
The Chronicles of a Vampire

Rael was a boy born with a rare disease that prevented him from living a normal life, forcing him to shuttle between the operating room and his home. Despite this, he didn't surrender to death and achieved outstanding feats for his age. However, in the face of death, all his efforts seemed futile. In his last moments of life, he confronted death silently and without fear. But to his surprise, after he died, he woke up in the body of a young boy, the same age and with the same name as him, facing a man with a terrifying aura.

sword_katana · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

a strange scene

Two Hours Later

Exhausted and drenched in the blood of their fallen foes, Rael and Daniel emerged from the dormitory after a grueling two-hour battle. Their faces bore the signs of weariness and strain.

During that time, they had confronted a total of 27 orcs, comprising 10 intermediate apprentice stage orcs and the rest at the beginner level.

Rael's breath came in ragged gasps as he wiped sweat from his brow. "That was quite the ordeal. Those orcs put up a good fight."

Daniel nodded in agreement, his chest heaving. "Indeed. Even though they weren't as strong as the orc on the first floor, their numbers and determination made up for it."

As they walked, their steps heavy, Rael spoke up. "What's our next move? Should we keep searching?"

Daniel looked around, his expression thoughtful. "Considering we didn't find anyone in the dormitory, I think it's best to look for students gathering somewhere safer. But before that, we need some rest."

"Agreed," Rael said, his voice carrying a mix of relief and exhaustion. "We shouldn't stay out in the open for too long."

Finding a room nearby, they were going to enter and rest .

At that moment, a sudden movement caught their attention. A figure leapt through the air towards them, covering tremendous distances with each jump. Rael and Daniel instinctively drew their weapons, feeling an overwhelming pressure emanating from this newcomer.

The figure landed with a ground-shaking impact, causing cracks to spiderweb across the floor. Dust and debris filled the air as the newcomer emerged from the landing, revealing themselves to be none other than Tom, their trainer.

"Hmm, Daniel, Rael? What are you two doing here?" Tom's surprise was evident in his voice.

"We received a message from the academy to head to the dormitory, but Professor Tom, what are you doing here?" Rael inquired.

" The academy's system was hacked . The dormitory had already fallen. The informations you received are wrong . we were occupied with fending off the attackers, which is why we couldn't respond.

After gaining the upper hand, I was sent to secure the academy's interior. Have you encountered any orcs around the dormitory? Did you see them?" Tom explained.

"We took care of the orcs here. But Professor, was the attack so severe that you couldn't spare some people to assess the situation?" Rael questioned.

Tom's expression shifted to seriousness. "The orc attack was massive. Dozens of Master Magus were sent by the orcs, and they caught us off guard.

While we managed to regain control, we suffered significant losses among the students. At our academy every single student is one of the best talents among vampires, and their loss will weaken the next generation."

Rael and Daniel shared a moment of silence before Daniel spoke up. "How will the kingdom respond to this? Are we going to war with the orcs?"

"Yes, most likely. The orcs have dealt a severe blow. If the kingdom doesn't respond and demand reparations, it will impact our future development. However, that's not your concern. You're not yet strong enough to partake in such a war.

To join, you'd need to attain at least the rank of Master Magus. As the kingdom's future, we can't send you to your death."

"Understood. we were going to find a safe place to hide until this situation resolves. Professor, can we accompany you?" Rael inquired.

Tom's answer was immediate and firm. "No. I'll likely face many Master Magus, and the difference between our levels is too significant. You'd only be a hindrance. just hide and wait until this mess ends "

With that being said, Tom turned and left with a leap, leaving Rael and Daniel to continue their way to a room where they could rest and recover.

Finding a room nearby, they entered and shut the door behind them. Collapsing against the walls, they let their weapons clatter to the ground, their bodies finally relieved of the tension that had gripped them for hours.

As Rael caught his breath, he remembered to check his system screen for the notifications of the day

[Ding! Congratulations! You've reached the Intermediate Apprentice stage. You've been awarded 500 glory points!]

