
Chapter 2

Zamira's POV

"Mira, please wake up! Your alarm has been going off for a while now.

Ugh... Lira's voice is so grating; it's like nails on a chalkboard. I really want to sleep, but I have no choice. I'm meeting up with my friends at the mall.

After I finally made my way into the bathroom...

"Mira! Haru! Serene and Sean are already here!" Lira shouted. "Lira, your voice is so loud," Haru commented.

Ren is ready and waiting, and here I am still trying to get myself together. You're such a slowpoke, Mira.

Once I was ready, Ren and I grabbed some coffee and headed out. We still needed to pick up Min, as she prefers not to commute alone.

When we arrived at Min's place... "Why did it take you so long? I thought our plans were going to be canceled," Min complained.

"Well, it's because of Mira. She overslept, according to Lira, so when Sean and I arrived, she was just starting to shower," Ren explained.

Hehe, I must admit, sleeping feels too good sometimes.

Several hours passed after our lengthy journey from Min's house to the Mall of Asia. We were exhausted and famished.

"Girls, let's grab something to eat before we start shopping for clothes," Ren suggested, slightly out of breath.

We all agreed on eating first, but we couldn't settle on a restaurant. I wanted Japanese, Ren preferred fast food, and Min had her own choice. Since we couldn't agree on where to eat, we decided to split up and each buy our own food. We reconvened at the food court to enjoy our meals.

After satisfying our hunger, we embarked on our shopping adventure for new clothes. As we passed the swimwear section, we each selected swimsuits. I picked out a gray one-piece, Ren went for a blue floral two-piece, and Ate Min settled on a red rash guard.

Following our swimsuit shopping, we split up once again to buy gifts. I headed to Miniso and bought a stuffed bear, the We Bare Bears one, as Sean is a big fan of Ice Bear. Then I visited the bookstore to purchase an art set and a bundled sketchpad for Min. After that, I reunited with Min and Ren at the food court. As we were about to hail a cab, I told them to go home first because I had plans to visit a different mall to buy something specific.

They agreed, and they went home. I hailed a cab.

Upon arriving at the other mall, I searched for a gamer's headset and bought two in blue and black. Then I headed to the department store to pick up hoodies. I got a special one for Ian and six more for the rest of us. Afterward, I returned to the gadget section to buy two new phones.

You might be wondering how I can afford all these things. Well, my bank account is consistently well-funded thanks to my mom, so I can purchase whatever I desire. It's not just my mom who contributes; I also have two credit cards. Perhaps one day I'll share the secret of how I manage to afford all this. Anyway...

I bought two new phones, one for Sean and one for myself, as our old ones were no longer working. I also picked up a Nintendo for Ren, and of course, I got something for Lira. She can't be left without a souvenir.

While I was on the hunt for Tokyo Tokyo, I spotted Sean in front of the seafood restaurant with Haru and Ian.

I hope they didn't see me...