
Chapter 47

  The closer I walk towards Leon the heavier my steps become.

  “See!!, Am not lying!!!”……..I quickly pulled him down…..I didn’t know what to do….I wish the ground would just open up and swallow me. My eyes met Leonel…..his reaction, his emotions I couldn’t read.

  “Gem…..Gem….it’s….it’s really you!” Ruth said

  “I…..I…..” I didn’t know what to say and Liam hugged my legs smiling

  “Daddy…..I found mommy….let’s take her home” he pouted. Leon didn’t take his eyes off me. The way he looks at me send fear and shiver into my veins. “Daddy I want to take mommy home please…..daddy?, Daddy?” Liam kept on calling.

  The car was silent. Liam cling unto me like glue. “Mommy you wont leave me again right?” The question stabbed my heart like a sharp dagger. I blink endlessly not to cry.

  “Am sorry!” I manage to say.

  “Mommy I don’t want you to leave….Daddy too” he said and my eyes met Leon. He was just plain.