
The CEO Soulmate

After so many relationship and breakup. His believe in love was non existing. "Love! What was that!" Wilson shook his head looking at the various couples in the park. "These are all deception. humph! Fakers!" revealed "Love exist. And when you find your true love. You find your soul mate. Don't question love. You may find love in an unexpected place." A middle-aged woman whispered, walking pass Wilson. "humph! Childish Dream" Wilson retorted. Wilson never imagine fate had another set of surprise for him. His hidden desire was revealed when it encounters... When he meets an ordinary tailor.... his story change ****** Join my discord server https://discord.gg/ckmtX6Yac7

_Evergreen · Kỳ huyễn
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157 Chs

The Reunion

Tracy came out to get some stuff and her eyes caught the attention of a lady who came out of a car.

"This face looks familiar," she said to herself as she moved closer in that direction.

"Oh! Jones. Is she aware that I'm here? She should have been calling my number" Tracy thought.

She quickly checked her phone and discovered it was off.

"Oh! How come? I did not know that my phone was off" Tracy said to herself.

"Jones! Jones!" She called.

Jones turned back to see who could have known her in that area. Her joy knew no bounds as she discovered that it was her cousin, Tracy. She walks as fast as her legs could carry her. Tracy saw that Jones was walking faster. She decided to run to meet her.

"Do you think I can not run too? Wait and see" Jones said jokingly and ran.

"Ha! Stop. Don't disturb our babies." Tracy said jokingly.