
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Solo run

"Get past him! Get past him!" shouted Dick Vanpoer from the touchline as he observed Yang Yang dribbling towards Marvin Doering.


Even seasoned veterans like Johnny Rep were eagerly anticipating Yang Yang employing his signature step-over move to elude Doering once more.


As Yang Yang approached Marvin Doering, he momentarily decelerated, locking eyes with his opponent with unwavering confidence. Drawing nearer, Yang Yang suddenly surged forward, executing a deceptive step-over combined with a body feint. Initially feigning an outward movement, he swiftly accelerated inward, leaving Doering bewildered once more.


Despite Marvin Doering being mentally prepared this time, he found himself confounded by Yang Yang's speed and feints, helplessly witnessing his adversary dart past him towards the inside.


"What technique! Absolutely exquisite!"


"Another impeccably executed step-over move!"


"Who is that number nine? He's broken through again with a step-over move, his second of the match."


"Don't you know? That's Yang Yang, the standout star of the Almere youth team."


"I've heard of Henk Dimer, but this Yang Yang..."


"Remember the name, Yang Yang; he's destined for stardom!"


Listening to the cheers of the fans, Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer were filled with excitement as Yang Yang made his move, particularly impressed by his elegant step-over.


Having bypassed Marvin Doering, Yang Yang wasted no time. He delivered a precise cross to the edge of the penalty area. Positioned there, Henk Dimer observed the left central defender drawn towards Yang Yang's movement to the right. Seizing the opportunity, Dimer darted into the space left by the defender, anticipating the incoming ball, and expertly placed it into the bottom left corner, just inside the post, leveling the score.




In celebration, Henk Dimer turned towards Yang Yang, sprinted over, grabbed his hand, and together they headed towards the ecstatic fans lining the touchline. Dimer wanted to share this goal with Yang Yang, acknowledging his teammate's pivotal role in its creation.


The fans on the touchline erupted in jubilation, enthralled by the thrilling goal, especially Yang Yang's breakthrough on the right flank.


Who would have imagined that Marvin Doering would fail to stop Yang Yang twice in a row? What was going on with him?


Only Yang Yang understood that Marvin Doering's reactions and defensive skills were suitable for the Dutch fourth division. Yet, Yang Yang trained rigorously against a simulation of a Dutch third division defender every night in the Dream training system. While he didn't always prevail in their duels, it prepared him well to handle Marvin Doering, a defender from a mid-table fourth division team.


If AS'80 hadn't deployed two of their first-team regulars to contain his team, Yang Yang was confident he would have had even more scoring opportunities.


Among the cheering crowd, Yang Yang noticed head coaches Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer nodding at him with approving smiles, acknowledging his performance.


Meanwhile, behind Yang Yang and the others, Wesley Snowy approached Marvin Doering and queried, "What's going on with you? You can't handle a 16-year-old player? He's gotten past you twice in this match."


Wesley Snowy felt Marvin Doering might be underestimating Yang Yang, questioning how else to explain his struggles against him.


"The first time I was careless, the second time I was cautious, but I didn't anticipate him getting past me again," Marvin Doering admitted ruefully. He hadn't expected this turn of events.


Having already logged two seasons with the first team, particularly excelling last season, Marvin hoped to secure a starting spot this year. The challenge posed by number nine caught him off guard.


"You still need to stop him!" Wesley Snowy insisted firmly.


"If word gets out that I struggled against him in an amateur match, how can I expect to remain in the first team?" thought Doering silently.






At halftime, the two teams were deadlocked at 2-2.


As the game neared its conclusion, Almere regained their composure, believing that solid defense and creating opportunities for Yang Yang would likely tilt the balance in their favor once more.


Consequently, the second half's strategy naturally revolved around Yang Yang, with others prioritizing defensive duties.


The match resumed after halftime with a change of ends.


Marvin Doering, drawing on his experience, swiftly adapted from the first half and focused on containing Yang Yang, aided by midfielder Kuller who added to the challenge on the right flank.


Given AS'80's overall superiority, Almere struggled to provide adequate support to Yang Yang, resulting in their offensive efforts faltering and their defense coming under sustained pressure.


In the 64th minute, Yang Yang had another opportunity to outmaneuver Marvin Doering, but this time Doering anticipated his move and tackled him directly, earning a yellow card while halting one of Almere's rare attacks in the second half.


Following this incident, Almere's defensive intensity increased significantly, prompting even Henk Dimer to drop back and contribute to the team's defensive efforts against AS'80's attacks.


