
The Child Must Be Saved No Matter What

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan's eyes suddenly widened. The doctor's news hit like a bolt from the sky to her.

"Doctor, will I be able to keep the child?" She gripped the doctor's hands tightly and her palms were full of cold sweat since she was both anxious and afraid.

She didn't want to lose her child, no!

The doctor sighed, a little conflicted. She could not make the call right now because the situation did not look good right now.

"You should consult the doctor who tended to you earlier," the doctor said as she handed the ultrasound scan results to He Xiyan and decided not to answer her question.

He Xiyan returned to the consultation room holding the results of the ultrasound scan while Ye Hao held the blood test results he just collected moments earlier.

The data on both slips of paper were not great. The blood test results showed that her HCG levels were less than 10,000 while her progesterone was very low at 17.5.