[Ding! You've killed a high apprentice orc with one higher cultivation level than yours. You've gained 800 glory points!]

[Ding! You've eliminated 11 intermediate apprentice orcs. You've gained 2200 glory points!]

[Ding! You've taken down 17 beginner apprentice orcs with one lower cultivation level than yours. You've gained 850 glory points!]

Perplexed by the discrepancy in glory points, Rael queried the system. "Why did I receive fewer points for killing the beginner apprentices this time?"

[Responding! you get 100 points for killing a beginner apprentice, 200 points for an intermediate, 400 points for a high apprentice, and 800 poinys for a peak apprentice but that's only one factor as the Glory points are awarded based on the level of the opponent and your own level. as the points would double for each stage higher than you and Divide in half for each stage lower than you .]

"Ah, I see," Rael murmured, comprehending the system's logic. He accessed his status screen to review his progress.


Hostname: Rael

Race: Half human | Half vampire

Location: Ziveria Continent

Age: 10 years

Cultivation: intermediate apprentice [tap to increase for 4000 glory points]

System Level 1 [tap to level up for 100,000 glory points]

Spatial Space: 4 cubic meter [tap to increase for 100 points = 1 meter]


HP: 70/70

elemental energy : 0/0



Strength: 3.7 [cannot be increased]

Agility: 5 [cannot be increased]

Vitality: 9 [cannot be increased]

Spirit: 5 [cannot be increased]



Human Bloodline Level 1: [tap to evolve for 2000 glory points]

Vampire Bloodline Level 9: [tap to evolve for 40,000 glory points]


Bloodline Skills:

Human Bloodline: None

Vampire Bloodline:

Fast Recovery (Passive) Level 3: [tap to level up for 4000 glory points]

Regeneration (Active) Level 2: [tap to level up for 1000 glory points]

Extraction (Passive) Level 1: [tap to level up for 1500 glory points]



Fist Art Level 4 ( max ) : [can't be levelled up ]

Dagger Art Level 4 ( max ) : [can't be levelled up ]


Spiritual Root Talent: Peak Tier [cannot be upgraded]


Darkness: S [cannot be upgraded]

Fire: A [cannot be upgraded]


Spells :

Explosive fireball [cannot be upgraded]

Shadow hands [cannot be upgraded]

Darkness body [cannot be upgraded]

Flame and Weapon Fusion [cannot be upgraded]


Cultivation technique :

basic Cultivation technique [cannot be upgraded]

Infernal Shade Infusion [cannot be upgraded]


Daily Glory Points: 15

Current Glory Points: 6403


Satisfaction lit up Rael's eyes as he reviewed his progress. Glancing over his accumulated points, he considered the possibilities for their use.

As Rael lost himself in thought, Daniel's voice pulled him from his reverie. "Hey, take a look in front of the dormitory."

Grumbling about the interruption, Rael approached the window to peer outside. His gaze fixed on a towering figure - probably an orc - covered in a cloak standing in front of the dormitory, an intricate raven emblem with wings spread wide adorning the back of the cloak. The raven was silhouetted against a blood-red moon .

When Rael looked at him He felt a shiver in his lower back as if his instincts were warning him of this person .

"What's going on there? who is that person" Rael muttered, a shiver creeping down his spine.

Daniel joined him at the window, his voice hushed. "I don't know, but that figure appeared out of nowhere. Looks like they're waiting for something."

"Let's stay hidden and observe for now," Rael suggested cautiously.

Minutes passed in tense silence until a second cloaked figure arrived, this time human. Their back was marred by a deep wound, but they stood with an air of confidence.

The two figures exchanged a few words before the human handed a black bag to the cloaked orc. In return, the orc produced a green dagger emanating a powerful aura. Their transaction complete, they parted ways, disappearing in opposite directions.

Confusion knitted Rael's brow. "What was that all about?"

Daniel's unease was evident in his voice. "I'm not sure, but it feels like we stumbled onto something we weren't meant to see."