There was a momentary silence between the two ladies, with Jenna drilling holes on the side-profile of Calla's face.
''Ha…'' She sighed to herself. ''I kinda expected you to say that. You're really no fun, Calla.''
''I can't believe you will be wasting your youth just like this. If I was in your shoes, I would party my guts out. Enjoy some good wine, kiss some good-looking boys.''
''J-Jenna…'' Calla couldn't help but weirdly glance at the woman with her. Only Jenna would be thinking this wild.
''Unlike yourself, I'm a woman in her early 30s.'' As though what said was not wrong and perfectly normal, she continued with her words. ''Old enough to get married, but alas, my life has been filled with ups and downs. Who knows…perhaps I would have met the love of my life, in my 20s from one of those parties.''