
What If He Got Contact With Her

Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He did not want to say anything with this gossip-loving brother. Of course, he could not introduce the girl who liked him to someone else.

During recent one year, many girls had been expressing their love for him. They would send him things secretly, some would send messages to express love and some would fake falling over or feel sick in front of him.

However, he had no interest in these girls.

As for the girl who sent him this scarf, he could not guess who she was. But he believed that she must be an ingenious girl. Since there was neither tag nor identification attached to this scarf, it should be made by the girl herself.

He seemed somewhat moved by the girl's sincerity.

At night, Mo Yixuan took out the scarf again, wore it around his neck and then came in front of the mirror.