
The chinese prodigy

In the summer of 2003, Brazilian star Kaka arrived in Milan in a modest way; Portuguese teenager Cristiano Ronaldo flew to Manchester in a controversial manner; the unknown Messi looked up to the newly arrived superstar Ronaldinho at La Masia. In a small, unknown team in the Netherlands, there is a little guy who is about to be eliminated, but he is looking forward to becoming the best player in the world and causing a super storm in European football. It's not my story, I just translated it.

GxDesailly · Người nổi tiếng
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30 Chs

Dream training system

Yang Yang!

The voice draws closer.

It was unclear how long he had been running before a faint light appeared in front of him, shattering this dark world. The sudden light blinded him so much that he couldn't open his eyes, so he closed them, and when he finally got used to the sudden light and opened his eyes, he finally saw clearly where he was.


It turned out to be a football pitch!

The soft green grass, the goal at either end, the white line down the middle and the empty stands.

It was all too familiar.


"Where is this?" Yang Yang seemed to be asking the air.

But it was actually answered.


"Welcome to the Dream Training System."


Hearing this robotic voice without any emotion, Yang Yang couldn't help but turn around. As a result, he didn't see anything.


"Who? Who is it?" He asked loudly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you." The cold voice rang out around him again.

"Help me?" Yang Yang asked suspiciously.

"Don't you want to be a professional player and compete with Ronaldo?"

"Yes, but..."

"I can help you." The voice said kindly.

Yang Yang couldn't believe his ears. He felt that he must be dreaming. Otherwise, how would he explain encountering such a strange thing?

"You're right, you really are dreaming, please take a look."


As soon as the sound faded, I saw a sudden blur on the side of the stadium grandstand. Immediately after, the image changed, a scene that Yang Yang was very familiar with appeared, it was his room, and the person sleeping on the bed was him?


"This... what's going on?" Yang Yang was astonished.


The image changed again, and the empty main stand was replaced, but the other party did not explain too much.


"This is the Dream Training System."


Yang Yang took several deep breaths and tried to calm down. He realized that he had encountered something extraordinary.


The other party seemed to feel that he needed time to calm down and didn't speak again.


After a few minutes of silence, Yang Yang found his courage again.

"You just said you could help me, how?"

 Playing with superstars like Ronaldo has been Yang Yang's dream since childhood, so the words of the voice were tempting.


"With the Dream Training System, as long as you work hard, you can become the best player in the world, no, the Greatest Player Of All Time."

"How can that be?"

"You don't believe it?"

Yang Yang nodded without hesitation.


Almere's head coach Johnny Rep was once a Dutch international. He and Cruyff were teammates at Ajax. They won many Eredivisie and Champions League titles together. He then moved on to Valencia CF, SC Bastia, where he was runner-up in the UEFA Cup, and Saint-Etienne, where he and Platini won the Ligue 1 title. 

It is also because of his influence on Dutch football and Ajax that John Rep was able to turn Almere, which was only seven years old, into Ajax's satellite club and in the third tier of Dutch football, the Derde Divisie. And this season they are expected to be promoted to the second tier, the Eerste Divisie.


Johnny Rep, who has a sharp eye for talent, has high hopes for Yang Yang, but his basic skills were too awful and at sixteen he missed the best age to improve them. How can Yang Yang accept this?


"Okay, you can see for yourself."


As the sound faded, the surrounding scenes of the training ground in the Dream Training System changed again, and many lifelike stars appeared: Pelé, Maradona, Van Basten, Ronaldo, Zidane... Each one was called out, and Yang Yang was familiar with all of them, looking at them with stars in his eyes.

"This is..." Yang Yang was a little unclear.

"You can choose any one you want to try." The cold voice said again.


Yang Yang groaned for a moment and reached for one of his most admired idols, Ronaldo Nazario.

His consciousness moved and the figures of all the other stars around the training ground suddenly went dark. Only Ronaldo, wearing a red-and-blue jersey, was still glowing, and he quickly entered the training ground.


A defender with a blank face in a white shirt suddenly appeared on the pitch, taking up a defensive position in his own half.


I saw Ronaldo sprinting quickly forward. His whole sprint is very consistent. Each foot moves very comfortably. When he got in front of the defender, he suddenly dropped his shoulder to the right, then to the left, doing a rapid step-over with his left foot, then quickly with his right foot, confusing the defender before kicking the ball with his left foot, leaving the defender unable to react to the change in direction. 


It all happened in the blink of an eye, but it was too much of a shock for Yang Yang.

Because Ronaldo's skills are not flashy, the technique is simple but very practical and deadly.


This is Ronaldo's iconic move, the step-over.

As a huge fan of the Brazilian superstar, how could Yang Yang not know? He once saw it on TV and now he saw it up close with his own eyes. The feeling is completely different and the shock can't be the same.

After the step-over demonstration, the show continued on the training pitch, with almost all of Ronaldo's skills being performed at high speed, and every move left Yang Yang, who was watching from close up, stunned.

The gap was so wide that he was almost tempted to worship.


