a look that says 'Really? You just had to have that as an excuse?' and let out an 'I give up' sigh. "Since you love me so much that you're willing to go as far as threaten him-"

"I can go further as to 'murder' him."

"Shush! What are you, my father?"

"Didn't you know? Your mother was an extremely lovable onahole that harbors a really close resemblance to you." Leila said sarcastically, "It was fun until someone chopped my dick off, and I had to give birth to you through my butt."

Liese picked a pillow and threw it at her face, "I'm being serious here and you keep talking disgusting things."

"Oh, okay. Fine!"

"I'm saying that you can join us on our trip in two days. We're having a date at the beach, and you can meet him there to get to know him." She exclaimed excitedly, then stared down at her lap, "That is, if you're free--"

"I already took the day off."

Liese's head shot up in surprise, "Wait, what?"

Couldn't blame her, even Leila herself was surprised.

She was already aware of her supernatural abilities, but she'd really outdone herself this time.

The moment Liese began to exhibit signs to invite her, her phone suddenly appeared in her hands, and Leila typed so fast that her thumbs were a blur of motions.

"That is just weird on a whole new level." Liese pointed out and Leila just shrugged in response.

That night in the tub, Leila fretted out a lot. Despite the perfect temperature of the water, her body never relaxed that her muscles started to show strains.

The beach date was still two days away and she could already barely contain herself.

It wasn't excitement, that's for sure. But for some reason, Leila felt like running away with Liese from home and it was a very ominous feeling.

She inwardly slapped herself. 'What the heck's wrong with me? It's just a date.'

Yes, a date with her sister and some fucker and herself, as the third wheel, at the beach.

In the worst-case scenario, she could just break the guy's head like a toothpick or fry him with a million-watt taser. 'I mean. How bad could it be?' she thought, finally closing her eyes to sleep.