
The child of a god

Cale's mother died when he was 8 and a part of him had died with her. He was so destroyed that tears could not fall from his eyes on the day of the funeral People began to think that he was a monster for not crying at his mother's funeral and for this the attendants started insulting him and hurting him. His father, on the other hand, drowns himself on alcohol and work rather than seeing his own son who reminded him of his deceased wife. In fact, the child looked a lot like her with his brown eyes and red hair like his mother's. The father also began to beat up the child and blame him for the death of the countess. All this happened without anyone knowing anything, neither inside nor outside the mansion, all continuous until cale was 12 years old. A mysterious voice spoke "my child, my poor child what they did to you" The gentle voice said. I apologize in advance for any mistakes that there may be, English is not my first language so I am using Google translate. Trash of the count's family do not belong to me

_ash_3 · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs


"can you please repeat?"

he asked in shock.

"I'm about to marry Countess Violan and from now on Basen will be part of our family"

he replied

Cale was too shocked to answer so he apologized and ran to his room in tears.

His father had forgotten about him and his mother and out of nowhere this woman appeared with a little boy and tells them that they will be their new family.

Cale could not accept it, he would never accept it even if underneath he wanted to protect his father's new happiness.

Arrived in his room with tears streaming down his face and with severe pain in his chest. The pain kept increasing and with it so did the negative thoughts.

Why am I alive?

Would my father have been happier if I never existed?

Im just trash!

The worst trash ever existed!

The pain was increasing, it seemed that someone was twisting his insides. He threw up the gastric juices and a little blood, his throat burns, he could not speak and he could not ask for help because the attendants would only laugh at his suffering.

It was at that moment that a voice spoke

"my child, my poor child what they did to you"

The gentle voice said.

He was the god of death.

It was time for him to intervene, he could not stand by while the redhead suffered immense physical and emotional pain.

After all Cale was is child.