
The CEO and his FLORIST

When Rose Adamos catches her fiance cheating on her days before the wedding, she ends things. A few days later, she gets married. Not to her ex, but to Nate Kiriakis, the ex-fiancé of the woman Rose found her ex cheating with. Can the two find love in a marriage of convenience?

cai_hong · Thành thị
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45 Chs

Ever After

Rose stood behind a huge set of wooden doors. They were as ancient as they were big. But in that moment they could have been as tall as a skyscraper and Rose would not have cared.

What mattered to her was not the doors, but what awaited her beyond them. Right on cue, a familiar song started up and Rose's heart lodged in her throat. The ancient doors creaked and groaned as they opened and Rose had the sudden urge to leap at them and seal them shut.