
The Chronicles Of Tara

An Empire which gods feared, An Empire which was beyond the reach of nature laws, but where is it? there are no records of it, then is it real or myth. Niv has found a written record of the Empire of Chaos which is said to have the City of Mythical Creatures

Leonsivakumar · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Plan

Niv and ling were staring at the scroll for almost 30 minutes, then they relaxed.

Ling: "Niv, you will survive, you are an expert in martial arts"

Niv: "But in these fields, I'm not sure whether I'll manage or I'll become a snack for those creatures. These fields are real Hell"

Ling: "Then can I come with you?"

Niv was shocked by the sentence

Niv: "HELL No!! Are you serious? You have school moreover you are just a child and ever won't will I take you to a place like this!!"

Ling: "But it'll be boring without you!"

Niv thought for a minute and then said

"Okay, I'll leave you at your crush's home"

Ling: "You mean Si xia?"

Niv: "Yes, Professor Si is my friend I'll send you to her home"

Ling: "YEAHHHH!!!"

Niv: "Wow!! your response is quite fast, uh?. Okay pack your bags, We'll go now"

Ling: "yes!"

Niv pressed the doorbell. It was a nice and neat cozy home enough for a group of four. Prof. Si opened the door.

Si: "Niv!!!, Ling!!! Come in, Come in"

As they entered, Ling started to search for xia. Prof. Si noticed that.

Si: "She is upstairs, Ling. Go, she is playing PS4. Go play with her"

Niv: "See, Mom. You buy PS4 for your child but my uncle, He is a cheap fellow"

He ran upstairs.

Si: "So what? I'll buy one for you!"

Niv: "Thank you, Mom"

After he went upstairs.

Niv: "I'm glad he calls someone Mom"

Si: "Well, He is 'my' child, But you, my dear junior, you coming to my home is a little rare"

Niv: "You found it so soon, my dear senior"

Si: "You found something about something about the empire?"

Niv showed the map and told everything to her. He explained the situation.

Si: "Well, I can take care of him. But what about you? Will you survive this expedition?"

Niv: "There is no such questions as survival in this expedition. My sister went missing searching for this city. I am obsessed with finding her, atleast for Ling. I should ace this expedition."

Si: "You're as usual a loner. You wouldn't take anyone with you. Do you still hear the Voice?"

Niv: "Every damn night. First All I heard was a girl whisper, but nowadays I hear the girl singing clearly, the whole damn song. I even hear the lyrics mention about the City."

Si: "can you try to spell out the lyrics?"

Niv: "It goes like this:

All night the city lights

Blinkers like it's in fear, all right

The Beasts wring in fear

Seeing a Lady walk in Night

The Commoners don't walk at night

Fearing the Dragons with all its might

Only One dares to walk

At this time of Darkest Night

It's none other than Our Own Goddess


Si: "ruler, Our Queen of Chaos!!"

Niv: "How do you know this?

Si: "How is this possible? How do you know the Hymn of Fear?"

Niv: "Hymn of Fear? What is that?"

Si: "Come with me to my Research Room"

The Archaeological Research Room was a highly sophisticated advanced research room. There was an old scroll in the Table.

Si: "Niv you do know that we don't have much artifacts from that timeline right? This one of the Artifacts written in the language of kaan, language used in Empire of Chaos. You know the language read it"

Niv took the Scroll and started to read. His face started sweating as he was reading it. He was in utter shock and fear. He kept the scroll down in the Table and sat down. There was a potrait drawn in that scroll with the verses in the side.

Si: "The same verses, right? Only me and the our director has seen this artifact. I too am shocked that you know this verses. In today's world no one knows this lyrics other than us and no one knows the tune other than you.But all that being I couldn't decode the last sentence."

Niv: " "The Lyrics written by the people and the song sung by her majesty, The Benevolent Queen" In my recent excavation I found out the words for people and Queen in kaan language"

Si: "So this potrait is the Queen. She is a matchless Beauty."

Niv: "It doesn't match. According to our findings the Queen should be at least 40 to 45 yrs old. But in my dream and this portrait she looks and seems to be my age"

Si: "maybe this is when she was your age?"

Niv: "Remember the findings we have of that Empire is during or after the Great War. I don't believe this is The Queen. It seems I have to find out myself"

Si: "So what is your plan?"

Niv: "There is a village nearby Gobi desert. It is said to be the descendants of The Empire. They were the survivors of the Great War. That is my first destination then it should be venturing into the Gobi in the Northeast. That's where this map approximately points out the empire"

Si: "So , tomorrow?"

Niv: " Yeah I'll be leaving by dawn tomorrow "

Si:" Yeah You'll be leaving by midnight, and you'll be calling it dawn"

Niv: "Take care of him, Bye"

Niv escaped because he knew what the next question will be

Si: "Before even I could ask him about catching any girlfriend, he escaped. He should find someone as a mother to Ling."

Sorry for my irregularity. I had some personal problems. I will try to keep up my schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

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