
The Chosen one (chosen by the goddess)

The story Is about a girl who was chosen by the goddess to save her kingdom from the beast who kept terrorizing their kingdom .

Olabode_Olamide_0930 · Kỳ huyễn
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A young woman heavily pregnant is seen returning home after a

journey from her mother's village. She had to pass through the

forbidden route because she doesn't want to get caught strolling

through the main road this night. There was one particular rule in

Bozan kingdom , no one should be seen walking in the night , and if

anybody violates the rule that person should be killed instantly.

The reason for the rule was that there was a rumor about a powerful

beast Who comes to Bozan kingdom at night and if anybody is seen

during that time the beast removes the heart and eat it .

There was also the forbidden Route in the kingdom , nobody is

allowed to pass through the route because their king , king Luca has

banned the road due to some issues.

The pregnant woman walked quickly so she could get to her house ,

she hopes she doesn't get caught. Her heart was beating faster and

faster , she continued walking. After a while, she sighted her house

from afar , she smiled and increased her pace . She was almost at

the door step when she went into labour ,she cried for help but no

villagers could come out because of the unseen beast . She laid on

the ground and weep as she clutched her big stomach , everyone

was asleep some were even scared to come out because they

thought they might be killed. This went on for a while , the woman

was getting weak and

weak . In an instant there was a black smoke coming from one

particular direction.

"Oh no!" She cried as she tried to stand and walk into her house but

her legs failed her.

It was said that if any black smoke is sighted one should run for

his/her life because it shows that the beast is almost here.

The beast suddenly showed up in front of her and dig its claws into

the woman's chest.

"Beast please let me have this child please save my child and i'll

offer you myself" the woman cried.

The beast growled ignoring the woman's plea, blood was gushing

out of the woman's chest.

"Beast please , Save my child , i'll offer you myself" the woman cried

again this time it was loud.

The Beast stopped digging , it seems the beast agreed with the

woman , suddenly the beast stretched its palm and a green light

erupted from its palm, the green light disappeared into the Woman's

body . She regained her strength and pushed and pushed. Few

minutes later a baby's cry was heard. The woman had delivered a

baby girl . The beast carried the baby and laid her in the woman's

door step . After that, the beast digged into the woman's chest and

brought out her heart , the beast growled , shoved the heart into its

big mouth and disappeared. The woman whose heart has been

eaten already gave up.

Few minutes later, a beautiful spirit goddess appeared, walked to

the baby girl , carried her and said

"You shall save this kingdom from the beast

