
Chapter 32

  Leon was in his room all day. Grandma barge into his room.

  “Son……son…..!!!” she cried.

  “Granny what’s wrong why are you crying?” he asked

  “Look…..look what happened to my little Gem”. She handed him her iPad.

  ‘Breaking News….actress Gem how ended up in a serious accident was rushed to the hospital by Ryan who was the only one brave enough to get her out of the car before it explode. It was said that she was severely injured and hurt…….” Leon jumped out of his bed and ran out of the house with shoes on he entered his car and heading for the hospital.

  Ryan push Gem’s stretcher she kept on whispering something. He drew his ears close to her and it was…..”L….on…….on…..eon………l..eon…..”

  “Leon?, Gem it’s me Ryan……stay put keep talking don’t fall asleep…….”…………..

  Jolene met Rose at a bar. They both drink laugh and celebrate.

  “This is just the beginning” Rose said