

“No! You know I’d never let that happen. They’d have to get through me first,” she vowed. “I know you’d do the same for me, too.”

Jasmine smiled and looked down. “All right.” She took a deep breath. “I will try not to be so jumpy around the Haunt, but I can’t promise overnight results, ok?” She slanted a teasing look at her friend. “You could have warned me sooner, though.” She cupped her hands around her mouth and said, sotto voce, “Hey, Jasmine, watch out for these guys, because when the moons are full they turn into Wookies!”

“They are not Wookies!” Rihlia protested, laughing. “They’re more like…” She trailed off, uncomfortable.

“Werewolves?” Jasmine supplied, lifting a brow.

She winced. “They aren’t werewolves. They won’t eat you.”

Grinning, she said slyly, “Poor girl. First you get kidnapped, tricked into marriage, told you couldn’t go back or have any visitors, and then to top it all off, you find out that you married a Wookie.”