
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

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End of the match

With the strategic adjustments made by head coach Dick Vanpoer, Helen Parkhurst's offensive tactics began to favor the right flank.

Despite Yang Yang's primary position as a right-back, he was granted the liberty to push further forward, assuming a more attacking role.

Upon his substitution, Yang Yang injected a surge of energy into the team, exhibiting tireless runs up and down the right flank, displaying commendable physical fitness.

His movements were purposeful and straightforward, exploiting gaps in the opponent's defense with precision.

Bolstered by his exceptional vision, he adeptly identified and exploited pockets of space, or utilized his speed to make penetrating runs behind the defensive line to receive the ball.

These rudimentary skills of off-the-ball movement, though elementary, wreaked havoc on Flevoland's left side.

Yang Yang's relentless pressure proved too much for Flevoland's left-backs to handle, whether they had played the entire match or had just been subbed on.

His dynamic runs frequently left them trailing in his wake, affording him numerous opportunities to penetrate the opposition's defense.

Upon gaining possession, Yang Yang seamlessly transitioned from his defensive duties to launching swift counter-attacks, displaying a knack for instinctive forward surges.

When presented with one-on-one situations, Yang Yang demonstrated no hesitation in attempting to breach the opponent's defense. Employing Ronaldo's iconic step-over move with remarkable frequency, he bamboozled Flevoland's defenders, honing his skills with each successful execution.

His prowess in this regard far surpassed his previous performances in the Dream training system.

The resounding cheers from the sidelines served as fuel for Yang Yang's fiery determination, igniting a sense of euphoria within him.

As the match progressed, Johnny Rep, seated in the coaching staff, couldn't tear his gaze away from Yang Yang's electrifying performance.

Having been sidelined for nearly a year, Yang Yang's exuberance upon finally taking to the field was palpable.

If the standout player in the first hour of the game was Flevoland's left winger, Yang Yang's emergence in the latter half shifted the spotlight entirely to Helen Parkhurst's right flank.

This Chinese prodigy had exceeded all expectations, emerging as the standout performer and most valuable asset for Helen Parkhurst in this encounter.

Johnny Rep had observed Yang Yang's rigorous training regimen in recent months, but the extent of his progress had caught him off guard. If Yang Yang could sustain this level of performance, he would undoubtedly secure a prominent role in Almere's first team in the near future.

Moreover, Johnny Rep felt compelled to reassess Yang Yang's potential, not just in terms of his on-field abilities but also his tactical positioning.

"The intensity of his attacking play is remarkable," remarked Johnny Rep.

Dick Vanpoer concurred, noting, "However, for a defender, an excessive inclination towards attacking poses certain risks."

The primary responsibility of a defender is to thwart opposition attacks, and an overly aggressive approach can leave the defensive line vulnerable.

Despite Yang Yang's impressive attacking contributions, his defensive capabilities remained solid, demonstrating commendable physical attributes that suited the role of a full-back. However, his exceptional performances in attack, particularly his proficiency in executing step-over moves, raised questions about his overall game. While his offensive repertoire showcased remarkable potential, his deficiencies in basic ball-handling skills were evident.

This paradox puzzled Dick Vanpoer, leaving him scratching his head in contemplation.

"We'll need to closely monitor his development," Johnny Rep added,

increasingly intrigued by Yang Yang's enigmatic playing style.

In the dying minutes of the match, Yang Yang once again spearheaded a blistering attack down the right flank, delivering a pinpoint cross into the penalty area. Despite a valiant effort by Helen Parkhurst's striker, luck was not on their side as the shot ricocheted off the post, denying them a crucial equalizer.

This marked the last meaningful offensive opportunity for Helen Parkhurst in the match.

Despite the defeat, Yang Yang's scintillating performance earned him thunderous applause from the fans, underscoring his burgeoning reputation as a rising star.

As the final whistle blew, Yang Yang, drenched in sweat, made his way towards his family on the sidelines. Amidst the clamor of ecstatic Helen Parkhurst students seeking autographs, he basked in the warmth of recognition and appreciation.

"You played exceptionally well, Yang Yang ," commended his uncle, Shen Ming, with a proud smile.

Observing Yang Yang's stellar display, Shen Ming couldn't contain his excitement, joining in the chorus of praise from the sidelines.

With a modest smile, Yang Yang acknowledged their words, recognizing the truth in their sentiments.

Following the match, Yang Yang couldn't help but notice Johnny Rep engaged in conversation with a middle-aged couple.

Among them was the Dutch middle-aged man he had encountered earlier at the skate park.

While familiar with Johnny Rep, Yang Yang couldn't help but wonder about the identity of the man.

As the euphoria of victory faded, Dick Vanpoer convened the team for a post-match debrief.

Expressing his disappointment with the team's performance, particularly in midfield, Vanpoer emphasized the importance of adhering to pre-match instructions.

"In terms of both organization and attacking play, our performance fell short," he lamented.

However, amidst the critique, Vanpoer spared no praise for Yang Yang's impactful contribution off the bench.

"I'm delighted by your progress," he commended. "Your hard work has paid off, and I expect you to maintain this level of performance in future matches."

Yang Yang nodded appreciatively, recognizing the significance of Vanpoer's words and the opportunities they implied.

With injuries sidelining both the starting right-back and his substitute, Yang Yang's continued inclusion in the team seemed assured. However, Vanpoer's commendation hinted at a more significant role for Yang Yang in the matches to come.

As the team dispersed, Yang Yang's thoughts turned to the future. Reflecting on his progress and the challenges ahead, he couldn't help but feel a surge of determination.

Later that evening, Yang Yang wasted no time in resuming his training regimen. With the guidance of his mentor, Zax, he delved into a meticulous analysis of his performance, identifying areas for improvement and setting goals for the future.

Despite the disappointment of defeat, Yang Yang remained resolute in his pursuit of excellence.

With each passing day, his conviction grew stronger, fueled by the tantalizing prospect of realizing his dreams on the grand stage of professional football.

Shortest chapter since the beginning. It's because to make chapter 12 bigger and I stole a part of chapter 13.

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