
The CEO Is the Daddy to Triplets

Li An'An was labeled a murderer's daughter as a child, abused and tormented endlessly in the family of her adopted parents. Four years later, she made a grand return with three daughters. Top car models, gourmet bloggers, and CEO daughters were all blinded by her magnificence. Still, the worst was the CEO of an empire of commerce who could bewitch any woman was constantly tagging along wherever she went!

Xing Bi · Thành thị
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493 Chs


Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

After shutting the door behind her, Li An'an's heart continued pounding. She could no longer stay by Chu Yichen's side. It was getting more dangerous by the day. This time, he actually wanted to test her by requesting to come to her house for a drink.

"Babies, Mommy's home!" Li An'an put on a smile and kissed each of the three kids on the face.

The three little ones blushed and panted slightly, especially Li Baobao who was still hiccuping.

"Welcome, Mommy. Boom! Boom!"

Puzzled, Li An'an squatted down and looked at Li Baobao. "Is Baobao hungry?"

"Why do all of you look so flushed?"

"I was playing a game with my brothers just then. We were playing 'Catch'! Haha!"

Li Baobao covered her mouth. She had eaten too much. What should she do now?

Li Junjun said, "Mommy, we're hungry. May we have fries?"