
The Chronicles of a Vampire

Rael was a boy born with a rare disease that prevented him from living a normal life, forcing him to shuttle between the operating room and his home. Despite this, he didn't surrender to death and achieved outstanding feats for his age. However, in the face of death, all his efforts seemed futile. In his last moments of life, he confronted death silently and without fear. But to his surprise, after he died, he woke up in the body of a young boy, the same age and with the same name as him, facing a man with a terrifying aura.

sword_katana · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

A test ?

Sunrise painted the horizon with shades of gold, casting a warm glow upon the world.

Amidst a dense forest, a lone figure stood, with a crimson-glowing dagger clutched tightly in one hand and he can be seen fighting monsters in a forest .

The remarkable thing was despite being surrounded by dozens of monsters, a tranquility etched on the warrior's body, a calm demeanor that defied the chaos around him.

He seemed to move in a deliberate pattern, weaving through the monsters in an intricate dance almost like an art form, ensuring that not a monster could lay a claw on him. Observing from a distance, it was clear that this was a mastery born of practice and discipline.

The passage of time flowed like a river, and half an hour later, as the sun climbed higher, the battle dust settled and the battleground transformed.

The once-threatening monsters now lay defeated , and the land dyed with blood was the witness of Rael's victory.

Rael was now sitting on a tree trunk with the magical book in his hands, delving into its pages. his eyes were scanning the complicated symbols and spells within.


"What a complicated book ! Even the basic parts are difficult to understand, not to mention the advanced sections, and these gaps only make matters worse I didn't expect that many parts will degrade . " Rael muttered

Rael had risen early, three hours ago to be exact .

those hours were well spent as He learned Flame Transformation a spell he had almost already learned, expanding his powerful arsenal of abilities. After that, he went for some training and then fought some monsters to improve his fighting ability.

Now he was trying to learn something new from the magical book but unfortunately, many parts were degraded and unreadable.

he thought of learning some new spells but he decided to wait as learning many spells will put pressure on his soul .

And most important, He has to build up a complete system with the spells he has before starting to add new spells or it will only block his future path. this is what was written by Draco .

After hours of intense study, Rael looked at the already risen sun and decided to return to his cave, to have some rest and cultivation. and the hours ahead were for monster hunting.


Time passed and hours turned into days and days turned into weeks .

three months later

In a cave .

Black and red lights glowing from the body of a kid covered the walls. The cave was completely lit .

In the middle of the cave, Rael was sitting cross-legged. The lights on his body grew stronger and stronger with every passing second .

A few minutes later, an explosion sounded in the cave coming from Rael's body after that the lights gradually faded.

" Finally a peak apprentice stage. My speed is truly amazing. But compared to my power my cultivation is nothing "

in the past few months, many changes occurred. Rael continuously hunted monsters to enhance his abilities and techniques. In addition, he continued learning from the magical book .

Even though many parts were hard to understand he learned many things that can help his cultivation. But for some reason, he couldn't read anything higher than Master Magus, the book pages will only turn into blank sheets of paper.

Rael guessed that this may have something to do with his cultivation level. But the validity of his guess will eventually be discovered when he reaches the master magus stage .

and with the increase of his power, Real had now two caves . one to live in it and the other that was closer to the volcano to cultivate in it as he can further increase his cultivation speed .

He even learned two new spells

[ Blazing dash ]

a spell that enables the caster to move at an accelerated speed while leaving a trail of fire behind them, scorching the ground.

The acceleration degree depends on the amount of elemental energy put into the spell . But it can double the speed as a maximum .

The other spell is [ fire spears ]

It was a spell that can create one or many fire spears to attack one or many targets. The more spears he creates the weaker their power is . When using one spear it was even much stronger than explosive fireball.

It was a very good spell for a single opponent or many. Moreover, this spell could be a Magus Master spell too as it has a higher version in the master Magus spells section .

He now had spells for all possible situations. He even deepened his hunting areas until he was close to the border of the inner region, but he didn't dare to enter.

He estimated that the inner part probably had master magus monsters. Even if his arrogance reached the sky he wouldn't dare to enter.

After taking a little rest. Rael came out to do his daily share of hunting. He choose a random direction and started to run which is something he decided to start doing some time ago to discover as much space as possible


A few hours later .

Rael was standing on top of a giant tree, his eyes fixed on the scene before him, unwavering and vigilant

For the first time since coming to this new plane, he discovered remnants of the past civilization. Well to be exact it was a big building surrounded by many ruins.

But the thing that stirred his sense of alarm was not the building nor the ruins, but what was standing before them.

There was more than 40 peak apprentice monster waiting there. Killing them was a very hard task even for Rael .

As thoughts churned within him, Rael mused, " I did not expect to encounter such a place. For it to be guarded by all these powerful monsters , there must be something very precious in it . Moreover, I should get good enhancements from killing all these monsters "

Greed began to rise in his heart. He had long since stopped seeing monsters as living creatures, but rather as stepping stones to increase his power .

The only unfortunate thing is that after increasing his cultivation level the enhancements he got decreased. After some experiments, he concluded that the method of getting enhancements was the closest to his method of obtaining glory points .

But even with that these monsters still could increase his strength a lot.

" Well, I guess i will wait for now. Fighting at night will make this much easier. " thought Rael

Even if killing them all was very hard However, it is still within the capabilities of Rael .


At midnight

A figure was standing In the middle of what was once a forest . He was covered in green blood and surrounded by the dismembered and burned corpses of giant monsters .

The surroundings seem to have been hit by a disaster. Trees were uprooted, the earth ravaged, claw marks, craters and explosions marks everywhere .

But the person who caused all this did not seem bothered at all, on the contrary, there was a smile on his face

" Nice ! If only I met more groups like this. I'm sure it won't take long for me to become as strong as a Master Magus

Now I can go and explore these ruins and that building "

in a few minutes, Rael already reached his destination which was a few kilometers away .

he entered and started walking around, After entering the ruins he concluded that they where were homes as he found the remains of beds clothes etc.

He even found the remains of some books, but the moment he touched them, the books collapsed and disintegrated mostly due to the long time

After spending another hour in the ruins he finally decided to head to the building in the centre .

As he walked through the streets, he noticed that there was not a single soul outside, not even small animals. everything was covered in dust .

" It seems like every living creature on this plane was killed or he fled I thought I might have met some natives since the book said that the powers universe intervened to stop I intervened to stop the spread of primordial chaos , but it seems I was wrong. "

After a few minutes, Rael reached the building. he seemed like an ant in front of an elephant. he was standing before a 10 meters gate

" it is much bigger than what I thought ! So how do I enter? Do I just push the gate? " wondered Rael

He put his hand on the gate and pushed it but the gate remained closed. Then he pushed with both hands but the gate only moved for a few centimeters and after that, it pushed him back


" I can't believe I was insulted by a gate! this is the first time I see a gate telling me that I am weak without even speaking "

After that Rael activated darkness body and pushed again . this time the gate opened for more than a meter and then he felt it was going to push him back but before it start he jumped in .

the moment he entered the dark hall lit up and he heard a voice from the roof

[Candidate spotted! The candidate will be entered into the first test! ]

After that a white light engulfed him and he disappeared