
Meeting a chilling animal

Inside of the tent were more cages filled with monsters in them. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get Kawaii's help as of this moment. Right now he was standing guard while aLeo getting all of the monsters that we released to there natural forest area as to not start a mini monster war. Although, I'm not sure how he is able to know what monsters came from where as I'm sure most of the monsters in the cages aren't intelligent enough to know what's happening. Looking closer at each cage there seemed to be a small forcefield around each one. Poking my claws at the forcefield around the cage that was closest to me I watched as my claws were forcefully pushed back confirmingmy suspicion.

It seems each of these cages had a force field equal to that or more powerful than the one that was protecting the tent. Giving a sigh I started looking around for something to open up the cages with. Obviously the humans wouldn't have made such powerful force fields without being able to get the monsters themselves. Looking around the tent I started looking for some kind of keys or magical item that could open up the forcefield so I could get the monsters out of there cages. Moving a few random boxes that were scattered everywhere and looking through them I started to get worried.

Scattered all over the large tent were hundreds of different boxes, each one carrying some kind of weapon or armour as well as a few filled with gold. Going towards a large box beside one of the many cages in the tent I flipped it over befor going through all the stuff that fell out. Even though it all seemed to be only weapons I still didn't give up. There were knives, swords, two handed hammers, bows but so far there wasn't a single magical key or item that I could find. Then again I didn't even know what one looked like.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder I looked over to see a floating rock above my shoulder. Looking towards the cage that I was closest to I saw a creature that I know would give me nightmares for the next few weeks. Inside of the cage that I had discarded was a weird floating eyeball with multiple long tentacles. Each tentacle was black in color with multiple tiny sedated spikes flowing from top to bottom. And if this wasn't enough, on the outside of the eyeball was located hundreds of small teeth.

Each one of them were about two inches long and would wiggle back in forth occasionally. Plus the color of the teeth didn't exactly help as they were dark red giving the floating eyeball thing a terrifying vibe. The teeth on the eyeball started to scrape together and bounce off of each other as multiple clicking and screeching sounds were made. The tentacles of the monster slowly floated up befor pointing at a box leaning on the corner of the tent. The box took up almost half of the whole tent and I had to wonder how the heck I had missed such a thing.

That was of course before I got the same feeling of wanting to go in a different direction. Looking back towards the floating eyeball I gave it a nod befor silently walking towards the large box. Stopping multiple feet away from the large box I slid my hand under the lizard that was still sleeping on my shoulder befor setting it down on top of the closest box next to me. Walking the rest of the way towards the box I was stopped once again by an invisible barrier. Looking back at the floating eyeball to see if it would give me any more answers I could see it's tentacles starting to make a shape.

Making a arrow out of six of it's tentacles it pointed the arrow towards the floor before moving moving it down and up. Then used its tentacles to create an image of a large circle with the image of a crown at the center, he then had one of his other tentacles come up to it before forming a hammer and smashing the image. Trusting the weird creature I looked down trying to see if I could find whatever he was trying to show me. Seeing a coin a couple feet from me leaning against the tents side I quickly walked up to it. Looking back at the eyeball I could see it's tentacles making the same slapping gestures that it had just shown me.

Bending down I looked at the eyeball one more time before crushing the coin in my hand. A shattering sound followed as the barrier in which I felt surrounding the box visibly shattering befor disappearing into dust. Walking up to the large box in which now seemed to have strangely shrunk, I picked it up befor flipping it over as few hundred coins similar to the one that I had just crushed started coming out. Looking at all the coins I started to trying to find the one that would open up all the cages befor giving up and looking towards the floating eyeball monster. The monster made several images of coins befor using it's tentacles and smashing each one.

Deciding to trust it once again I grabbed a random coin befor crushing it inside of my hand. Seeing a cage to my right visibly shudder I turned to see as the forcefield that once surrounded it shatter. Running over to it I could see a large blue bird inside of it. The bird gave off a chilling aura as wisps of air came off if it's body making me slightly shiver.

Thankfully none of these cages had any of those electric symbols so all I had to do was break the bars off the cage before lifting the poor creature out of the cave. Feeling my hand start to get cold I ignored the feeling as I looked closer at the bird and took a shuddering breath. The birds talons we're bent out of shape and it had a large amount of feathers missing on top of that, there was a large burn skar that ran from the top of its neck all the way down to it's lower back.

Feeling anger swell up in me I momentarily stopped as I started to feel something crawling up my leg, looking down I saw the once sleeping lizard look up at me as it continued it's path up my leg. Looking down at the creature in which stopped moving as I turned to stare at it, it started to make multiple weird gestures before pointing at the bird. Lowering down the bird so it was at the level of the lizard. It reached out its paw befor a golden light shined around the bird. As the light around it started to dim, the bird which was originally hurt no longer had any injuries on it. Letting out a small gasp, I very carefully moved the bird onto the nearest box before leaning down to give the lizard a few pats of gratitude.