
The Chilling Adventures of Set

A man wakes up in the slums of The Hidden Leaf Village. He had nothing to his name except a mysterious and the power of Absolute Ice Maker. The multiverse is in for a freezing revelation. This is a pretty chill fic, nothing dramatic or anything of the sorts. No amazing plot twists, just a fun little read where we might encounter some questions about life, love and learning. It's fanfic still, so expect what you know to expect, but there will be mostly a fun time. NO harem collector, or God-level power spike that then turns into a worldwide slaughter. Just a cosy little read. A/N: I do not own anything except my own created character. Go and support the original work before you read this fanfiction. Remember to be kind to each other and to take care of yourselves. There is a tomorrow.

Vallori · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Quick Advancement

"Perfect marks again." I look as Orochimaru hits every mark center point, including the hidden marks I had hidden behind the original marks. Amazing progress made in only weeks. Not to say these three were incompetent when I took them in, but they are advancing quickly.

"Did any of you think about early graduation? You could have left the academy many years ago, I'm sure of it." My memory is foggy but I believe the canon trio graduated early, ahead of their peers.

"We were offered but declined in the end. It was during the closure of the war and we just wanted to relax. Graduating meant more work and more annoying people to deal with." Tsunade said.

"So we stayed in the academy." Jiraya finished her sentence as he collected his shurikens.

"Lazy to the core," Orochimaru said and glanced at his comrades.

I understand that reasoning. I don't know how different they are from their canon counterparts but they do feel a little different from what I remember. But that's maybe because they're still kids. Further observation is necessary.

"In a world such as this war is inevitable. There will never be true peace. That is a fact that will not change as long as sentient beings rule the world. Our feelings will always create conflict so you three need to be ready for that, despite being lazy."

"We know, professor. We just went through a war yet people are talking about another war brewing on the horizon." Orochimaru didn't seem as worried as his teammates. His attitude to death, I learned was very lax. He views it as a predator - the strong survive. Nothing more nothing less.

"Humanity goes through periods of peace and periods of war. The important thing to know is how to deal with the aftereffects of it. Living through it isn't the only problem, continuing to live after is where many survivers struggle."

"Did you participate in the war, professor?" Jiraya asked. Considering what they know and what they do not know, they assume I have a long history of fighting. Not just anyone can attain my level of power without shedding some blood.

On that topic, I still have no idea how I'm going to deal with the coming war. Still, it's a good few years off so I have time to plan.

"Not a war between any village but I have been in wars before." More specifically my predecessors have been fighting in wars between Gods for countless eons. I just possess those memories so I know what war looks like, just not how it feels.

"How does it feel to kill someone?" Jiraya asks. I can see Tsunade tense at the question, yet Orochimaru remains entirely stoic.

Great! The one question I do not want. Time to draw wisdom from my predecessors.

"It cannot be described. You'll know in time, every soldier walks the path of death."

"Will you participate in the next war? You are an active shinobi, right?"

It really is sad that that question can be asked, even kids know that another war is just a stone toss away.

"Not officially. But because of my strength, I do assume that the council will pressure the Hokage into ordering me to the battlefield. Officially I am only a professor. My strength isn't known beyond you three and the council."

"Your secret is safe with me!" Jiraya says confidently.

"I would hope so." I get really close to his face, he backs off a little. "Or I would have to kill you."

"Ooh, is this the true face of our easy-going professor? Fascinating."

I laugh up a storm when Jiraya stumbles backward and trips over a rock.

"Just kidding, your face is hilarious, Jiraya. I thought you were the brave protector of princess Tsunade."

When Jiraya finally realizes I was screwing with him I literally see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Damn you!" He weaves the hand signs for the fireball Jutsu and spits it at me. Intense heat is instantly spread throughout the field, it's a lot stronger than a few weeks ago. But I still only need a finger to evaporate it.

"Still not enough!" Jiraya sighs in frustration as he watches his Jutsu disappear.

"Professor, can we go now? The class is over and I have better things to do than watch you two go at it."

"Sure, remember tomorrow there are no classes so take the day to rest up."

"Yes, sir!"

She has been different the last few days, I wonder what's up. She usually stays until last but now she leaves as soon as the class ends. Maybe there is a boy involved… No, no way. She is barely thirteen. And surely Jiraya and Orochimaru have scarred her enough to distance herself from the boys entirely.


I walk into the bookstore with my borrowed books in hand.

"How was class?"

"Good. Their growth rate is astronomical." Which is no surprise since they're my students.

"I heard. Hiruzen came by and all he could talk about was those three. You seem to be handling it well."

"It's been fun, so it doesn't really feel like work anymore. At least not when I get to beat them up. Jiraya is as always a pain in the classroom."

Set was skimming through a book while Haruto poured them both tea. They had performed this little ritual daily and it was a well-oiled machine. Always the same tea and the same conversation topics.

"The boy has a good head on his shoulders, just give him time."

"I am aware. I can see what he can become but currently, he is solely motivated by the Senju princesses developing body."

"Then have you thought about using that? If you point him in the right direction and use girls as the motivation you could shape him into a proper shinobi."

"You're right, that is the most effective way. I just wished it wasn't, though I know that is just me being naive. He won't change." The chance is slim, but the question is; should the legendary pervert change?

"Most likely not. Now let's bring out the shogi board, I promise to give you a chance this time." Haruno giggled not unlike a child as he skipped toward the backroom.

He returned with a board in hand.

"I don't know why I allow this humiliation to continue, I haven't won once." Set said as he drew a long breath and sighed.

"If you put in more effort the results will improve."

"Yes, mother. I will do as you say." Set responded drily to Haruno's wisely spoken words.

"EY! None of that! I won't be able to look you in the eyes if you call me that!"

"Then stop giggling like an idiot, it makes my skin crawl."

"I thought it was charming, I was exhibiting my childlike innocence."

"Childlike innocence? You mean your virginity, you haven't lost that yet? What are you, seventy-something?" Set stated with a knowing smirk.

"No you insolent brat. That wasn't what I meant, I've satisfied plenty of women I will have you know."

"Sure, satisfied them with a good meal, I bet. Because there is literally no way any woman would sleep with you rigidly ass. It would be like having sex with a corpse with rigor mortis."

"Disrespectful! No tea for you!"

"And no sex for you!" Set stated with equal volume.

"Shut up you stupid idiot. Sit down! Play! Then get out!" Haruno made the first move.

Their game continued in silence. Set was concentrating on the game, while Haruno was going mad trying to think of a comeback, but no luck. Their game lasted a little over an hour, and as predicted, Set lost despite Haruno only barely paying attention.

"Well... This has been great! See you tomorrow, rigor mortis!" Before Haruno could throw a punch, Set fled the scene.



I've been SUPER busy and that's why this took so long to get out.

I will try and have a few chapters out every week. The keyword is TRY. Do not expect it every week.

Have A Wonderful Day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Valloricreators' thoughts