
That Was His Deepest Memory

Dịch giả: Larbre Studio Biên tập viên: Larbre Studio

Dad spoke out even before Yuanyuan refused.

He pointed to the stone steps not far away, with a faint smile hanging around her mouth.

"The first time I saw your mother, it was at that place, on that stone step. When I was running on the playground, your mother was sitting there with a pen in her hand. I didn't know if she was writing or drawing. When I looked up at her, she also looked at me. She smiled at me as if she wanted to say something, but I didn't pay attention to her, so I went out directly from the other exit of the playground."

Yuanyuan chuckled, seemed to understand the past his dad talked about.

"Mom must like you very much at that time." He said with a smile, noticing a rare happy smile on his father's face. It seemed that his dad had returned to his youth.