Meanwhile, Yang Yang pondered intensely on how to overcome the current stalemate.






Yang Yang stood with his hands on his hips, a sense of dejection settling over him. He knew their current approach wouldn't hold up. The defense would inevitably falter if they didn't strike back soon.


"The threat of a swift counterattack could unsettle them and ease our defensive burden," he contemplated, searching for a solution.


In the second half, the opposition tightened their marking on him, crowding him out and stifling his movements.


Glancing over at Kuller and Marvin Doering, Yang Yang noted their fatigue, especially Kuller, whose labored breathing was evident.


"Both teams have given everything; many players are exhausted," he observed. "This could be our opportunity, but how do we capitalize on it?"


Yang Yang had always maintained exceptional physical fitness, a trait that had been an asset since joining the Almere youth team. His speed and endurance often surprised his teammates.


Recalling his recent training against multiple defenders in the Dream training system, Yang Yang considered his newfound experience. With his opponents now fatigued, he reasoned that taking them on individually could pose a serious threat.


"But is it too risky?" he wondered aloud. "What if I fail?"


As Yang Yang hesitated, the words Zax had spoken in the Dream Training System suddenly echoed in his mind.


If you want to replace Henk Dimer and leave your mark in Almere, you have to prove yourself."


"At critical moments, you must muster the courage to step up and handle the pressure. That's what defines a leader."


With these words echoing in his mind, Yang Yang gritted his teeth and formulated his strategy.


Moments later, Almere regained possession. Right-back Nick advanced down the right flank, preparing for a long clearance. Spotting Yang Yang positioning himself behind their number 7, Nick hesitated briefly before delivering a precise pass to him.


"If you want to replace Henk Dimer and leave your mark in Almere, you have to prove yourself."


"At critical moments, you must muster the courage to step up and handle the pressure. That's what defines a leader."


With these words echoing in his mind, Yang Yang gritted his teeth and formulated his strategy.


Moments later, Almere regained possession. Right-back Nick advanced down the right flank, preparing for a long clearance. Spotting Yang Yang positioning himself behind their number 7, Nick hesitated briefly before delivering a precise pass to him.


Yang Yang controlled the ball smoothly and turned towards AS'80's half.


Approaching Kuller's area, Yang Yang observed him falling back to defend.


With his heightened awareness from [God's Vision], Yang Yang anticipated Kuller's movements. Without waiting for Kuller to close the distance, Yang Yang accelerated and sized up Marvin Doering's positioning behind him. Despite knowing his teammates were ready to support, Kuller nervously attempted to intercept Yang Yang as he surged forward.


In a swift move, Yang Yang flicked the ball past Kuller on his left side.


Incredible! Another successful breakthrough! Cheers erupted across the field as fans reveled in Yang Yang's mesmerizing play.


Marvin Doering, trailing behind Kuller, witnessed his teammates being outpaced and swiftly closed the gap.


Yang Yang's slender physique made Marvin Doering confident he could contain him closely, yet as Marvin pressed forward, he inadvertently left a wide gap behind him. After evading Kuller, Yang Yang maintained precise control of the ball within his reach, taking a decisive stride forward and accelerating once more.


Seeing Yang Yang poised to break through from his right, Marvin Doering reacted with surprise. Knowing it was too late to stop him directly, Marvin instinctively reached out to foul Yang Yang.


Realizing he wasn't the last defender and they were over thirty meters from the goal, Marvin initially saw no risk in committing the foul. However, in that split second of consideration, he recalled his yellow card. Another booking would mean a red card, prompting hesitation that ultimately caused Marvin to miss his opportunity to foul, watching as Yang Yang glided past.


A round of applause rippled through the stands before the stadium hushed.


But for Yang Yang, nothing else mattered on the pitch except the defender standing between him and the goal.


Yang Yang unleashed his full speed, charging directly at the defender. Intensely focused on his opponent's every move, Yang Yang suddenly found inspiration as he entered the defensive zone, deftly nudging the ball to his right.


The number four center-back had been anticipating Yang Yang's move, having observed him bypass Kuller and Marvin Doolin. Mentally prepared for Yang Yang's trademark step-over starting with a body feint, he anticipated Yang Yang shifting left after feinting right.


However, Yang Yang surprised him by deftly flicking the ball to the right and continuing his acceleration in that direction.


"Oh no, I've been tricked! Yang Yang didn't go left!"


