
The CEO'S Rental girlfriend: can't help falling for you

“Can I trust that your feelings won't impact this?” he asked, staring at her with a menacing intensity. “I'm here for the job. You require someone to play a role, and I simply need payment. This is strictly a business deal. Let's both wear our brightest smiles," she replied, maintaining a serene expression not flinching a bit at the intensity of his stare. *** “What if a client develops feelings for you?” he inquired. Venessa's heart skipped a beat at his words but she was still able to maintain her composure. “My job forbids it, as long as I'm bound by the contract,” she murmured, just audible enough for him to hear. *** Vanessa, an ordinary college student, lands a job at an escort rental agency after losing her previous one in an unfortunate incident. There, she encounters Jayden, a successful CEO seeking a rental girlfriend who won't fall for him, as he's still enamoured with his celebrity partner. However, despite his intentions, Jayden ends up falling in love first because he can't help but fall for her charms. As their professional arrangement becomes increasingly complicated, both must grapple with their growing feelings and the boundaries of their business relationship. Will Jayden accept his newfound emotions, and will Venessa remain strictly professional or succumb to love? *** This book has a little element of fantasy as the male lead comes from a secret clan of immortals. Seat back a enjoy how mysteries are unravelled and our Ml and Fl fall in love.

jodiekesh27 · Thành thị
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332 Chs

Hire a girlfriend

Eric was probably called back to his family home due to the rift that was happening in the clan. All the major families had started making their moves. Jayden was not concerned about the clan issues, he was not the eldest son. Jayden had always led his life in a way that avoided the clan drama since his talented eldest brother would inevitably become the next family head so why fight for something that would never be yours?

He was leisurely enjoying his drink while smoking. The stench of tobacco filled the air and Jayden looked like a handsome demon why he enjoyed and drowned himself knowing this was all vain and his problem would still be here.

He quenched the cigar on the ashtray glancing at his friend who was casually having a drink. He knew Miles was waiting for him to spill the beans.

"My mother wants me to bring Petra to the gala but Petra will not be in the country for the next three months." He groaned out what had been bothering him.

Miles who was very calm enjoying himself with a glass of expensive liquor let out a soft chuckle that resonated with his baritone voice. "So I was right, it is your celebrity girlfriend once again. Let me guess, she did not inform you ahead of time about her schedule."

Jayden could sense the obvious mocking tone in Miles's comment it was true and he could not deny it. Petra was the only one who could mess up his mood so much like this. His eyes darkened at the realization, the temperature seemed to have dropped drastically but Miles was not bothered by it. He was already used to Jayden's drastic mood swings; after all, he saw him grow into the champ he is today.

Miles was already 75 when Jayden was born. To normal humans, it would be strange that they are friends but that is how it works with immortalis. Everyone born within the same century is regarded as peers and they did not care about age difference since they never aged. It was easy for Jayden to befriend Miles since their families were friends and Jayden was very intelligent.

"Petra's behaviour is not the biggest issue, Alessia Rossi threatened that if I did not bring my girlfriend to the occasion she would assume that my girlfriend was nonexistent and send me on some blind date within our people. I know you are aware of the movements happening amongst us." Jayden poured himself another glass. It was hard for him to get drunk due to his high resistance. 

He always referred to his mum by her name whenever he was pissed at her.

"So is it that you are scared of being controlled or the blind dates? We both know your mother, if she puts her mind to something she will achieve it no matter what, even you can do nothing to stop her. So what are you going to do Alessandro." Miles referred to Jayden by his first name to make him realize the gravity of the situation because of his family.

Jayden grumbled he was aware his mother was not bluffing but he had to think of a way to save his relationship with Petra because he could not imagine spending eternity without her.

The room was dimly lit and too handsome figures were having a casual conversation but with the amount of pressure in the air you would know they were not your normal friends having a plain discussion. They both had a strong presence that commanded respect. "Petra suggested something crazy and I think it might be worth it."

