
You Go Away

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan took several steps back, her hands clasped tightly.

She really couldn't tell how she felt now about this man. Anyway, she didn't want to see him.

She turned away, pointed to the long aisle and said, "You go away. I'm very upset, not in the mood to talk with you. Take Yuanyuan with you, because I don't have the energy to take care of him."

He Xiyan swung her hand with annoyance. She was really tired of it. If things went on like this, she would really collapse.

Mo Yixuan, however, just stood there. He reached out his hand again and grabbed her shoulder while she was not paying attention.

Unlike her stress, he was extremely patient.

"Come on, Yanyan. You know, I mean no harm." He tried to keep smiling. She refused him like this, which upset him as well, but it was far from his expectations.

He Xiyan quickly took away his hand, eyes full of disgust.

"What are you doing?"