Reacting to the feint, the defender committed left, only to watch helplessly as the ball slid past his feet and Yang Yang streaked past him, driving the ball into the penalty area.


"Spectacular! He's beaten three defenders in one go!" The stadium erupted in disbelief.


Inside the penalty area, with only the goalkeeper in his path, Yang Yang seized his opportunity, calmly slotting the ball into the bottom right corner.


As the ball nestled into the net, a stunned silence fell over the stadium and its surroundings.






"Oh my God, what just happened?" Johnny Rep stood frozen on the touchline.


Dick Vanpoer and the surrounding fans were equally stunned, their eyes scanning the stadium in disbelief.


Meanwhile, Yang Yang, adorned in the number 9 jersey, calmly slotted the ball into the net. Momentarily frozen, he then dashed towards the sideline, roaring with elation. In that moment, he was overwhelmed with excitement and emotion.


Though it was just a youth amateur tournament, this was a dream realized for Yang Yang.


Just two months ago, he had been the weakest link in his team, facing the threat of being dropped. Now, after two months of relentless effort, he had transformed into the most formidable winger in Almere's youth squad, having just dismantled three defenders en route to scoring.


With the score now 3-2, Almere had surged back into the lead.


Filled with adrenaline, Yang Yang sprinted out of the stadium, breezing past jubilant fans lining the iron fence, arms outstretched as he jubilantly circled the perimeter of the field.


Johnny Rep could clearly see Yang Yang's beaming smile from a distance, glowing under the night lights like an unmistakable jewel. It was a radiance that couldn't be hidden. Suddenly, Johnny even wondered if Almere could retain him.


Assessing his performance in this match, effortlessly surpassing Dutch fourth division regulars like Marvin Doering at just sixteen years old, Yang Yang seemed destined for greater stages. With his rapid development, Almere might soon be too small a challenge.


If he continued this form in amateur tournaments, Dutch clubs would soon take notice. A teenager turning seventeen in October, performing at this level, his potential was boundless.


Almere's players rushed off the pitch, surrounding Yang Yang at the touchline in jubilation.


They knew Yang Yang had made immense strides and was exceptional, having topped last semester's evaluations, but they never expected him to be their savior today, delivering such a stunning surprise.


Even Henk Dimer, now fully convinced by Yang Yang's prowess, acknowledged that not even he could dribble past three players in succession as Yang Yang had.


On the sidelines, many fans, including those supporting AS'80, couldn't help but applaud Yang Yang's magnificent goal.


Meanwhile, AS'80 players were crestfallen, particularly Kuller and Marvin Doering, who felt a deep sense of humiliation. Older and some as first-team regulars, being outshone by a 16-year-old was undoubtedly embarrassing.


Wesley Snowy trembled with anger, clenching his teeth as he glared at Yang Yang, surrounded by jubilant teammates on the sideline. Helpless, he watched as Yang Yang's exceptional performance not only boosted Almere's morale but also dealt a devastating blow to AS'80's spirit. Yang Yang's crucial counter-attacking goal, putting his team ahead by one, was particularly demoralizing.


Wesley pondered if double-marking him was necessary. How could they contain such a threat? And with Henk Dimer commanding Almere's midfield, the challenge seemed insurmountable.


After Yang Yang's third goal, AS'80 struggled, their morale plummeting while Almere's soared. Errors mounted, prompting AS'80 to adopt a defensive stance. The score held at 2-3 until the final whistle.


At the game's end, Almere fans swarmed Yang Yang, and spectators from the sidelines streamed onto the pitch, joining the players in exuberant celebrations.


In victory, they relished the privilege of celebration, unfazed by being on rival turf amidst opposing fans.


Yang Yang peeled off his damp jersey, repeatedly raising his hands to exchange high-fives with teammates and fans who swarmed to congratulate him.


Amidst the celebrations, a young boy of about eight or nine approached Yang Yang.


"Could you please take a picture with me and sign my book?" the boy asked eagerly.


Yang Yang was taken aback, touched by the request. It was the first time anyone had asked for his autograph.


The boy's father held the camera ready, capturing the moment as Yang Yang knelt down next to the boy. A quick snap later, the photo was taken.


"My dad says if we keep this picture, it'll be worth a lot someday," the boy said with an innocent smile.


A wave of satisfaction washed over Yang Yang. How could he refuse? He grabbed the pen and scrawled his name hastily on the book, making a mental note to practice his autograph in the future.


"Thank you so much," the boy said gratefully, taking the book and pen back to his father.