Speed has always been his advantage, but once he starts dribbling, his speed is greatly reduced, but Ronaldo demonstrated all his skills on the training pitch at high speed, and his technical movements are all perfectly executed, ensuring that his dribbling speed has not diminished.


Looking at the shirt he is wearing, it is clear that he is at the peak of his Barcelona career.

"This is Ronaldo's skill". It wasn't until Yang Yang had calmed down that the cold voice sounded again.


"He turned his head to look at another player."


Yang Yang moved deliberately and pointed to the figure of another idol, Van Basten.


The Dutch superstar showed all kinds of footwork inside and outside the penalty area, versatile shooting skills, his legs were very stretched, and performing various shooting movements in different position and his body seemed to bring a kind of touching beauty and rhythm that left Yang Yang dumbfounded.

He had watched Van Basten's match videos and highlights many times before, but he had never been so shocked.

Only those talents who have actually played on the pitch can realise that they can make such a difficult move in the face of a tough defence, what an amazing technique.


Is this a superstar?


After digesting the shock of seeing his two idols, Yang Yang quickly looked at the other superstars' demonstrations.


Pele's rhythm, Maradona's dribbling, Bergkamp's first touch, Cruyff's turn, Zidane's ball control.


Not only the strikers, but also the midfielders and defenders, from attacking to passing to defending, almost all of Yang Yang's star names left their best performances at their peak on the training pitch, each of them left Yang Yang looking stunned, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.


This is a superstar!


"What do you want to say?" After a long silence, the cold voice asked again.


Yang Yang took a deep breath, "Can the dream training system really help me?"


"Of course," the robotic voice replied without a doubt.


"But my coach said that my basic skills are below average, and I have missed the best age to..." Yang Yang's voice is bitter, this is the biggest pain in his life.


Although he understands that it's not because he didn't work hard enough in the beginning, but because his basic skills were limited, he still can't accept it. He is unconvinced and reluctant.


"He is right, you have indeed missed the best age to consolidate your basic skills. According to your current development potential, it will come as no surprise if you are released this summer. If you can join a professional club after returning to China, there is a chance to play, but it will be difficult to make a difference and it would have been wise to listen to his advice and concentrate on studying harder to have a better future. "


Although he was prepared in his heart, Yang Yang still felt very uncomfortable after hearing these words.


After a pause, the cold voice sounded again.

"But if it is with the dream training system, it is quite possible."


"Really?" Yang Yang suddenly felt hopeful.


"Of course," the cold voice replied without a doubt. "Although you missed the best age, it is not entirely impossible to improve your basic skills, but it is less effective now than it was when you were twelve."


Yang Yang immediately asked worriedly, "What should I do?"


"Practice, do the boring basic training repeatedly for a long time."


"That's all?" Yang Yang was a bit surprised. Isn't it too easy?


"Yes, as long as you practice the basic skills and meet my requirements, you can learn the skills of the player of your choice."


Yang Yang's eyes lit up as it turned out that these were football skills he could learn.

As he looked at all the superstars on the pitch, he was filled with excitement because he could learn just one skill from one of these great players, which would be enough to make him a professional player, let alone if he learned all of their skills.


It won't be easy to learn all those skills, and it will be even more difficult to master them and know how to use them at the right time. The icy voice seemed to sense what he was thinking and immediately cut off all his fantasies.


Yang Yang thought it was right.


Ronaldo's step-over, Zidane's ball control and Cruyff's turn. All these techniques, few professional players can do them perfectly and at the right moment, let alone Yang Yang, whose basic skills are horrendous and who can't even play for his amateur youth club. 


After coming to the Netherlands, even in daily training, when a defender puts pressure on him, he can't even do some of the most basic technical moves.


"I see." Yang Yang nodded.


"Can you endure this?" The cold voice confirmed again.


"Yes!" Yang Yang replied without hesitation.


"You should know how boring the most basic training is and how daunting the challenges you will face next, are you mentally prepared?"


Yang Yang understands that Johnny Rep is convinced that he can no longer improve. The important thing is that he has to repeat the tedious basic training that few players his age are prepared to do. It takes determination, resilience and patience and he had no choice if he want to be a professional player one day.


He could either give up on his dreams and return to China in vain, or endure the training, no matter how hard and boring it might be.

Yang Yang took a deep breath and said, "I can do it.

Playing professionally is his biggest dream and this is his last chance. Even if it is hard and boring, he will stick to it.


"Well, the first step is to start with ball control."


"Ball control?"


This is a compulsory introductory course for all footballers. The first contact with football at the age of 5 or 6 is with the ball.


"Wait until you have done two hundred juggles in a row before you go on to the next step."


"Two hundred in a row?" Yang Yang was a bit surprised. Is it too easy?


When playing football in China, the coach's requirement is to do 100 juggles to be considered qualified. In the past year, especially after coming to the Netherlands, he has also intensified his training in this area.


But when he whispered to himself, the cold voice shattered his beautiful illusion.


"You have to juggle the ball with the instep of your foot, the inside of your foot, the outside of your foot, your right and left knee, your right and left shoulder and finally your head. You have to juggle 200 times in a row with all these parts of your body to have all the prerequisites for the next part of the training".


"What?" Yang Yang's face changed.


This is really too much.