"So our little celebrity has some brains to think." Miles's remark pissed Jayden but he was used to Miles looking down on Petra. Miles never liked Petra so whatever opportunity he had to talk down on her, he never wasted it.

"You know I do not like you Insulting my girlfriend." Jayden glared at Miles who was unaffected with a smirk on his face.

"She suggested I get a substitute then when she is back I can make up an excuse and Introduce her to my family."

Miles's smile broadened which girlfriend would be okay with her boyfriend going out without another girl? When would his friend realize what he felt for Petra is lust and not love? Petra was just taking advantage of him. " So in essence, she suggested that you get a fake girlfriend."

"Yes, I think that is the best thing I can do. I would need someone who will not get attached and can act. So that we can pull it off and escape my mother's sharp eyes." He down the last drop of alcohol and was disappointed he was still sober.

"So you do not need a random person but a professional." Miles had an elegant posture with his signature mischievous smile, his calm self was gone. " I think I know something that can help you. There is this new platform that has not gained much popularity but it is still good, Family Fantasy. I am sure they can help you and you will not need to think about the contract being violated since they are professionals."

"Family Fantasy, I have not heard about them before. How would they help me?" Jayden had one of her elegant brows arched up. Miles's answer was quite ambiguous.

"I am too lazy to explain; just search them directly online." Miles lazily continues drinking his liquor. Miles might be a playboy but except for when he hits on a girl, he is so lazy that he can not even finish his sentence. He has an I do not care attitude which is complemented by his high intellect.

They ordered more drinks because Jayden was determined to get drunk. Miles stopped drinking because someone had to stay sober to prevent any funny incidents.

Jayden's mind kept on wandering about all that happened in the afternoon and even a particular annoying rude blonde crept into his mind. Thinking about his unfortunate encounter with that little feisty rabbit made him chuckle involuntarily earning curious stares from Miles.

Miles was curious about Jayden's change in mood He was all depressed before and now he was laughing with a crafty smile on his face like he wanted to kill someone and that was not far from what was in Jayden's mind. He was thinking about getting back at that rude thing who did not even spare him a glance and even insulted him when she was at fault.

He did not hand over her school ID to the receptionist because he had a gut feeling he and Venessa would meet again. 

Yes, our handsome devil remembers our ice queen's name from her ID. Jayden himself did not realize that he had forgotten about the reason he wanted to get drunk and was now thinking about clumsy Venessa.




In a large penthouse that occupied an entire floor on the top of one of the buildings of the Sheraton hotel.

In the same luxurious hotel where the family fantasy Interview was held.

A handsome figure with an imposing aura was seated while he listened to the findings of the investigation which was the main reason he came to stay in this city.

He glanced through the files on his tablet while his men gave him an oral report. His bluish silver hair shoulder length hair was tied into a messing bun while his sapphire eyes were focused on his task.

After listening to all the reports he ordered everyone to leave the room. Kaiser walked out to the balcony to receive some air. He had been under a lot of stress since he started his investigation. 

He knew his men were also tired but this was the only way to handle the unrest in the clan. Kaiser was positive that whatever the truth behind the incident that happened twenty years ago was, they would be able to fish out all the clan traitors.

Whoever was the mastermind planned everything thoroughly because no evidence was left and all their leads were dead ends. No one at that time even suspected that the accident was man-made and maybe if they did it would have been easier to investigate it then than now when all the tracks had gone cold.

Kaiser had no choice but to get to the bottom of this because it was his biggest obligation to the clan and the only way his position would be affirmed. He had been working all night, he could now see the dark sky lighten up with an orange hue indicating it getting to dawn as the twilight of the sun rays was approaching the horizon.



Jayden woke up the next day with a serious hangover. He has some important business meetings to attend but with this hangover over he feels like staying at home.

Knowing that he came back home drunk last night after he had his bath and dressed for the day, his cook had already made hangover soup for him along with his breakfast. He did not need much to get over his hangover because of his excellent body constitution as an Immortalis.