"You're amazing," the boy's father added, shaking Yang Yang's hand warmly.


As he watched them walk away, Yang Yang let out a deep breath. This felt really good.






"Come on, cheers!"


Outside the gates of Shen Ji Chinese Restaurant, the Almere players who had just competed in the match gathered around tables pushed together to form a large circle. Each held a wine glass filled with water, raising their voices in celebration of their victory.


They had triumphed 3-2 against AS'80, their city rivals.


What added to their joy was the praise from coaches Johnny Rep and Dick Vanpoer after the game. Both were impressed by the team's performance, especially their resilient defense.


Johnny Rep assured the players that the coaching staff would closely monitor everyone's progress, with opportunities for standout performers to join the first team in the upcoming season. This news filled the players with happiness and excitement.


Even though Yang Yang wasn't specifically mentioned by the head coach, he knew he didn't need to be.


He had contributed to all three goals scored in the match, particularly the last one where he dribbled past three opponents before scoring himself. Reflecting on it after the game, he found it hard to believe he had accomplished such a feat. Yet, there it was—a testament to his hard work and determination.


With his stellar performance and the recognition he received, Yang Yang felt a sense of reassurance among his teammates. There was nothing more to worry about now.


After the game, the teammates felt Yang Yang deserved a celebration, so they gathered at Yang Yang's uncle Shen Ming's Chinese restaurant after showering at their homes. His uncle prepared light and delicious side dishes and prepared a large portion of noodles, filling up the whole table.


As they were still young and not yet professional players, there weren't many dietary restrictions for them. However, they refrained from drinking wine or beer, toasting instead with water or juice in place of alcohol.


"Thanks to Yang Yang this time, especially that last move where he dribbled past three players, it was incredible. What were you thinking at that moment?" Henk Dimer asked with admiration, unable to contain his curiosity.


Reflecting on the decisive moment, Yang Yang shook his head modestly, "I didn't think much at the time, just felt I had a chance. After getting past the first defender, I saw an opening towards the penalty area. Maybe the opponents' stamina was low, and that created the opportunity."


His explanation resonated with everyone around the table. Even in amateur competition, dribbling past three players was no easy feat, especially against AS'80's starting defenders.


The teammates exchanged congratulations once again, marveling at Yang Yang's thrilling performance.


"It's a shame this was just a local derby in Almere. There were hardly any outsiders or scouts watching. If there were, Yang Yang might already be getting attention from big clubs," someone lamented.


For Yang Yang's teammates, it was disappointing because they believed any professional team in the Dutch league would be considered a big club in their eyes.


Yang Yang listened to the conversation with a sense of calm, responding softly, "It's no pity. As long as we keep working hard, opportunities will come our way."


Henk Dimer nodded in agreement, adding, "Exactly. We defeated AS'80 and advanced from the first round. If we continue to perform well and stay focused, we'll definitely attract attention."


AS'80 had bolstered their lineup with five first-team players for the match, including three starters like Wesley Snowy, significantly boosting their overall strength.


Reflecting on their victory, Henk Dimer expressed confidence in their future games against other youth amateur clubs like AS'80, believing they could overcome any opponent, especially with Yang Yang, now recognized as their most potent winger.


Gradually, the team began to rally around Yang Yang, seeing him as their core player and a pivotal figure in their success.


Even Henk Dimer, acknowledging Yang Yang's impact, admitted that he was currently the main strength of Almere's team.


Yang Yang didn't dwell on external recognition or the attention from scouts. For him, these matches were primarily opportunities to hone his skills and push his own limits. He understood that continuous game experience was crucial for his development. As for the specifics of whom he defeated, what trophies he won, or who was watching, these thoughts didn't occupy his mind. He believed that as long as he continued to improve and strengthen his abilities, opportunities would naturally arise.


However, Yang Yang was acutely aware of his weaknesses, particularly his fundamental skills which he considered his biggest limitations. Even after dribbling past three players in the recent match, he doubted if he could replicate such a feat consistently due to these deficiencies.


His current priority was clear—to enhance his basic skills swiftly and master advanced techniques like Ronaldo's step-over. These were the crucial steps towards becoming a more complete player.


While the idea of catching the eye of scouts from big clubs held little significance for him now, Yang Yang found immense satisfaction in being valued by his teammates and cherished by the fans. Reflecting on where he stood just two months ago, he recognized the rapid progress he had made, which filled him with pride and motivation for the future.